There is no delete button on the Internet!
It is not easy to know what the future holds, and lacking a working crystal ball, and some magic to use it properly, we have to rely on a lot of common sense
Fake news ‘killing people’s minds’, Apple boss warns
'We are going through this period of time where unfortunately some of the people that are winning are those that spend their time trying to get the most clicks, not tell the...
User information stolen in breach of 1 billion Yahoo accounts

The largest cyber breach in history was discovered by Yahoo who said...

The largest cyber breach in history was discovered...

Bridging the digital divide

MaltaToday visits FITA – the Foundation for Information Technology Accessibility – to learn how this small group of dedicated people is making huge...

MaltaToday visits FITA – the Foundation for...

GO launches free telephone directory mobile app

GO telephone directory mobile app puts hundreds of thousands of mobile and...

GO telephone directory mobile app puts hundreds of...

Malta wants to keep you updated with new mobile app on EU Presidency

A mobile app has been launched to provide the latest information and...

A mobile app has been launched to provide the latest...

[WATCH] Got some coding in you? ‘Hour of Code’ gets students closer to computer sciences

School children programme cars and robots in coding activities hosted by Pembroke school

School children programme cars and robots in coding...

Shireburn Software chosen for PAMA Shopping Village

By using CA+, PAMA management will be able to automatically collect detailed...

By using CA+, PAMA management will be able to automatically...

32 IT students work all night in 45 hour, non-stop Game Jam competition

The “Game Jam,” organised by MITA, the Department of Intelligent Computer Systems, Faculty of ICT at UOM, St Martin's Institute of Higher...

The “Game Jam,” organised by MITA, the...

Children’s online helpline with 1,692 interventions in just under three months

More accessible online helpline results in increased outreach

More accessible online helpline results in...

Trolleys introduced for disposal of waste electric and electronic equipment

New Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) project sees the introduction of 60 trolleys around Malta for the disposal of small items

New Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) project...

Ransomware viruses on the rise, ICT companies say

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has warned that ICT companies have reported an...

The Malta Chamber of SMEs has warned that ICT...

Shireburn wins Kenya Airports tender for revenue software

Five-year contract won by CA Plus Ltd, a member of the Shireburn Group,...

Five-year contract won by CA Plus Ltd, a member of the...

Google, Facebook move to restrict ads on fake news sites

Google and Facebook both announced measures aimed at halting the spread of...

Google and Facebook both announced measures aimed at...

Universal mobile phone charger? MEP urges manufacturers to meet 2017 deadline

The European Commission urged leading manufacturers to develop a common charger for mobile phones: Labour MEP Marlene Mizzi reminds Brussels that the deadline...

The European Commission urged leading manufacturers to...

No internet for northern residents after contractor damages Melita cable, again

Water Services Corporation subcontractor damages Melita fibre cable for second time in three weeks • communication restored at 5pm

Water Services Corporation subcontractor damages Melita...

Malta scientists join effort to build machine that will recreate Sun’s energy

Fusion reactors would produce reliable electricity with virtually zero pollution

Fusion reactors would produce reliable electricity with...

Updated | Malta should aim to have one of world's fastest Internet speeds, PN MP says

Opposition MP Claudio Grech urges government to invest in Malta's technological infrastructure, so that ISPs will be able to offer download speeds as...

Opposition MP Claudio Grech urges government to invest in...

Tesla unveils new solar and battery products after SolarCity takeover

Tesla CEO Elon Musk's acquisition of solar energy company is part of...

Tesla CEO Elon Musk's acquisition of solar energy...

[WATCH] Esplora science centre launched: 250 exhibits for full visitor immersion

The new interactive science centre in Bighi, Esplora, is officially inaugurated by prime minister Joseph Muscat as school children run around excited at the...

The new interactive science centre in Bighi, Esplora, is...