Outspoken Labour MP: ‘Government rushed on citizenship’

Government should have reached consensus with Opposition on IIP scheme - Marlene Farrugia

Marlene Farrugia
Marlene Farrugia

Outspoken Labour MP Marlene Farrugia pulled no punches in dubbing the arrest of Norman Vella, the immigration official who formerly presented TVHemm on PBS, was "political" and had put a bad light on the Labour government eight months into its legislation.

"The media's outburst and its portrayal of a political vendetta and a vindictive arrest put a bad light on the government, and the police force. All involved should now shoulder their responsibility because their overzealous behavior is demeaning the credibility of the police force and the government," Farrugia told Radju Malta presenter Andrew Azzopardi yesterday.

Vella, a civil servant granted five years' unpaid leave to work with the Where's Everybody production house, was questioned by police over allegations that he had snapped mobile phone pictures of two government officials, while passing through the MIA's passport control. No charges were ever pressed.

Farrugia had previously criticized the government's decision to refuse Norman Vella an extension of his secondment to the public broadcaster. 

Farrugia also commented on Joseph Muscat's controversial citizenship scheme, which will sell passports at €650,000, arguing that the government should have consulted the Opposition prior to announcing the scheme.

"The government could have dealt with the IIP scheme much better. A consensus between the government and the Opposition and all stakeholders should have been struck."

The Labour backbencher had previously argued that she disagreed with the sale of citizenship. "The mere sale of the Maltese passport is unacceptable. However, if the beneficiaries invest their time and money in the Maltese economy over a considerable period of time, I would accept that it offers a cash injection in the Maltese economy."

Despite her stand, Farrugia voted in favour of the bill, saying that she trusted the Prime Minister in implementing a scheme that appears to be solely aimed at putting down Malta's deficit.

Asked whether she is risking her political career due to her outbursts and controversial stands, Farrugia defended her move, claiming that "it is just part of [her] role in representing voters."

"Before making my opinion my public, I communicate any issues internally with the Prime Minister. I am in no way a loose cannon, I merely voice my opinion for the good of the country."

Farrugia's unpaid assistant's role, by the side of her partner Godfrey Farrugia, the health minister, also caused controversy in the media but her tenure was short-lived as she decided to abandon her post due to the "excessive attention" that would have undermined her work in the ministry.

Farrugia said she was ready to do the job without being remunerated. "I am already being paid my parliamentary honoraria. I would not have accepted any other financial package, as it is not is line with my conscience."

Referring to fellow MPs engaged in consultancy roles for the government and being paid hefty financial remunerations, Farrugia argued that it is up to their conscience whether to accept the money. She also ruled out accepting any consultancy role or ministerial posts, because her engagements as a backbencher would be "constrained".

"Had I been offered a role within a ministry or parliamentary secretariat at the start of the legislature, I would have accepted. Notwithstanding my previous posts as an Opposition spokesperson for the energy sector and my (short-lived) assistant role within the health ministry, I do not feel that I am just a number within parliament."

