‘I will respect referendum result’ - Muscat

Labour Leader Joseph Muscat says he will respect the divorce referendum result and a ‘no’ vote will mean it is “case closed for that legislature.”

Muscat was speaking during a meeting held with representatives of the Zwieg Bla Divorzju anti-divorce lobby at Labour’s HQ.

During the meeting, anti-divorce lobby leader Andre Camilleri criticised the way the opposition had “hastily” and “irresponsibly” pushed the divorce referendum motion through parliament. He said that it would have been preferable if the state had had time to conduct social impact studies before a referendum is held.

Camilleri also called for greater state participation on the effect divorce would have on Maltese society. “The state has a primary responsibly to educate the public on what the effects of the referendum,” adding that Malta has “sadly chosen to ignore the experience that other countries who have divorce.”

Camilleri also criticised the referendum question approved by parliament “misleading”, reiterating the anti-divorce lobby’s claim that it does not reflect the draft divorce bill.

Camilleri accused the Labour media as being biased against the anti-divorce camp, saying Labour supporters had told him they felt offended about “certain statements being made in Labour-owned media.”

He expressed hopes that the divorce debate is not overly politicised, and maintained that “the parties should not take positions.” He welcomed the PL’s stand in that it opted to not take a stand but give its members free reign in how they vote.

In his own address, Muscat reiterated that whatever the referendum result, he would respect it completely and said that should the referendum result in a ‘no’ vote, “it would be case closed for that legislature.”

He pointed out that whatever the case, he would sill retain his own convictions “as would anyone else.”

Muscat agreed that the State has a responsibility when it comes to divorce, but instead took the approach that the State should better prepare spouses going into marriage to offset the problem of marital breakdown.

He said that given that one-third of marriages were civil marriages, the State has a direct responsibility to ensure that civil spouses are adequately prepared by marriage – “something that it is abdicating from and leaving it up to other preparatory courses like the Cana Movement to cater for.”

He reiterated the PL’s position on divorce, adding that he is “proud that the party adopted a tolerant and non-confessional position.”

Muscat expressed hopes that the Zwieg Bla Divorzju would not be a “short-lived” movement, but one that would endure. “This is especially important as in a very short while, the country will be facing another significant debate – that of cohabitation.”

“The cohabitation draft laws, which will be soon tabled for discussion in parliament, will soon be a point of much contention and discussion,” he said.

Responding to Camilleri’s concerns regarding PL media coverage, Muscat said that all of the anti-divorce lobby’s events are covered, but nevertheless they are welcome to air any concerns they might have so that an amicable resolution can be found.

