[WATCH] 'Politics is inside of me, you cannot say what will happen tomorrow' - Debono

Franco Debono is at his bellicose best in tonight's edition of Reporter.

A cagey Franco Debono has refused to confirm or refute his candidacy for the 2013 election.

“I love politics and I am passionate about working for the good of the 5th district,” said Debono, when pushed on his potential candidacy for the upcoming election.

“I have received hundreds of calls, messages and emails from people encouraging me to contest in this election. I am currently gauging the level of support. Certain interests groups within the district, including bird trappers know that I have fought for the interests of democracy and stopped the likes of Austin Gatt,” Debono said.

Despite being dubbed irrelevant by Lawrence Gonzi, Debono still has plenty to say about the Nationalist Party.

“Lawrence Gonzi and Simon Busuttil are not the decision makers in the PN, the real powerbrokers operate behind the scene,” said Debono.

Probed on whether his Budget speech was a political swansong, Debono replied, “it feels strange to be talking about saying goodbye at the age of 38. We have laid the first stone of a European democracy, that speech was the beginning not the end”.

The full interview with Franco Debono will be aired tonight at 8:30pm on Favourite Channel.

@GUIDOCFORTE.......lil herman qatawlu rasu fit 2003 fit 2008 u issa u xorta baqa leali lejn il partit nazzjonalista ghax hekk titlob il lealta lejn partit. lil anglu qatawlu rasu wara li gie elett vici kap mid delegati tal partit laburista u xorta se jibqa leali lejn il partit laburista ghax hekk titlob il lealta.
Jidher dejjem iktar car kemm il-politika hija f'qalb Dr Debono!! Dr Debono hadem u tkellem favur il-poplu, dawk blu, dawk homor, dawk mal-hodor u anke favur min ma ghandu rabta ma hadd.
FD has come up with valid ideas and motions which seemed that he was not just happy sitting in parlaiment with the winning party and have a a divine right to govern. The problem with FD that he is embracing a liberal ideology at the wrong time where the PN is more clipped to a more conervative ideology. I think FD had to be in 1987-1991 period or else he had to wait some more time when the PN party will shift to the liberal ideology again. Still this does not mean that he is not a valid politician. If the whispering campaign against FD is that he is insane, well or they neglect the right of good governance or else they cannot think out of their own minds. The unlucky thing about FD is that he is surrounded by too many cowards within the PN. He could have done what DM has done with PB during the 1950s.FD would have written another historic chapter for the Maltese political history.
Fil PN jekk tkun tajjeb ( bhal Herman Schiavone, John Dalli )taqlahha, jekk tkun imqareb bhal (Franco Debono. Jes.Mugliette, J.P.O.)taqlahha ukoll...Sabiex ma taqlahhiex trid tkun fic cirku tac crieki, mac crieki...jekk ma tkunx `YES MAN `..ta RCC,u Austin Gatt, dabbar rasek ghax idabbruwilek...u fenea..x`ghandu x`jaqsam il kaz ta Schiavone ma ta Anglu....wiehed qatawlu rasu qabel ma beda, u l-iehor kien il gentlom li irrezenja,min vici kap u mhux mill partit/elezzjoni. Jekk jixtieq jista jiehu sehem mal PL fl`elezzjoni, ara l-ohrajn LE, ghax keccewhom mill PN...wara li uzawhom.
I am sure Saviour would not mind nor hesitate. Although I consider Farrugia a very valid politician, who should go on with his political career, I did not mind his replacement with some one more middle of the road. I am sure most uncommitted unbiased voters agree.
Fenea , Il-lealta' ukoll għanda il-limitu tagħha u jekk Herman Schiavone ma qal xejn kontra il-PN din tista ma tkunx indikazzjoni ta' lealta' izda indikazzjoni ta' lagħaqizmu . Jiena , jekk ikun hemm xi hadd li jħammiġli f'idi , mhux ser naħsibha darbtejn biex inċappasulu ma ħalqu .
"Politics is inside me". You can say that after what thev've done to you. He he he.
saviour il bierah intervistajt lil herman schiavone u bil mistoqsijiet tieghek ippruvajt kemm flaht biex herman jghid xi haga kontra il pn imma dan ma paxxiekx ghax herman li jien nafu personalment huwa gentlom u leali lejn il pn. illum kellek ex kandidat iehor tal pn u dan mhux hsara lill pn ghamel imma hsara lilu innifsu ghax kiteb il kundanna politika tieghu innifsu. issa nispera li tkun ragel mal qarrejja u tistieden lil anglu farrugia u turi l-istess sentimenti fil mistoqsijiet tieghek. grazzi.
Franco Debono you are the man. Thank God for people like you because it keeps the leaders of corrupt parties on their toes even though you have to pay a price in all this. You have seen me say in my comments many times that Franco Debono is not going anywhere and he is here to stay, never doubted that for a minute. If Dr Lawrence Gonzi says you are irrelevant it is only because he is afraid of you, after all look at what you have done to his image because as you say, he follows the word of, let us call it " The Clique". Dr Gonzi paid a high price to cover up for his arrogant and incompetent "Clique". he lost control of his parliament in the process. Franco Debono, you are not alone because most people, except for the few political hard headed, respect the way you managed to wake up the political incompetence and recklessness of our government. Somebody had to and you did. Hang in there.
Attaboy Franco! That's the spirit! Malta needs you to form part of the new era of decent, intelligent politicians coming together for the good of the whole nation. Go for it on the fifth! Make your mark, and stand to fight another day.
So should we elect another Gonzi PN to be led from the clique/oligarchy sitting behind the desks at id-Dar Centrali? or we will be having them all as consultants within the Cabinet? Come on Franco decide. If your future is still in politics go for it. You are raised in a party that spent millions on frivolous project like a fickle, so why have you been playing: contesting, contest not, like when we used to do with the sunflower? You should still be relevant in the 5th district.
Good luck, Franco! This country needs people with guts and real decision-makers in Parliament not a flock of sheep. If that (the flock of sheep) were the case, all we would need is a maximum of 3 MPs in Parliament (1 for Opposition and 2 in Government). The money we would save from getting rid of the remaining 63 would be better invested in top-class civil servants to run the ministries. Even if you don't make it to Parliament this time round, I don't see how a new and reformed PN can make it to government if it does not open its doors to all the people and ideas it stubbornly rejected or opposed.