so here we are having another rebel whos very disappointed about something personal(any thoughts anyone?)and who is acting very similar to her ex Mr Jeffo
proset prim ministru, Alla dak l'erf kbir u kont taf min tajjeb li din il mara ma haqqa xejn iktar mil back benchair!, issa imbghat tmur tikbi u thabbat il-bibien ghal voti, insa marlene!
Yes Marlene, politics have changed on this tiny island of ours and for the better otherwise so called back benchers would have been shunned from speaking their mind to the point of being branded rebels If the passport issue was prompted during the PN regime being in power no opposition was to hold the PN in power from bulldozing the issue through. Joseph did not commit to a Uturn as the political jargon defines this conscientious change (lifting the anonimity clause)but excersized his belief that in politics one should not shy from admitting that things can be handled better. Joseph has instilled a sense of assurance that everyone has a role and importance in our democratic system and I am convinced that critisism serves to strenghten this creed The Simon Busuttil party in opposition knows what bulldozing through the PL opposition stood for prior the 13/3 debuckle All thanks to the new Malta Taghna ilkoll political philosophy we can sigh with relief that everyone has a say in our way of doing things.
lil Norman se issemi din il PAPRA ? ghax ma jiringrazzjax l-alla li ghadhom ma investigawx kif min flus il poplu ghamel snin fuq stazzjon ta l-istat jilghaq u jrewwah lil gonzipn u jmezxxi programmi li jqallawlek l-istonku .Ma jmissekx tisthi ja vojta ?
Found on other media http://www.inewsmalta.com/dart/20131123-idt-li-andi-fidu-ja-fil-pm-fidu-ja-ssarfet-farrugia "Habiba tieghi qaltli li biex kienet qalet darsa ghand dentista kienet zammitilha €2,000. Mhux ahjar Dottoressa tghid ftit lid-dentisti jkunu daqsxejn moderati fil-hlasijiet taghhom ghax nahseb li €2,000 ghall-qlugh ta' darsa huma xi ftit izzejjed. Mhux hekk Dottoressa, x'tahseb?"
She doesn't agree with the IIP and yet she voted in favour because she trusts Joseph! Then why the hell did she speak up in the first place if she wasn't able to stand up for what she believes?
Id dentista insiet kemm ghaglet u dahlet tigri fuq id desk tal Ministru Farrugia. Wara kellha ddabar rasha. Bhal ma qalu ta qabli id-dentista ivvutat ma din il ligi ghax ivvutat jekk kienet mghagla. Donna id dentista ghanda ftit essenza ta l-Ex ragel, imma dan ma kellux il kuragg ta Franco. Id differenza Dentista hija li Labour ghandu 9 siggijiet maggoranza mhux wiehed. Il paroli zejjed minghajr sugu qed jghamel hsara lilek,lill ministru u lill gvern tal Labour. Jekk ma thossokx komda kull ma ghandek tghamel hija li tibghat ir rizenja u tispicca mill politika 4 snin qabel.Ara ma tergax tigie thabbat il bieb. Ikun ferm ahjAR LI TIKKONCENTA FUQ IL HOFOR TAL HALQ JEW XI RAZETT LI TIXTRI ELF eWRO U TBIEGHU mILJUN.
Your already voted in favour of IIP. So according to you useless democratic speech MEANS nothing of this serious argument. JEW MA ALLA JEW MAX-XITAN @historian, you said nothing will stop the government from behaving as a dictator as those days of the 70's This will lead us to another 25 years in opposition after this legislature. Isbah mill-verita ma hawn xxejn
Your already voted in favour of IIP. So according to you useless democratic speech MEANS nothing of this serious argument. JEW MA ALLA JEW MAX-XITAN
This Marlene speaks her mind and is truthful, although I do hope that as she said she has spoken with the PM before speaking up. She also seems to have a much better conscience than several other MPs or people part of the back staff of the Govt. earning 3 or 4 different paychecks.
Ms Farrugia keep this up and you will be dubbed as a persona non grata in the PL organization. I do admire your stamina for being so outspoken and not afraid to tell it like it is, very few politicians do. You keep this up and you will find yourself with the likes of Franco Debono who is not afraid to tell it like it is, but he also ticks off a lot of people doing that. Everybody knows that Joey is prostituting Malta and the Maltese people by selling our Passport to any rogue that can come up with 650,000 thousand euros. I am sure that if he tried a bit harder he could have found a better and a more sensible way to get more money if he tried. If this was not such a bad idea why did he rush it through parliament without consulting the opposition as a matter of fact he consulted with nobody else and as soon as he pulled the string you bunch of puppets jumped as high as you could, even though some of you did not like this proposition as much as anybody else. Now Ms Farrugia, you have to live with your conscience and tell your children and grandchildren why you opted to vote YES on this ridiculous proposition. You make the bed you lie in Ms Farrugia.
tista Ms.Marlene farrugia tellabora ftit fuq il paroli fil vojt li qed tpatpat ? allura il puluzija ma ghandiex dritt ikollha suspett fuq hadt? bis bis lil Sur vella missu gie investigat fuq il hmieg ta programme imhalsin mil poplu li kellhu . u x consensus hu ma l-opozizzjoni li hlief hsara ma tridx tghamel hi ? daqs kemm gahmlu consensus huma meta ezempju behhew nofs l-asi tal poplu fil mid med bank b 80 miljun ...l-anqaqas haqq il propjeta.
@ Firillu kbir, isthi Sinjur tghid " Ghal li jmiss il-post ta' housewife ikun idejali ghalik. That is a slur and an insulting statement to tell any woman Firillu Kbir Int nahseb li tiehu gost tghamel ghan nisa u ghadek tahseb bhal Arab li in-nisa posthom fil-kcina. isthi,treating women like second class citizens, I think you owe this lady a public apology.
She does have a point, which should be noted and digested. However, I would put it down to inexperience of the new administration, and the real hurry to rid Malta of the financial debacle GonziPN bequeathed us. In Malta's case, speed is of the essence, but rush is not recommended.
Do not worry Marlene,with or without your useless comments,nothing will stop the PL from continuing to go ahead with its program.
Do not worry Marlene,with or without your useless comments,nothing will stop the PL from continuing to go ahead with its program.
OK Marlene what's your price.............. minister of what? ............ Minister of Loud mouths? No Problem.
Marlene Farrugia ASSHOLE not Mizzi. MT needs proof readers.
Dawn xi Manuvri tal PN ? Il-PN ihobbu jixtru minn flus il-poplu. Kif ma jahmlux li jkun fl-oppozzizjoni? Lil Partit ta Malta ta Ikoll - Oqodu attenti ghaliex l-opposizzjoni Nazzjonalista ghall-kollox tasal. Dan il-Gvern telgha demokratikament u ghandu dritt jiggverna ghall 5 snin "Hekk kien jghid Wenzu meta kien fil-Gvern b'xi 1000" ahseb u ara b'36,000 vot kemm ghandu dritt aktar.
Ghal din il-legislatura il-post ta' backbencher u perfett ghalik. Ghal li jmiss il-post ta' housewife ikun idejali ghalik.