Micheal Bonanno
@JMC. I'm sure no one here believes you were to vote YES. But for one thing I'm sure, KUNTENT INT, KUNTENT KULHADD!!! You're an egoist!
@ Kenneth Cassar X'ghandek xi tghid ghal dawk il membri parlamentari tal PN li diga solennament stqarrew li ikun xi jkun ir-rizultat tar referendum huma xorta wahda ser jibghqu jghidu LE? Dawk progressivi. Dak rispett lejn il minoranza. Imma bilhaqq insejt, li l-ministri nazzjonalisti qed tidrilhom il madonna tibki allura ghandhom dritt divin li jippretendu li huma jistghu u haddiehor ma jistax jesprimi l-opinjoni tieghu. Veru arroganti. Issa naraw tal LE jekk jibdewx xi krucjata ohra kontra il ligi favur il koibitazzjoni ( tal pogguti )
Micheal Bonanno
SF commented about JM not being DM. So what? You're talking about different ages. When Mintoff was in power, Malta needed a long haul, so Mintoff was the right man at the right time. Today, it's different. Today diplomacy rules! The Political game has changed. Even the rules have changed! So one must be pertinent enough to know his opponent's strong and weak points. The PL knows its weak points and therefore has to be careful where to tread. Knowing what the PL is up against now, will learn on how to tackle various policies when in Government. It's not a weakness! And as someone down below commented about progressiveness, it's like beauty, it's in the eye of the beholder! Yes JM is progressive to most Maltese except to some of intellectuals who pretend they're progressive, which in fact they're not! Today, it's no use comparing Mintoff with consequent leaders of the PL. Just as I had said before, Mintoff was the right man at the right time. Now the game is different, and the player should be different. After 1979, when the rules of the political game changed, Mintoff ended up irrelevant and so still is now in 2011!
To 'Save Gozo' : If the result is a 'NO' vote, that vote will not be the free expression of the people's will because the Church has interfered in the referendum campaign, not by " teaching " the Church's stand on divorce, but by putting undue pressure on voters through Church sanctions, such as refusal to give absolution and denying Holy Communion to elderly people etc.. So much so, that retired Judge Philip Sciberras was crystal clear when he said that what the Church is doing is " CORRUPT PRACTISES " ! How can any party accept such a result if this is a 'NO' one ?! Eddy privitera
To 'Save Gozo' : If the result is a 'NO' vote, that vote will not be the free expression of the people's will because the Church has interfered in the referendum campaign, not by " teaching " the Church's stand on divorce, but by putting undue pressure on voters through Church sanctions, such as refusal to give absolution and denying Holy Communion to elderly people etc.. So much so, that retired Judge Philip Sciberras was crystal clear when he said that what the Church is doing is " CORRUPT PRACTISES " ! How can any party accept such a result if this is a 'NO' one ?! Eddy privitera
So in one word, you think the majority of the maltese are still like living under the foreign occupancy, like they obey without thinking ? I have my doubts. I don't think that politicians still believ that the DNA of the majority of the maltse is still like- they are used to obey and serve , like when under the arabs , french knights etc... Even that time theer was rebels. Suppose now 2013. If NO? Than from here I say to PM"Good work keep on it, raise high fuel prices, food prices, water and electricity bills, and not 500 honoraria but double" So it's all in the hands of the majority of the maltese citizens, if YES Vote now, Lawrence Gonzi will be like K.O. allready NO vote wins? Than Good Luck to all , copy this :) RESIST OR SERVE! wise words :)
mela , Dom Mintoff. mela JM jew :) *
Mela Dom Mintoff JM jew :) ghalhekk ghidt jien, Li jekk kien hawn persuna li qatt ma beza ( bi tajjeb jew hazin tieghu bhal kulhadd) kien wihed biss Dom Mintoff. kien huwa l-unika mexxej li qatt ma beza u rebah lil- knisja fi snin 60 mhux 2013.
Kif jista xi hadd mill-moviment kontra d-divorzju jilmenta minn zbilanc fil-media laburista meta kull stqarrija ' konferenza stampa jew attivita taghhom tigi rrapportata 1 Zgur li l-izibilanc qieghed kontra l-moviment favur id-divorzju, ghax il-media nazzjonalista, specjalment il-gurnali nazzjonalisti, m'humiex jaccettaw riklami ta' dan il-moviment. U meta l-moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju ghandu l-vantagg enormi tal-Knisja warajh bil-qassisin jghamlulhom id-door-to-door iwasslu l-propaganda kontra d-divorzju. U qed jircievu mill-Knisja l-fondi u post minn fejn qed imexxu l-kampanja taghhom. Veru irid ikollok wicc biex tghid li qed isir xi zbilanc kontra l-moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju - U BLA ARGUMENTI ! Eddy Privitera
