Former PN candidate to pocket €100,000 after contract extension

Georg Sapiano’s legal firm, which benefitted from various direct orders under the previous administration, set to receive a total of €100,000 from state-owned company Kordin Grain Terminal.

Former PN candidate Georg Sapiano
Former PN candidate Georg Sapiano

Former Nationalist candidate Georg Sapiano is set to pocket a total of €100,000 by 2015 after having his contract with state-owned company Kordin Grain Terminal extended.

Sunday newspaper Illum reports how Sapiano will receive around €15,000 and €18,000 annually in legal services in the next two years.

Sapiano’s contract with Kordin Grain Terminal was struck in September 2008 and extended in January 2012.

It is thought that clauses in the contract heavily penalize the new government should it decide to rescind the contract.

The former Nationalist candidate already received close to €1 million in contracts littered with controversy as the majority of these contracts – most notably the €330,000 contract Sapiano had received from Transport Malta over the design of Arriva’s routes - were awarded by direct orders rather than tenders.

In the past, Illum had revealed that officials within the Transport Ministry did not find any evidence that the former PN candidate won a single tender, despite the fact he had received over €500,000 in contracts from this ministry alone.

Read more in today's edition of ILLUM.

Din 'iced bun' bil-jelly u cherry akbar mill-iced bun tar-ragel tas-sahhara? Ma nafx daqs kemm saret tifhem fl-iced buns ta haddiehor: ara f'taghhom u tar-ragel taghha ma tifhimx? U xi tghid fuq l-iced bun ta 140,000 ewro frodi fuq dan se tikteb xi haga is-sahhara jew? Ghall 3 snin shah il-vergni ta GonziPN ma hadux azzjoni?
Min kien imexxi dan it-Terminal ?? Ghalxiex isservi it-TAX COMPLIANCE UNIT ?? Din ghandha tintuza sabiex nsiru nghafu kief certu nies accumulaw tant gid personali mix-xejn.
Fejnhom Busuttil, Casa, Metsola, DeMarco, Azzopardi u Fenech Adami? Fuq dawn il-hnizrijiet ma jghidu xejn? Jew fejn iridu biss ipacpcu fil-vojt?
Surely if these contracts were awarded by direct appointment and not through going through the legal way of putting in tenders and winning then cant they be classed as illegal? seems there is much more to this than meets the eye.
U ghandha l-wicc titkellem Anne Fenech fuq il-meritokrazija!! Mela dan il-kaz x'inhu?
Malta taghna lkoll. Ticcajta ta' min kienet Malta. U Simon qed jitkaza. Morru stahbew u tidhrux quddiem in-nies.
According to your report,Sapiano's firm will be receiving around €15,000 and €18,000 annually in legal services in the next two years. How then would €15,000 or €18,000 annually in the next two years add up to €100,000. Wonder of wonders!
Imbaghad tat-Times igibulna headlines fuq xi board member laburist li qed jithallas xi 100 euros fix-xahar?
Mhux hekk laffarijiet scratch my back and I scratch yours
kif ma jisthux dawn in-nies,PARASITES!
U jkomplu igawdu anki fl oppozizzjoni. U jekk xi hadd laburist jiehu xi kariga jaghmlu plejtu!!!
another Pn legacy .This contract if terminated would cost the present gov hundreds of thousands thanks to clause in contract gifted by the previous regime.PN WHAT A MAFIA !
"€330,000 contract Sapiano had received from Transport Malta over the design of Arriva’s routes" What was TM thinking? So we are to understand that Sapiano's firm got paid €330,000 for the route structure which almost paralyzed the Public Transport in Malta? What a bunch of incompetent people we have working at TM? I suppose that Sapiano does not offer a refund for the mess he created with the routes. Of course not. And that is how the government squanders the TAX Payers Money my friends.
SLEAZE, SLEAZE and EVEN MORE SLEAZE. PM JOSEPH MUSCAT you have to do something about all of this. Give Owen Bonnici and Edward Scicluna all the muscle they need no matter the cost. Do not worry about the cost, just go after all that was stolen in past years and fund these extra expenses from there. I am sure you will finish in a huge surplus.
Xejn ma hadu dawn in-nies? Nispera li Joseph Muscat hekk jaghmel issa. Ghal 25 sena li gejjin kollox ghall Laburisti, inkella il-Laburisti dejjem min taht sejrin jibqaw. X'gharukaza ta Gvern Nazzjonalsita, x'gharukasa ta parti.