Air Malta layoffs to have 'least social impact possible', ministry on GWU ultimatum

Social partners call for caution over General Workers' Union mulling industrial action on Air Malta.

Updated at 4:40pm with finance ministry statement.

The finance ministry has reiterated it intends to offer a number of solutions as to how each decision on Air Malta employees can be taken "with the least social impact possible".

Reacting to an ultimatum by the General Workers Union to declare whether it will absorb redundant Air Malta employees in the public sector, the ministry said its solutions would be "within the context of the restructuring plan" which is yet to be approved by the European Commission.

The ministry said its aim was to ensure that Air Malta acquires a solid foundation with which to service the Maltese people and industry. But it made no reference to whether government intends to make a statement by 30 June, the deadline by which the GWU is demanding government's "guarantee" for the absorption of Air Malta workers.

The General Workers Union today announced an ultimatum to government, demanding that it declares by 30 June that all Air Malta employees who express the wish to remain in employment, are absorbed within the public sector.

Secretary-General Tony Zarb said the GWU would be registering an industrial dispute if the declaration is not forthcoming. “We don’t want to reach the stage of an industrial action, but we’re ready to do what it takes to protect Air Malta employees."

He did not specify whether the industrial dispute, or any subsequent action, would be announced the moment the deadline strikes, insisting that the union was not discounting any course of action. Zarb said that over 500 employees attending a GWU meeting yesterday voted unanimously for this course of action.

Some 600 workers have to be removed from Air Malta’s payroll if it is to survive under European Commission rules governing a €50 million government loan to the loss-making airline. Zarb said the way this figure was determined is "arbitrary".

Tony Zarb has said the government had always found a way to absorb redundant workers during past restructuring processes. "I don't know why Air Malta reform should be any different."

Reports in the media quoted European Commission officials who said that Air Malta’s restructuring will not make it possible for the airline to retain its workforce, while also casting doubt over whether government will be able to absorb these workers.

Tony Zarb has said that it was only in recent days that the government had changed its tune over the fate of Air Malta’s surplus workers, and that the understanding was that they would be absorbed by government. He said recent statements by parliamentary secretary Mario de Marco, the Prime Minister and Air Malta meant they had changed tack and were now suggesting that Air Malta’s workers would have to be made redundant.

He also made an appeal to all unions to present a united front on the issue in order to best protect the interests of workers. He added that while the GWU has issued invitations to other unions to being dialogue in this regard, these have so far gone unanswered.

Labour spokesperson for tourism Gavin Gulia has appealed for continued negotiations and talks in a bid to avert the GWU’s ultimatum. “Nobody enjoys a situation with industrial unrest,” Gulia said, expressing hopes that the situation does not devolve to the point of industrial action over Air Malta. He was speaking in comments to MaltaToday

Gulia said the union was right to point out its grievances, after senior Air Malta management with high salaries were unceremoniously kicked out and new management installed "with triple salaries".

The Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association president George Micallef did not exclude calling an emergency meeting of the Malta Council for Economic Development (MCESD) to avert a GWU strike at Air Malta.

Micallef said that industrial action at Air Malta at this sensitive time was "preoccupying" and that this could jeopardise the entire tourism sector and the airline not to also mention the airline.

"We are being faced with enormous challenges to secure occupancy and availability of seats, and industrial action will certainly cause tremendous damage to the sector," Micallef said. "It is imperative that whatever the cause, government and unions ensure dialogue and solutions."

"We have waited for Air Malta restructuring for long and we are still faced with a lot of unknowns for the winter, as routes have not even been announced," he said.

The Chamber of SMEs (GRTU) vice-president Philip Fenech also expressed concern at the GWU stance. "Without interfering in how the GWU defends its members' interests, industrial action at Air Malta would be too drastic at this sensitive time, and should be avoided."

Additional reporting by Karl Stagno-Navarra.

