Opposition leader Simon Busuttil on tonight's Reporter

Simon Busuttil faces questions on his party's stand on the sale of citizenship, gay adoptions, Enemalta, Labour's meritocracy pledge, migration, and amendments to the PN's statute.

MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan
MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan

PN and Opposition Leader Simon Busuttil will be tonight's guest on current affairs programme Reporter on TVM.

MediaToday managing editor Saviour Balzan will examine the work of the Nationalist Party from the Opposition benches.

Reporter, a ‘hard talk' style programme, will also evaluate the PN's decisions and stands on various issues, amongst them recent changes Busuttil brought to the Nationalist Party since his election as leader.

The Nationalist Party's stand on the Individual Investor Programme, adoption by gay couples, the amendments to the PN statute, Enemalta, Labour's meritocracy claims and immigration will be discussed with Simon Busuttil.

The PN leader will also be quizzed on how the PN intends to regain the trust of the electorate after its loss in the general election in March.

Reporter is aired live every Monday at 6.55pm on TVM. The programme is repeated on TVM2 on Monday at 10.15pm.

imam dan veru hawn min jiehdu bis serjeta mhux ta bxejn 17 fil mijja trust rate aktar minnhu JM . Ghadu kemm qed nisimhu fuq reporter bil kemm nemmen il wick tost li ghandhu gej jghaid lil George farrugia ta karozza lil PL fil 2002 !!! l-ewwel net xmun int taf li il karozza tawha huthu lil pL ghax kienu jafhu lil one TV 9 ewro f reklamar u it tieni net ...MIN KIEN FIL GVERN FDAN L-ISKANDLU KOLLHU ???
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