Poachers near Buskett kill protected Osprey juvenile on first flight to Africa
Protected bird ringed in Latvia shot over Buskett, BirdLife says birds resting in Malta on their way to Africa no longer protected by dismantled 3pm curfew
Court turns down ministers’ pleas on BirdLife lawsuit over hunting derogation
Both environment and Gozo ministers will have to answer for the claim after a judge refused their pleas that they were non-suited
Red flags at the beach? Don’t swim

Bathers urged to respect beach safety flags

Bathers urged to respect beach safety flags

[WATCH] Another two protected birds gunned down in first week of hunting season

Since the season opened on the 1st September four protected birds have been shot down by hunters

Since the season opened on the 1st September four protected...

Malta sea life at risk from rising heat

Difficult to predict effect of rising sea temperatures on all marine life, researcher contends

Difficult to predict effect of rising sea temperatures on...

Protected bird is shot, three days into hunting season

“After only three days of the Autumn hunting season, we already have the...

“After only three days of the Autumn hunting season,...

Ornis Committee yet to meet despite start of hunting season

BirdLife calls for urgent Ornis meeting after not being officially contacted...

BirdLife calls for urgent Ornis meeting after not being...

[WATCH] Ornis Committee yet to meet despite hunting season starts in three days

BirdLife Malta presents letter to Prime Minister Joseph Muscat urging government to prioritise environmental law enforcement

BirdLife Malta presents letter to Prime Minister Joseph...

[WATCH] Viticulturist: Ageing farmer population, longer droughts threatening viability of wine industry

Marsovin CEO Jeremy Cassar urges government to help protect indigenous grapes and support efforts to increase production 

Marsovin CEO Jeremy Cassar urges government to help protect...

Brushfire spotted in Ta' Cenc Natura 2000 site

A MaltaToday reader sent us in this photo of a fire in the Natura 2000 site in...

A MaltaToday reader sent us in this photo of a fire in the...

Skywatchers get ready... two days left to Perseid Meteor Shower 2017

The peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower is coming in just a few days, and two...

The peak of the Perseid Meteor Shower is coming in just a...

Superintendence calls for survey of Harq Hammiem cave

The Superintendence for Cultural Heritage is calling for a full survey of the...

The Superintendence for Cultural Heritage is calling for a...

Exceptionally hot weather keeps firefighters busy

The heat itself does not cause any fires, but heatwave ‘Lucifer’...

The heat itself does not cause any fires, but heatwave...

Hunters 'shooting protected birds under the cover of rabbit season' say BirdLife

BirdLife Malta uploads pictures of wounded Black Kite, rescued from the sea near Xrobb l-Għaġin to Facebook. Claims hunters shooting at birds despite...

BirdLife Malta uploads pictures of wounded Black Kite,...

Heat wave expected to last until early next week

Yes, it’s hot. Temperature to reach 38 degrees tomorrow

Yes, it’s hot. Temperature to reach 38 degrees...

Planning Commission green lights ‘upgrading’ of Wied il-Ghasel

EU structural funds will be used to ‘rehabilitate the valley back to its...

EU structural funds will be used to ‘rehabilitate the...

[WATCH] Hunters insist EU court opinion on trapping is 'unjust, mistaken and discriminatory'

Hunting federation FKNK says trapping is allowed in other countries using the same methods as those used in Malta

Hunting federation FKNK says trapping is allowed in other...

[WATCH] Dolphins show off for paddlers at Fomm ir-Rih

Dolphins leave paddlers awestruck as they join them at Fomm ir-Rih

Dolphins leave paddlers awestruck as they join them at Fomm...

After Armier, authorities target illegally-placed deckchairs from Ta’ Fra Ben

Some 100 deckchairs and over 30 umbrellas were removed from Qawra Point – an area commonly known as Ta’ Fra Ben

Some 100 deckchairs and over 30 umbrellas were removed from...

European hunters stand ground on Maltese trapping after EU Court edges closer to ban

European hunters federation stands its ground faced with ECJ Advocate General’s opinion on trapping in Malta

European hunters federation stands its ground faced...