If this referendum will be a No Vote it should stay and thepeople`s vote should stay for a LONG ,LONG time Dr Muscat remember what happened on reception class .The church still have the power to manipulate the votes and it will surely help PN . If it is NO it should stay NO . By the way I will be voting YES and I will surely respect the people`s decision
"I will respect referendum result". Translation: I don't believe in minority rights, and I believe that civil rights should be decided by majorities. I call myself "progressive" because it sounds cool.
My ass is more progressive than Joseph Muscat.
Micheal Bonanno
Lil dawk kollha "who are jumping the gun", haga nghidilhom. Tigrux. Il-politika f'Malta hi differenti minn pajjizi ohra. Tiftakru x'ghamlet l-idea tar-reception class, tiftakru x'ghamlet tal-Partnership? Id-divorzju hu aghar minn hekk. Wiehed irid joqghod attent kif jimxi specjalment lejlet elezzjoni. Tista ttellef elezzjoni. U hawn Malta nafu x'ahna! Jigix inkluz fil-manifest elettorali jew le mhux t'importanza. Fi zmien Mintoff, il-ligi ta' l-omosesswali kienet imdahhla fil-manifest elettorali? Minghalija le u l-ligi ghaddiet xorta. Mela nistennew u naraw.
jekk jghamel hekk iva, nistenew u naraw il-manifest elettorali
Nahseb illi l-posizzjoni tal-PL hija CARA u kwalunkwe interpretazzjoni ohra hija trivola. L-ebda partit ma kellu mandat f'din il-legislatura u allura kellu jsir referendum. Il-PL se jzid id-dhul ta' ligi li tirregola id-divorzju bhala item fil-manifest elettorali u jekk jitla` fil-Gvern, ma jkunx hemm bzonn ta' referendum iehor peress illi l-manifest elettorali ikun gie approvat mill-poplu fl-elezzjonijiet generali.
well, Mr.JM leader of PL. I don't like your words. so if the NO will win, than IF the PL wins in 2013 he will start or do again a referendum. but must ask again if the referendum can be done again :) What if JPO annd jesmond mugliette won't be there? remember you have members against divorce :) so tha, how acn the yes or no for referendum will pass than ?:) I think you are afraid to take a stand , i know that it's best for all to act freely, but look what the PN and church are doing, You are afraid of the church and the church's supporters. there was one who was never afraid , with the good and bad he had- (like everyone) Dom Mintoff. and he won against the church. that was in the 60's. and you are in 2011 and afraid as a political party leader.
chris caruana turner
Apologies @Robert Borg...misinterpreted your irony.
chris caruana turner
@Robert Borg You're yet another fanatic. Not a fanatic for Christ, but for the earthly church. You judge and condemn as if you are god's right hand. Why I ask, is the Church letting people like yourself, take up arms against your fellows? Not even the Church has the authority to do this, according to Christ's teachings, let alone mortals like yours truly.
Micheal Bonanno
Does he need to be clearer than that. Yes, case closed for this legislature. The referendum doesn't bind the opposition for eternity.
Again Joseph Muscat is not clear in his position, at least to my mind. What is meant by "case closed for that legislature"? Which legislature? Is he referring to the current legislature which comes to an end in two years time? Does it mean that in the next legislature, after the 2013 elections the divorce issue could be raised again? It is better for the PL to clarify this point before its adversaries start giving it their own interpretation to suit their purpose.
IL-KRUCJATA TAS-SEKLU Ahna kontra d-divorzju, U ma jdawwarna xej’ Ghax ahna sejrin tajjeb, Ghax iz-zwieg taghna OK. Ahna kontra d-divorzju U jalla nibqghu hekk, Ghax, kif jghidu l-Inglizi: “I’m all right … fuck you Jack!” U ’k iz-zwieg tieghek falla U issa sseparajt, Heqq, hu pacenzja qalbi… Orqod wiccek mal-hajt. Jew mur applika l-Kurja Biex tholl is-sagrament; Forsi, wara zewg sekli, Jaghtuk l-annullament. Ahna nimxu mal-Knisja! Divorzju LE … ghal hadd, Jekk trid, tibzax, mur poggi Imma cans iehor: QATT. U jekk hu dnub li tpoggi Le, le, m’hemmx oggezzjoni, Ghax daqt se nghaddu ligi B’risq il-koabitazzjoni. Inkella mur l-Italja …. Londra … jew ma nafx fej’ U gib minn hemm divorzju.. Dak naccettawh … OK!   Ahna kontra d-divorzju Ghax Alla dejjem maghna, U Gouder kwazi daqsu! Il-Kurja t-tarka taghna! Ghax issa anki l-Madonna Giet biex parir taghtik U elf messagg tibghatlek Bis-sahha t’Angelik. Semmietlu t-terremoti U elf flagell fil-kju, Sa qaltlu biex ihaffef Imur jaghmel tattoo! Ha rreggghu l-arlogg lura U nghixu qalbenin Iz-zmien tal-Isqof Gonzi Iz-zmien tas-snin sittin. U dik l-avukatessa Le … m’ghandha ebda jedd Fit-Tribunal isservi … Naghtuha l-interdett. Il-Gvern, l-Istat u l-Knisja Dawn huma l-Gawhra taghna, Dawn huma haga wahda! Mur tnejjek ’k m’intix maghna. ’K tghid IVA ghad-divorzju Mhux biss tmur kontra l-Gvern, Imm’ inti tkun qed taqta’ Biljett dritt ghall-infern.
The most important sentence in all this is a ‘no’ vote will mean it is “case closed for that legislature.” Do not forget what you said Joseph Muscat.