I note some very interesting comments, but one I simply cannot agree with is when the argument puts Air Malta and the Drydocks in the same boat. How can one even begin to compare when for years on end the drydocks sucked up millions from our hard-earned gains year in year out and then its employees were regaled by payoffs etc etc? Can any person name 1, just 1, year in which Air Malta applied for and was granted financial assistance? Indeed, excluding the last few years, can anyone name any year in which the company did not make profit. How many ministers, mp's, families of, concubines, friends, friends of friends etc etc etc travelled FOC? Can the government give an account of each and every ticket issued in it's name with payment details included? Air Malta was very badly mismanaged from its inception, but I am not inclined to blame the management for all the company's wrongdoings. Let us not forget that Air Malta is just another government department run with the same attitude and line of thinking. Management is only there as a figurehead as all,or most executive decisions are taken by people outside the company. And have any heads rolled? Yeah, some - but not the right ones.
I just know one thing...everyone forgot that Airmalta picked up so many people out of Libya during this war. First they were the workers are useless. As an admirer of Airmalta, I have an opinion.....I PREFER TO LAY OFF 200 WELL PAID WORKERS RATHER THAN 600 WHO ARE PAID MUCH LESS......Come on Airmalta workers...don't give up. The pilots, cabin crew, engineers and the rest of Airmalta MUST UNITE TOGETHER.
Sur Ray, taf min huwa hmar............min xi erba bhalek ma jixtiqux gid li haddiema tal Air Malta li dejjem taw semhom. U mela mhux Nazzjonalist int, kieku ma tiktibx hekk. Ahna Laburisti wara l haddiema tal Aor Malta, konna, ghadna u nibqu. Taf fejn niddejjaq inhallas iz zieda li hadu l ministri shabek
Just a small point to make... there was this same hype and insult hurling and threats of action just before the Malta Shipyards passed over to Palumbo... What is the result today? All shipyard employees either retired comfortably on their rather lavish early retirement scheme or else found employment elsewhere. I think that many have lost hope in the Maltese worker namely; that we need Government to find us employment. if there are some people who want to stay cicci beqqi feeding off my taxes then my apologies.. I am totally against this... Those that want to work, will find work... In this day and day, no job is guaranteed... why do these have to have their job guaranteed, at the expense of taxpayers I have to add... I am all for helping them find jobs, or get re-trained and even a decent laying off wage to help them get through this patch, but please... I know a chap of 40 from the drydocks who got around LM 17,000... now that is a nice sum... from my taxes... then he got employed immediately after their employment was terminated.. sorry.. if government needs workers, then so be it and the required amount be absorbed, but those that are not needed should be assisted to find another job, and that is it... Having the GWU imposing on Government that they need to be absorbed within its grades is absolutely ridiculous... Interestingly enough I did not read that the PL has a definite position on the matter... Just Gavin Gulia's comment in this article, which is a very valid one in its own right, pero no clear direction on where the party lies...
Divide et imperiat, divide and rule has always been the PN creed. Divide the workers so that the PN and the capitalists will rule. It's about time a general strike was called before we all end up penny-less.
@briffy, I understand that these people are passing through bad times. We are all humans after all, and what they say its true, everyone should sympathize with them, everyone should back these workers. You cannot start arguing when the labour party will be in power. We are all here..TODAY... they are hurt today...speak about today, when this government is changing everything the labour party did. In my opinion, the management is still there, and after the 600 are gone...still running with this management, I would give 2 years more. For me, if the " CEO AND CHAIRMAN, DON'T START WITH THE TOP, THEY ARE DESTROYING THE COMPANY THEMSELVES". I AM SORRY BUT NEITHER THE CEO AND CHAIRMAN, NOR THE GOVERNMENT WITH THE MINISTERS, KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. WE ALL HAVE TO ADMIT IT.
This website is patronised by rabid socialists. There is nothing wrong with that, if commentators could bring themselves to behave in a civil manner and express their opinions without calling people names and hurling insults and insinuations, simply because they can't tolerate anyone who doesn't share their views. They attack like a pack of wolves in mid-winter. They don't seem to realise that they are not doing any good to the party they support If they are so intolerant and so aggressive when their party is in opposition what fate will befall the Maltese if their party were to be in power?
