Removal of divorce billboard was Zebbug parish's 'own initiative'

Parish priest says Zebbug church's 'media commission' decided to remove 'divorce-needle' billboard.

Updated 1:05pm with clarification from Archbishop's Curia.

The billboard – which was expected to draw heavy controversy – was erected late on yesterday evening on the Zebbug parish parvis, in the same spot where last July parish priest Fr. Daniel Cardona had put up his first billboard that read: ‘God doesn’t want divorce’.

The new billboard was removed at dawn this morning after the Archbishop's Curia reportedly spoke to the parish priest to desist from any personal initiatives on the issue. A spokesperson for the Curia said there was "no order" and that the billboard's removal was the parish church's initiative.

The controversial billboard depicted an unidentified man holding a paper that read ‘Private Members’ Bill’ in one hand, while in another he held a needle, ostensibly to conjure up a drug scene, that is injecting a youth in the head.

All this played out under a banner that read: ‘Divorce, a sickness injected in youths’ minds.’

The billboard was an obvious dig at Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, whose constituency includes Zebbug, who is piloting the Private Members’ Bill for the introduction of divorce. Both men had recently confronted each other on John Bundy’s talk show on One TV where salvoes were traded over divorce.

Asked to comment on the events that unfolded in his hometown during the past hours, Pullicino Orlando said he was informed about the billboard yesterday by friends who found it offensive.

"While acknowledging that those who are against divorce not only have a right but also an obligation to make their views known I feel that there is no need for the debate to degenerate to such levels. I believe that the billboard was a parish initiative which did not have the go-ahead of the local Curia. I am glad that common sense has prevailed as it appears to have been removed."

Speaking on TVM's breakfast show 'Bongu' this morning, Nationalist MP Jesmond Mugliett condemned the billboard.

Fr Cardona refused to give comments over the phone and asked to be sent questions by email. When he replied, Fr Cardona said: "There were some reactions and as a commission we decided to remove the billboard."

Contacted once again to clarify his reply, Fr Cardona refused to say if he was contacted by the Curia. He explained that the billboard was an initiative of the parish church media and PR commission and following an urgent meeting late last night, it was decided to take note of the "reactions": and have the billboard removed.

