Air Malta headquarters sold for €66.2 million to government

Government seeking approval for €78 million injection, aiming for €200 million total subsidy over five years.

Skyparks is touted as a possible new location for Air Malta.
Skyparks is touted as a possible new location for Air Malta.

Air Malta has sold its headquarters in Luqa for €66.2 million to the government, the airline has announced.

The cash sale's promise-of-sale agreeement was signed in December 2011, with a €20 million deposit to be paid this month and the rest of the balance due within the next three years. The sale, signed last December with the government, covers all Air Malta property except the Selmun Hotel and land it owns in Pembroke.

Air Malta today announced its financials for the year ended 31 March, 2011 and interim figures up to September, registering €33.9 million in operating losses. Government will also taking up a large chunk of equity in the national airline in return for the cash it will be injecting to keep the natoinal carrier afloat.

Air Malta's refinancing plan over the next five years comprises €30 million in bridging finance from commercial banks, the €66m sale of its head office, as well as new equity of €78 million from the government while its initial €52 million loan will be converted into equity on approval of the restructuring plan by the European Commission. This brings government's funding to the airline close to €140 million. At least €200 million will be injected into the airline over the next five years.

The airline is being touted to move to the Skyparks business centre as its possible next site for its headquarters.

The European Commission also asked for an independent evaluation of the Air Malta head office's value, leading to a substantial devaluation of €18 million from its book vale.

The airline said it expected to return to profitability by 2015 once it increases profit by €30 million and decrease costs by the same amount.

During the year ended March 2011, the Air Malta group reported an operating loss of €33.9 million before one-off times, a 57% increase over the €21 million losses in 2010. When adjusted for non-operational items such as profit on sale of capital assets, and property re-evaluation including tax charges and restructuring costs, the Air Malta group's total losses total €76.7 million.

"We have a long way ahead of us to recovery," airline CEO Peter Davies said. "Revenue is moving up... they are green shoots, but we are steadily moving forwards," Davies said of a €5 million increase in revenue in the April-September 2011 period, and a €4 million reduction in cost of sales. Fuel costs however increased by €10 million as a result of escalating fuel prices.

Severance schemes amounted to €28.2 million alone.

"It is critical to shed more from the workforce. We need to create a sense of camaraderie. The process of looking for a new property, which has been identified, requires a cultural transformation," Davies said.

Davies, whose salary with the national airline amounts to €448,000 inclusive of performance bonus, said the company was trying to save 800 jobs, and that there were 400 applications already for the voluntary retirement schemes.

The airline will also dry-lease one more aircraft, bringing its active fleet down to 10, while more of its pilots are to be outsourced to other airlines. Nine pilots are to leave for Qatar Airlines.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said that this injection has to be approved by the European Commission, he felt very confident that the government's position was being understood by the EC. "This injection is affordable, but with sacrifices. We have seen a change in these results... despite the increasing cost of fuel, we are improving on these results. Efficiency is improving."

Davies said Air Malta can look forward to a positive Easter booking period, while new flights from Libya are creating good profits. A new route to Benghazi, the city that gave birth to last year's Libyan revolution, is expected to be launched.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech said there was an "urgent need" for a culture change inside the airline, citing work practices and modern operations as necessary within a highly competitive industry. "We have had to convince banks and the European Commission that Air Malta was a viable operation."

Fenech lauded the airline's new management team, saying the government had ensured the right support to the airline's board of directors. "It is the right, professional team we have in place here. We needed people with experience to make this turnaround, with a mixture of foreign and local expertise."

There are around 140 sub-projects that are part of Air Malta's restructuring plan, Fenech said. "Air Malta is not a major airline but a national carrier with obligations to its coutry - it's a European carrier that needs to be present within this challenging environment.

When Louis Farrugia was asked to reveal the executive officers' salary packages, 'for the sake of transparency' he said that he would "not do anything of the sort, unless it goes through government."

