Muscat supporters to hold ‘solidarity’ march on day he is criminally charged
Court orders Pilatus Bank inquiry be exhibited in Muscat's libel case against Daphne Caruana Galizia
Waiting for Robespierre
Saviour Balzan
Muscat reportedly linked to Steward bribe fund, denies claims
Bernard Grech claims Muscat and Abela have the Vitals inquiry, calls for its publication
Repubblika mistaken in claiming 'injured party' status in criminal case, Muscat lawyers say
Joseph Muscat requests publication of Vitals inquiry evidence against him
Like Humpty Dumpty: Joseph sat on a wall and had a great fall | Frank Camilleri
Muscat: ‘Indian witness claims I pocketed €16 million a year, but no proof exists’
Joseph Muscat's diplomatic passport and other benefits will remain untouched
Joseph Muscat back on party media for radio interview
‘Political terrorism’? ‘War on the judiciary?’ Get a grip, people…
MFA insists it is distinct entity from Malta Premier League after Muscat charges
Cartoon: 12 May 2024
Muscat lawyer hails Vitals inquiry disclosure ruling
Vitals court case against Muscat set to start on May 28
Muscat’s media war: ‘I’ll be acquitted. Then I’ll battle those who forced Malta through this martyrdom’
Judge grants Joseph Muscat partial access to Vitals inquiry
The Vitals headaches: Charged by summons and a court hall not big enough
Clifton Grima refuses to comment on Muscat's tenableness as Premier League chair
An inquiry, criminal charges and what’s next for Muscat & Co.
The Prime Minister’s dangerous game
Abela avoids Muscat charges, Grech urges people to vote PN at party events
Who is accused in the first charges filed by the AG on the Vitals privatisation deal?
Muscat reacts to Vitals charges: ‘I will enjoy disproving fantastical allegations’
Muscat to be charged with money laundering, bribery and corruption
Bernard Grech blasts Abela for fanning the flames and attacking journalists
‘Now is the moment of truth’: Labour propagandist rallies supporters for Muscat
Joseph Muscat: I’m ready to fight anyone seeking revenge
'Rumours are rumours' - Miriam Dalli says Chris Fearne is still Malta's EU Commissioner nominee
Student organisations condemn attacks on judiciary
Apocalypse now!
Saviour Balzan
Bernard Grech slams 'the real establishment', calls for publication of hospitals inquiry
Joseph Muscat asks Police Commissioner to call him in for questioning
[WATCH] Abela 'will not take inquiry’s verdict’ on whether to accept Fearne resignation
Muscat: From Abela’s millstone to trump card?
[WATCH] Abela claims ‘the establishment’ is using the Vitals inquiry to disrupt elections
Hospitals inquiry: The political protagonists in the crosshairs
Individuals, companies identified as money laundering suspects in Vitals inquiry
[WATCH] Joseph Muscat accuses detractors of political vendetta against him and Labour