Prosit lil Lee u Fumarole.unzid ukoll jekk issibu l vangelu ta San Mattew Kapitli 19 versi 8 u 9 Gesu jwiegeb il farizej li Alla veru ma jridux id divorce IMMA f kaz ta ZINA jigiefieri ADULTERJU id divorce HU PERMESS ghall VITTMA. Jahsbu li b xi xalata sejrin ghad divors. U xi nghidu ghall piki li bejn statwa ta rahal u ohra!! un nies taghti deheb ul flus biex taghna tkun ahjar minn ta haddiehor ul miljuni taghhom dejjem jakkumulaw.U bilhaq ALLA ma jridhomx l statwi ul lanqas xbieghat.Morru aqraw il kmandamenti VERI F Esodu Kapitlu 20versi 4 u 5 . Grazzi
carmel duca
Actually this thread has been torrid since around the third comment. But I agree it's time to quit.
And now if you will kindly excuse me, i believe that it is time for me to quit as the kind of verbal stimulation on this thread is becoming too torrid for my liking.
carmel duca
Charming, Joe South. Always such a pleasure to be admonished with such grace and sophistication. Still, I suppose it's nice to see that high standards are still expected of journalists in at least one country. In most other parts of the world it's quite the other way round, you know.
Tut, tut, how crude and rude you are! But, we all know that name-calling and insults are part of your restricted repertoire. As advised earlier, temper, temper! Fact is that both spellings are acceptable.
Alfred Galea
Rafe, again, I'm not a top notch "journalist" like you.....a top-notch "journalist" never descends to the depths of the ordinary folk.....look at FatBoy Slim, no matter what he's called he never reverts to the need to grow up a little bit Rafe, it'll do you good. Let me give you some advice Rafe, if you think your shit don't stink, stick a finger up your ass and smell it.....
carmel duca
Never thought I'd get embroiled in an argument with a self-styled expert on masturbation. But swive it, here you go: Please note: 'The word above "Wanker" is the correct spelling for the word.' 'Misspellings' include 'whanker'.
Hahahaha! Ma tigikx wahda tajba !Continue to amuse us!
carmel duca
True: you'll find a reference in the Routledge Dictionary of HISTORICAL Slang. What century art thou living in, might I ask?
Can be spelt either way oh master of perfection! Check it out!
carmel duca
WHANKER??? Actually it's written 'WANKER', Andrew - six letters, W-A-N-K-E-R, from the verb 'TO WANK'. By the way, are you the same Andrew Farrugia who lectures English at the Junior College? If so, it seems that 'code-breaking' is not the only thing you are 'amateurish' at...
"Otherwise i shall be forced to call you a $%#@$^&". Let me see, rather than discourse analysis i have always fancied myself as an amateurish kind of code-breaker - DICKHEAD? nope, that's eight letters, can't be; SUCKER? na, that's six letters; I know, might be WHANKER, could jolly well be, that's seven letters? Such fun code-breaking! (PS Apologies to readers for use of vulgar words.) Andrew Farrugia.
Whoa there! Just look who's lecturing people about hypocrisy! Abso-blooming-lutely unbelievable! The head honcho himself! Andrew Farrugia
carmel duca
Hey, no need to run yourself down like that. 'Ordinary Joe'? Nothing could be further from the truth. You, my friend, are a very extraordinary Joe indeed. The type of Joe who loudly criticises others for doing precisely what he himself does all the time... and yet somehow fails to even notice the staggering hypocrisy that everyone else can spot a mile off.
Alfred Galea
Rafe, you can call me anything you want as long as you don't call me late for dinner. You're a "journalist" working for a national newspaper, I'm just an ordinary Joe, with nothing to lose.
carmel duca
@gmuscat You mean like this one?!/photo.php?fbid=10150158782860200&set=a.121680905199.125760.585560199
Even though I am a “Suldat ta’ Kristu” according to the church’s teachings and blessings, when I read such billboards I ask myself a question, what if people that do not agree on something with the church make use of such “hdura”? What happens if each person forgotten or, even worse, mistreated by the church (those within the church hierarchies – not God) pays a billboard on his own titled "IL-KNISJA" with the same subtitles "’MARDA’ INJETTATA F’MOHH IL-POPLU TAGHNA"?
