Abandon cheap provincial politics, go Green
Ralph Cassar
Our policies will bridge the gap between the richest and the poorest, ensuring access to affordable housing, slashing energy bills through massive investment in renewable energy,...
Courage to vote… for the environment | Mark Scerri
In Malta, a very high proportion of our environmental legislation originates from the EU and hence the EU parliament. For those who prize environmental issues, I will briefly run...
Government’s screeching and damaging U-turns | Mark Said

Abela’s premiership hardly ever got off to the smoothest of starts, with...

Abela’s premiership hardly ever got off to the...

‘Blaming climate change’ is just another way for Robert Abela to ‘blame himself’...
Raphael Vassallo

And after all that... Robert Abela still has the gall to ‘blame climate change’, for his own failures?! I mean, come on. There’s a limit to...

And after all that... Robert Abela still has the gall to...

An avoidable national crisis and our plan forward
Mark Anthony Sammut

They made it almost sound as if this crisis was unavoidable, out of our...

They made it almost sound as if this crisis was...

The arrogance of dilettantism
Michael Falzon

In the Corradino case, the quacks left their signature all over the rubble that crushed and killed Jean Paul Sofia. People registered as...

In the Corradino case, the quacks left their signature all...

Why ‘Mr Mojo-Jojo’ is the superhero this country really needs, right now
Raphael Vassallo

All the ongoing overdevelopment, in this country right now, can be defined as being somehow ‘tourism-related’, in one way or another

All the ongoing overdevelopment, in this country right now,...

If this is not a wakeup call, I don’t know what is
Josanne Cassar

If this is not a wakeup call that we need to change our ways and the completely...

If this is not a wakeup call that we need to change our...

Back to the stone age
Saviour Balzan

The answer to our infrastructural woes are not going to be climate change agencies but action and decision-making based on the premise  that this small...

The answer to our infrastructural woes are not going to be...

Before ‘Barbie’ and ‘Oppenheimer’, there were... ‘The Powerpuff Girls’! (Part One)
Raphael Vassallo

The upshot, of course, is that both Barbie, and The Powerpuff Girls, ended up serving a purpose that was far removed from the intentions of their respective...

The upshot, of course, is that both Barbie, and The...

[WATCH] MaltaToday’s survey results analysed
James Debono / Kurt Sansone

MaltaToday Executive Editor Kurt Sansone and Senior Journalist James Debono...

MaltaToday Executive Editor Kurt Sansone and Senior...

Boiler No. 7 all over again: Seven days of hell
Kurt Sansone

Robert Abela and Miriam Dalli keep referring to the sins of PN administrations...

Robert Abela and Miriam Dalli keep referring to the sins of...

Enemalta has just admitted responsibility for the blackouts. Why does no one believe them?
Raphael Vassallo

The more I think about it today, however... the more I begin to realise that something, somewhere doesn’t quite ‘add up’

The more I think about it today, however... the more I...

How they do it INDIS country
Michael Falzon

The people want to know the way they do things INDIS country!

The people want to know the way they do things INDIS...

Heatwaves, an overloaded electricity grid and power cuts: Is this the new abnormal?
Josanne Cassar

I doubt anyone will resign over this, because the ability to say ‘I was wrong and I will take the blame’ is somehow lacking in our...

I doubt anyone will resign over this, because the ability...

Saviour Balzan

The fiasco at Enemalta was perhaps in synch with the management disaster of the Jean Paul Sofia case

The fiasco at Enemalta was perhaps in synch with the...

Look how successful I am! | Daniel Xerri

If such personifications of the ‘I don’t give a f*ck about the law’ attitude are allowed to continue roaming the streets, persist with...

If such personifications of the ‘I don’t give a...

Time-lapse intervention
Julia Farrugia Portelli

It’s been an emotional journey for me. Getting Cabinet approval for the Maltese Thalidomide survivors is yet another much-needed social intervention, in...

It’s been an emotional journey for me. Getting...

Abuse in sports silences our champions | Chris Bonett

It is clear that the problem of abuse in sport is real, but pan-European action...

It is clear that the problem of abuse in sport is real, but...

Whose side is the Film Commission on, anyway? ‘Commodus’, or ‘Maximus Decimus Meridius’?
Raphael Vassallo

Above all, however, one would expect the Malta Film Commission to also wade directly into the issue at hand... by telling us, for instance, where it actually...

Above all, however, one would expect the Malta Film...