1. If you're buying something for € 66 million you must have a clear idea of your next step with that investment? 2. How much is it going to cost Airmalta to rent office space at Skyparks? 3. Who are the local investors, if any, in Skyparks? 4. Do we now consider that a loss of € 33 million is a good result thanks to a very professional, foreign dominated, team? 5. What is going to happen to the old Airmalta offices? Another Smart City?
Eddy, jekk tfalli kollox jimxi skond il-ligi. L-argument kien li l-gvern qed ibiegh lill-gvern li ma huwiex hekk u inti li bhali bjaditlek xaghrek taf. L-Air Malta giet fhiex giet ghax il-0politici ghabbewha b'nies żejda. Lili spjegali ftit per eżempju kif fuq naha ohra biex jissewwa d-dawl tad-dar fit-triq jigu erba haddiema, driver, labourer, electrician meta jekk jigi wiehed ikun bizzejjed kif sar fil-GO. U jien u int Eddy inhallsu!!!
Now the government will buy the head quarters for 66.2 million and tomorrow he will sell it to a foreign company, perhaps from Qatar or Saudi for 40 million and call it foreign investment. What a deal!!
Issa il-gvern xtara il-head quarters ghal 66.2 miljun, u l-ghada ibiehha ghal 40 miljun lil barranin!! Bargain hux?!
Fuq INKONTRI il-Union tal-Pilots qalet li l-istess 4 minn nies qed jimpalaw il-miljuni ta liri minn fuq dahar l-AirMalta. Dawn l-istess klikka li qed isemmi Franco Debono? Minn huma dawn? Hawn xi hadd jaf?
Very funny things happens on this Island of Malta. The same building that the Gov. is going to buy, is the same building given to Airmalta days before Malta joined EU way back 1st May 2008.
If you dont know the Government sold even the RUNWAY
John Mifsud
The real beneficiaries are the foreign owners of MIA. First, they obtained a prime piece of real estate for nothing as part of the airport (built with taxpayers' money on expropiated land), Then, after failing to find genuine tenants for their building speculation project, the government very kindly 'buys' Air Malta's Head Office (to use as what, exactly?) so Air Malta starts paying the pricey rent charged by MIA for office space at Skyparks.
This is just a simple transaction of taking money out of the right pocket and putting it into the left! It has been done for obtaining liquidity for the ailing AirMalta!
The head quarters were and still are the property of the Maltese, and NOT of Air Malta. Though it used to be administered by Air Malta, it still remains the property of the Maltese. The foreign management of Air Malta are using public property to level off the huge sums of money lost by the Air Malta management through bad management and siphoning off Air Malta funds. If these funds were used by the central government, we would be better of by 66 million in taxes. This is equivalent to having the PN promise of reducing income tax to 25%!
Pawlu: Jekk l-Air Malta " skond il-ligi" hija entita indipendenti, tista issa tghidli jekk tfalli l-Air Malta jekk il-Gvern Malti jkunx irid jaghmel tajjeb ghad-dejn li ghandha ? Jekk iva, allura hija biss indipendenti FUQ IL-KARTA, anki jekk skond il-ligi ! eddy Privitera
Mhux ta BXEJN DR GONZI PN ma JRIDTX li ISSIR elezzjoni ISSA Dawn AFFARIJIET ta L-IMGIENEN meta GONZI PN huwa FALLUT dan min fejn sabhom dawn is 66.2 MILJUNIProst ghalik Dr Tonio Fenech kemm SABUK CUC l-AIR MALTA Nisperaw li l-elezzjoni li gejja il poplu KARKARIZ IHALLIK L-art ghax il veru CUC bhalek zgur li ma hawnx go dal pajjiz
Mhux ta BXEJN DR GONZI PN ma JRIDTX li ISSIR elezzjoni ISSA Dawn AFFARIJIET ta L-IMGIENEN meta GONZI PN huwa FALLUT dan min fejn sabhom dawn is 66.2 MILJUNIProst ghalik Dr Tonio Fenech kemm SABUK CUC l-AIR MALTA Nisperaw li l-elezzjoni li gejja il poplu KARKARIZ IHALLIK L-art ghax il veru CUC bhalek zgur li ma hawnx go dal pajjiz
Darba kien hemm wiehed li qal "Certi flus tal-Gvern imorru min but ghall-iehor (tal-gvern stess) u on the way jaqa' xi haga minnhom". Nispera li ma garax hekk f'dal kaz.
Flimkien kollox possibbi.
Iva! Mela matafx li "flimkien kollox possibbli", BI FLUSNA.
€40 million a year SUBSIDY? I was under the impression that under EU rules. subsidies such as this were not allowed. kindly elucidate.
Is this a trade off for what AirMalta owes, or has the government magically found a spare €66 million to add to the deficit?
Kemm ma tafu xejn jahasra. L-Air Malta bieghet l-HQ lil gvern u dahhlet 66 miljun. Kemm huma bravi d-dirigenti ta' l-Air Malta hux!!! Issa jghaddi ftit zmien iehor u l-istess gvern jerga jbiegh l-art lil-Air Malta b'xi 70 miljun. Kemm mar tajjeb il-gvern u dahhal skoss miljuni!!! Qed taraw, hekk kulhadd ikun mar tajjeb. Mhux ta' b'xejn li Dr Franco din it-tmexxija ta' gvern ma ghadux jiflaha izjed.
Is this a trade off for what AirMalta owes, or has the government magically found a spare €66 million to add to the deficit?
Joseph Pace
@Eddy Facli... tbigh il-Headquarters (li rridu nisimghu fuqu aktar 'il quddiem, tara xejn), biex tmur Skyparks halli timlihulhom hux! Jekk ma kinitx mahsuba minn qabel biex jigri hekk. Kemm naghmlu mhatra li l-istess art jew bini issa jmur ghand l-MIA?
Just great... and Tonio Fenech really needs to pay a bloke half a million euros, so that the latter can tell him to shift an asset from one pocket to another?! cuc malti indeed!
Nahseb li kont CEO jien cuc Malti, anqas nghamilha cucata bhal din !
U Mela le sur Privitera! Mela kull ma jsir huwa hazin. Ma tafx li l-Air Malta ghall-fini tal-ligi hija entita indipendenti mill-Gvern b'differenza tal-korporazzjoni. L-Air Malta hija kkontrollata mir-Registru tal-Kumpannija u stmata mil-ligi daqs kumpannija ta dan u ta dik. M'intix mill-hmir inti nahseb u tifhimha!!!
Iva nista Eddy. Gejja l-elezzjoni u qed insibu flus ghal kollox...
Mhux talli l-fidda qed inbieghu talli anke l-qalziet ta'taht ghax dorna ghal ta gewwa nett issa u l-head office qed jilghab il musical chairs, minghand l-Air Malta ghal-Gvern li l-art kienet diga tieghu!. Misshom jisthu fiex gabuwha l-Air Malta GonzisuccessPN.L-aqwa li ghandha CEO mustaccun li qed isolvielna l-problemi.
Il-Labour li welled Air Malta kien izidilha l-assi, u GonziPN gaba gharwiena.....biex tilqa ahjar l-isfidi tal-gejjieni!!!
Ma nafx hux qed niggennen jew le ! Mela l-Air Malta LI HI TAL-GVERN MALTI, bieghet il-Headquaters taghha ( JIGIFIERI TAL-GVERN ) lill-Gvern Malti ! Xi hadd li ghandu rasu flokha jista jispjegali ?Eddy Privitera