zebramlt sa fejn naf jien suppost li kull billboard ikollu l-permess tal-MEPA anki jekk ikun fuq proprjeta' tieghek. Dak ghandu permess?
xprun naqbel mieghek. Ahjar baghtu lilu minflok lil Mark Montebello ghax mhux Montebello qed jaghmel hsara lill-Knisja imma dan il-kappillan. Mela ma jafux li d-divorzju huwa rikonoxxut hawn Malta ghax jekk xi hadd imur jghix sitt xhur barra jigi domiciljat hemmhekk u jiehu d-divorzju? Mela hekk sewwa. Min ghandu l-flus mhux problema biex igib id-divorzju u min m'ghandux flus ikollu jitqanna. Jien mhux favur li d-divorzju jinghata ghal kull haga ta' xejn u kien hemm korrispondenti li dejjquni jiktbu li mal-inqas nuqqas ghandu jinghata d-divorzju, imma x'taghmel jekk ikollok il-mara jew ir-ragel li jmorru ma haddiehor jew ikun hemm is-swat u jibqghu sejrin hekk? Ara min ikollu l-kuntatti tajbin u jkun xi ras kbira bhal xi hadd minn Birkirkara malajr jaslulu l-annullamenti taz-zwieg ta' wliedu!!! Express jehduhom mhux bhan-nies oħra komuni li jdumu s-snin twal jistennew l-annullament u sadanitant isibu sieheb jew siehba u jibdew gejjin it-tfal li biex il-Knisja tkompli titfa' l-melh fuq il-ferita la tghammidhom u lanqas taccettahom fl-iskejjel tal-knisja. Jekk il-Knisja f'Malta trid li tibqa relevanti trid tkun eqreb lejn il-poplu mhux tibqa rasha mghaddsa fir-ramel. Ara mbaghad xi hadd li kien qassis u hareg u malajr instablu post fil-Kurja stess u anki inhatar mil-Gvern fuq organizzazzjoni ma joqghodx lura milli jfahhar lill-Unjoni Ewropea minkejja l-hsara kbira li qed taghmlilna u minkejja li la riedu jsemmu lill-Alla fil-Kostituzzjoni taghha u minkejja l-korruzzjoni kbira li ghandha, minkejja li torbot l-ghajnuna lil pajjizi tat-tielet dinja li jridu jdahhlu l-abort, minkejja li l-mexxejja taghha jaghtu lilhom infushom zieda kbira fis-salarju fenominali li ghandhom waqt li jippriedkaw mizuri ta' awsterita lill-popli tal-pajjizi membri. Dan kollox sew jista' jaghmel hekk, imma mizzewgin ma jistghux jiddivorzjaw.
... as a matter of fact, the Curia had shown lack of tactic when they appointed this immature person to parish priest. The truth is he immediately pulled down the stupid billboard the moment he learnt that JPO would be suing him for libel.
You can say that again, Ralph.
Temper, temper, remember your station; you should never descend to the level of the plebs. Or is this some after-effect of last night's overindulgence? Andrew Farrugia alias afar3
carmel duca
Joe South: you can call people 'assholes' all you like, but then... don't come crying to me when my 'stablemates' and I resort to the occasional insult here and there. (Otherwise, I shall be forced to call you a $%#@$^&. Capish?)
The church has the right to preach that God does not want divorce but has no right to take away my, God's given right to freedom of choice. If so it would only be placing itself above GOD.
So the Catholic Church treats the Maltese as morons? It has abondoned the progresive teachings of the Second Vatican Council? Is.nt the priest one of us, rather than the privelleged "sage" amongst us? There were no ridiculous billboards when Italy introduced divorce. Why are we different?
Joe Tanti
Le habib tighi Fumarole,il-purgatorju ma jnehuhx ghax dak hu dhul ta flus,ghax seww jekk"ruh" tkun l-infern u ukoll jekk tkun il-genna ,.la talb ,.la xemghat,la quddies u xejn ma jkollha bzonn ghax dawk zewg postijiet ghal eternita,pero il-famuz purgatorju hu l-post fejn ruh tkun qeda tistenna li titla l-genna ,pero irid issir quddies .talb,xemghat ecc u dawn issiru biss mill- kleru u mhux bxejn tafux. Ghalura le habib ,il=purgatorju MA jnehuhx ghax dak hu il-vera Bank tal-Knisja.Issa nigi ghal famuz poster,jien naqbel li jitellaw posters kontra d-divorzju fuq art u postijiet imexxija mil knisja ,bil-kondizzjoni li jitwahlu ohrajn favur id-dvorzju u dan ghax l-art u l-postijiet immexxija mil knisja huma ta kullhadd u mhux ta xi individwu.
