AD youths stage silent protest ahead of Konrad Mizzi’s MEPs grilling
Konrad Mizzi confirms appearance before EP committee investigating Panama Papers
From the Curia to a brothel and back to Shanghai
Blaming the interconnector is not good enough
Half of BWSC plant to be gas-fired by end of February
Minister defends €60 million ITS land valuation as ‘fair pre-construction rate’
Konrad Mizzi’s wife is back on State payroll as trade envoy with Malta Enterprise
Konrad Mizzi reaches out to youth with Tattingers party
‘No reasonable suspicion’ to investigate OPM minister, chief of staff over Panamagate
Police investigating 'all cases' of alleged corruption, no confirmation on Panama probe
[ANALYSIS] Understanding Malta’s corruption nosedive
Updated | 'Audits will provide all answers on my Panama company', Mizzi tells MEPs
Fenech Adami and Tonio Fenech on list of Panama Papers committee invitees
[ANALYSIS] EU Presidency: Joseph’s washing machine, Simon’s punching bag
Cartoon: 15 January 2017
State aid approval paves way for ElectroGas 18-year security of supply deal
[WATCH] First gas consignment arrives in Malta
[WATCH] Konrad Mizzi promises Panama tax audits to be published ‘very soon’
Defiant Mizzi insists ‘largest corruption scandal’ took place under PN
Updated | PN lambasts Muscat’s ‘blatant hypocrisy’ as fuel prices rise
Fuel prices rise by 4c due to hike in international oil price
Will anything change for them?
Saviour Balzan
[WATCH] Konrad Mizzi hails energy projects in Christmas video by the fireplace
European Green party implicates Malta in BASF tax avoidance case
Malta aims to conclude EU’s gas security of supply legislation during Presidency
Rate the Minister | Chris Fearne leads among women, Evarist Bartolo among men
Ann Fenech hits out at Labour in libel case: denies involvement in Panama allegations
Joseph Muscat praises Konrad Mizzi for ‘positive delivery’ in energy sector
Updated | ‘We are at the most exciting part of our roadmap’ – Konrad Mizzi
Panama Papers: More than just offshore
Budget 2017 gets it wrong on traffic
Politics is a full-time job
Gas tanker safety reports to be published 'in coming days', Mizzi pledges • Marsa to be regenerated
[WATCH] Mizzi refuses to answer question on business mooted in Panama Papers correspondence
Opposition MPs walk out of Chamber in protest after Mizzi takes the mic
[WATCH] Audit into Konrad Mizzi’s New Zealand trust ‘work in progress, studies completed’
‘Ask the Prime Minister’, Mizzi says when asked about Panama Papers audit
[WATCH] Muscat sets conditions on Mizzi appearing in front of Panama Papers MEPs’ committee
Simon Busuttil: Konrad Mizzi must respect MEPs’ Panama Papers ‘summons’
Panama was an albatross around Leo Brincat’s neck