In the Press: Millions march for unity in France

Stories from today's national press

Millions gathered in Paris to participate in a march commemorating the victims of last week's terror attacks
Millions gathered in Paris to participate in a march commemorating the victims of last week's terror attacks

The Times of Malta

Millions of French citizens marched through Paris yesterday to pay tribute to the victims of the terrorist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices. The Paris unity march was headed by world political and spiritual leaders, while other cities in France held their own marches, drawing an estimated 700,000 participants. 


The ex-partner of Silvio Scerri, former Chief of Staff in the ministry of home affairs, has told this newspaper that Scerri has made another attempt at taking their two children away from her. Stephanie Chircop said that this is just the latest ordeal in a series which began when the two split up in 2011. 


FKNK head Lino Farrugia has said that a boycott of the spring hunting referendum is an obvious option in the hunting lobby's strategy. According to AD's deputy chairman Carmel Cacopardo, a boycott may actually work against the hunting lobby.

The Malta Independent

PM Joseph Muscat's announcement that he would be voting in favour of retaining spring hunting is unethical, according to Flimkien Ghal Ambjent Ahjar coordinator Astrid Vella. The issue, she says, should not be politicized.