Illum il-Gimgha 7 ta Jannar fis-6.30pm gewwa l-Knisja ta Haz Zebbug ser issir quddiesa ghal dawk li ghandhom l-anniversarji taz-zwieg taghhom. Interessanti hafna x'ha jghid Fr Daniel Cardona dwar id-divorzju??? Interessanti jurina s-soluzzjoni ghal dawk li z-zwieg taghhom falla minhabba ragunijiet ta vjolenza domestika?? Ghal Fr Daniel Cardona dawn in nies ma haqqhomx it-tieni cans? X'kien jaghmel kieku kien hu?
Alfred Galea
I wonder what you guys would say if that billboard was on a PL or PN property........50%would agree either way BUT because it's on church property and put up by a priest, it's a no a state of the European Union, a democratic state of the EU. Same assholes who raised a stink when a play was banned, a short story was banned etc etc......and you call this priest and the church names?? Have you ever heard of freedom of speech and expression you morons??
Luke Camilleri
Ahjar immur jinkwieta ftit fuq is-serq fuq l-anzjani li hemm haz Zebbug u l-gholi tal-hajja li qieghed ikisser il-poplu aktar mill-proposta tad-divorzju! L-Arcipriet kuntent mela bli stat tal-ingarzar, l-annulamenti, u s-separazzjonijiet li hawn fil pajjiz? Ma gabx xi poster ta xi cilindru tal-gas, jew ta' xi pompa tal-Petrol , dawk l-affarijiet li qedin ikiddu il-poplu u mela id-divorzju... dawk huma l-affarijiet li huma ta' taghedid ghal familja ..ghidlu il-Arcipriet ta' Haz Zebbug! Jew jixtieq jerga jmur fuq Xarabank?
U jiena nghid li "Ir-Religjon hija MARDA injettata f'mohh il-bologh u l-injoranti li jibzghu minn dellhom" . Serrah rasek sur kappillan li z-zghazagh mhux ser jibzghu minn xi qassis iffissat li jara hotob haddiehor u ma jarax il-hotob ta' min hu bhalu u li jinteressahom biss li jzommu l-hakma fuq l-imhuh tal- " fidili " . Dak iz-zmien meta kontu twwerwru lin-nies bil-babaw meta kellkom il-privileggi li bihom hadd ma seta' jkellimkm. U dan ghadu 'l bidu. Ghad jasal zmien meta poster bhal dak iwasslek fejn jixraqlek. L-ipokresija ta' dawn in-nies ma tafx limiti. Dawn l-iktar seba' kelmiet li jikkwotaw mill-vangeli huma "Dak li ghaqqad Alla ma jifirdu hadd". Ara kwotazzjonijiet bhal,"Iktar facli li gemel jghaddi minn ghajn ta' labra milli bniedem ghani jidhol fis-saltna tas-sema", jew "Hallu KOLLOX warajkom u imxu warajja", qishom ma jezistux ghalihom !!. Li kellu jigi Kristu mhux b'habel isawwatkom , ja qabda ipokriti !. Intom tipprovaw tbezzghu lill-fidili bl-infern u intom lanqas temmnu li jezisti. Diga dfintu l-limbu !!. Ma ddumux ma tidfnu wkoll il-purgatorju u l-infern !!. Il-Genna u l-Infern qeghdin f'din id-dinja. Ara intom u min jimpala l-belli liri minn demm il-haddiem, bhalissa qed tghixu fil-genna, u min hu batut u jaqlaghha u jikolha qed jghix fl-infern. Jekk hemm xi hadd li ghandu jindem huwa min suppost qed jghallem is-socjalizmu li ppriedka Kristu u minflok jintilef fi krucjati bla sens. Iftah mohhok DUN !!.
Using the image of a needle is very rich comming from the church which still insists in the unashamed indoctrination of our children to the point of making most of them unable to think and use logic for themselves!
Il-politici qabel ma jmaqdru ahjar jaghtu huma l-ezempju l-ewwel. Jekk nemmnu fid-dritt ta l-espressjoni dak il-billboard ghandu jibqa, ghax dan id-dritt mhuwiex relattiv. Ghajb ghal Kurja li qeghda taghmel min kollox biex jidhol id-divorzju. L-Arcipriet taghna, kellu l-kurragg jghid x'jahseb bla tlaqliq imma il-Kurja le. Issa jiena wkoll ha nigi kritikat imma ma certu valuri ma nistghux nilghabu. Ghandna veru poplu faccoll u gakbin li jdur ma kull rih, imqar biex jikseb il-poter. Nippriedkaw lfavur kull tip ta liberta, imbaghad isib xi hadd ma jaqbilx mieghek u tintefa tghajru. Mhux bilfors li jien naqbel mal-billboard imma irrid nirrispetta l-opinjoni ta' haddiehor inkella x'liberta hi?
Albert Zammit
I sincerely think that it's the Parish Priest of Haz-Zebbug who should be 'removed'. It is now crystal-clear what he thinks about many, many of his parishioners - if by that term he only considers those who go to his church! Enough said.
Hope that Fr. Daniel Cardona would not remain the Priest of my village because he is insulting my intelligence. I agree with the introduction of the Divorce in Malta and these billboards are really irritating. Does Fr Daniel Cardona thinks that by make these drastic billboards will change my opinion on the divorce?
WikiLeaks founder Julian Asssange must be a "good catholic"; he did not use a condom when he slept with with those two Swede babes. I presume that if the soap opera of Assange's "rape" charges occured in Zebbug Parish, the very Rev Mortal Sin relich, would have given him a "saintly" welcome on a" holy" billboard.
Issa biex turi kemm hi veramnet serja l-kurja ghanda ticcensura lil dan il-cowboy zebbugi billi tibghatu fuq xi missjoni kemm jista' jkun il-boghod minn Malta. Haseb li ghadna fi zmien iz-ziju Gonzi dan!
But didn't the Curia say that it will de-centralize the issue of divorce - so now it is interfering with one of its parishes? Can it get something straight for once?
Dan x'bahnan hu dal-kappillan? Qeghdin tajjeb Haz-Zebbug! Ghandhom deputat korrott li jrid id-divorzju u qassis zmagat li ma jridux. U dejjem minn Haz-Zebbug jibda l-inkwiet. Il-Kurja wriet li m'hix immexxija minn nies imgienen u ordnatlu jnehhi l-hmerijiet li ried jaghmel malajr. Ghax ma jibaghtuhx Tas-Sliema halli naraw il-parruccani kemm idumu jissaportuh?
Fr Daniel Cardona should resign immediately from Parish Priest of Zebbug. Or else he should be removed with immediate effect by the Archbishop. Enough is enough for the Zebbug residents.
Patricia Marsh
Back to the 60's. To be viewed in all cinemas around Malta and Gozo. Main actor: Fr. Daniel Cardona.
The church is plumbing new depths in its war to control Malta. I'm sure that Cardona would be among the first to insist that religion should be accorded respect. . How about a billboard that depicts an unidentified priest standing in front of Żebbuġ church, surrounded by altar boys fearfully protecting their private parts, clutching an interdiction certificate and holding back separated couples from bringing their children to be baptised, with the caption "Il-Knisja, marda kronika li jbati minnha pajjiżna... imma li nistgħu infiqu minnha"
God is against divorce?These people that say God is for this and God is against that must have a direct line with God.The Almighty gave each one of us a brain and a conscience use them, you dont have to listen to any priest or Fenech Adami they do not represent anyone. Did this Zebbug priest got a permission from MEPA to hang a billboard on a public property ?Has he forgotten that all so called church property and everthing within them belongs to the people?
Priest knows what divorce really means, he never married. Priest knows what is the best for children, he has none. Because it all written in the bible? Neon Bible? Pope is driven in Mercedes, people who make it: use condoms, get divorced, some r gays and agnostics, but still they make the most conformable cars and his is bullet and rocket proof too, just in case there is no Interventionist God or for he might be on the other side. And still kids in Africa die every 5 minute one, because they don't have as little as clean water! What did God said in the bible about that? Did he said cast my statues in gold and diamonds but let my children starve to death?
Good on you, Daniel Cardona. Malta needs people like you to make sure that the Catholic Church continues to go downhill. Expressing an opinion is your right. Accusing those who disagree with you of infecting Malta's youth is another matter. Your comment provides confirmation that the Church in Malta is desperate and realises that it has lost the country's youth. That augurs well for a fair future.
Donella Agius
x´tippretendi sur Karl Stagno Navarra, li l-arcipriet ta´ Haz-Zebbug jitkellem favur id-divorzju? Id-divorzju Alla ma jridhux, u wiehed ma jistax ikun nisrani u jaccetta d-divorzju, taht l-ebda cirkustanza.
hahaha! What's all the fuss about? Where are the modern day Voltaires who are so vociferous in their defence of freedom of thought and expression and their ranting and raving against censorship? What a bunch of hypocrites!
Relikwa tad-dnub il-mejjet tas-sittinijiet
Il-knisja ghandha tikkontrolla/ticcensura lil dan il-cowboy zebbugi li qed jurta lil hafna nies b'dawn il-posters u aktar qed jaghmel hsara lir-religjon milli gid. l-inizzjattivi ghandu johodhom biex isalva l-erwieh u mhux biex ibieghdhom mill-knisja!