GWU Members are united, ALPA Members are united, Engineers Members are united, Cabin Crew Members are united. GWU Members want to unite with the other members.....the others they don't want....I think the others 'Hobzhom Mahbuz'. GWU Members will suffer. Others think only about their pockets.
Its time for action. A General S11trike is what willl make this weak government understand whose really in command. The PN apologists must understand that they can't talk about democracy like it was their party's achievment cause we are still under the same party when it is really being threatened!!!
For those of u with very short insight....all these employees being laid off, are the same ones that come to eat in your restaurants, shop in your shops, buy internet/cable from companies/send their kids to private lessons/nurseries/ballet/whatever etc. You think this will not affect YOU??? And it will not be just 600. That, is just Airmalta. have u considered how many other jobs will be effected? It's much more than 600. So stop being so selfish, especially when this tragedy IS NOT THE WORKER'S FAULT!! :((
@Briffy Dazgur intom hekk jaqblilkom li l-GWU ma tindahalx biex tkomplu tghaffgu u tkissru?? U x'inhi din li jintilfu iktar minn 600 job? Din xi theddida biex taghlqu halq l-impjegati? Donnok infurmat tajjeb int!!! Isthu jekk tafu ghax lanqas zejt f'wicckom ma baqalkom, il-haddiema tawkom f'ghajnkom li tul is-snin ara kemm ghamlu sagrificcji biex l-Air Malta gabuha l-quddiem u ghandna Airline li ghandna biex nitkesshu biha. Imma nsomma l-Air Malta minn dejjem kienet ferita f'qalbkom ghax ma hmiltux taraw li dan il-pajjiz ckejken ikollu kumpannija bhal dik. L-isem li tajtuha mat-twelid taghha kien GHASAFAR TAC-COMB imma l-haddiema ul-gvern laburista malajr tawkom ir-risposta ghax mhux talli ma jienux ghasafar tac-comb talli tajjruhom ma l-erbgha t'irjieh tad-dinja. Tibzax komplu kissru.........sakemm il-poplu jhallikom!!!
Sur Boxer, mela ghax ma naqbilx li dawn ghandom imorru mal gvern, jien nazzjonalist? Ara vera ghandek mohh ta hmar. Mela issa oqghod hallas it taxxi ghalihon umbad ejja haw hambaq ghax id dejn tiela. Ara vera min kollox issib hawn Malta. Issa jekk int kuntent thallas paga ta 600 haddiem ma jaghmlu xejn mal gvern. jien m iniex. Jekk hemm bzonnom jidhlu. jekk le le.
I fully agree with Giordano Bruno! It is time for a General Strike. The goverment is just playing for time there are no solutions available if there were it would have already come out with them! The ministers took their increase but workers are just getting miserable conditions! After Air Malta other institutions will have similar problems. This country is being governed by idiots and big liars who keep coming out with endless lies and stories to protect their own interests only and not those of the Maltese nation!
It is not the time for a strike: IT IS TIME FOR A GENERAL STRIKE. Briffy either you go have a lobotomy. I am tempted to answer but apart from rendering your blatterings important, I would be waisting my time. So all of you irritated by Briffy just ignore him. Sure God Bless Fenech Adami. Think about that bobotomy, birdbrain
Sur Ray, il haddiema tal Air Malta ghandhom bajd aktar minnek u shabek in nazzjonalisti. Imma x tippretendi l ewwel il gvernijiet nazzjonalisti kissru l Ar Malta u wara jispiccaw bla job. Din mhux xi fabbrika li falliet ghax kellha nuqqas ta ordnijiet jew prodotti antikwati. Fallewha il gvernijiet nazzjonalisti bid decizjonijiet hziena li hadu. Ghal hekk il haddiema ghandhom igorrhom il gvern. Xi tippretendi xi wiehed ta 55 sena li ikun ilu mal kumpanija ghal xi 35 sena jispicca bla xoghol. Erhina Sur Ray jew int xi wiehed komdu taht dan il gvern
Briffy, do not try io reinvent history. You are lying about the 70s and the 80s. The trouble started when EFA became the leader of the PN. You only have to thank him for the trouble that followed. Ask Nardu Debono, Wilfred Cardona, Ic-Caqwes, il-Hafi, il-Bono and the person whose weapon misfired at Gudja!!
Haven't these surplus workers the balls to find another job themselves like most of us who work in the private sector would have to do? Why should they be absorbed within the public sector (provided there is no need for them)?
Il haddiema tal Air Malta iridu jibqu maqudin wara l unions taghhom li ghandhom jaghmlu front wiehed. Fil ghaqda hemm il forza u Gonzi jitwerwer. Id idizastru fl Air Malta ma gabuhx il haddiema imma l kapijiet li ghamel Fenech Adami u Gonzi. Kuragg haddiema tal Air Malta f dawn is sitwazzjonijiet difficili. Jekk ikun hemm bzonn taghmlu strike ghamluh
@John Smith...This is a free country in case you haven't noticed. If it weren't, we wouldn't have the opportunity of saying what we like including hurling insults and threats, without the risk of reprisals or recriminations as used to be the case in 1970s and 1980s. People, including labourites, used to whisper in those days if they wanted to say something against the administration of the day.. Thank God and Eddie Fenech Adami, Malta regained full democracy in 1987. History has taught us that we must never take democracy for granted; it's the most precious commodity and we must all do our utmost to safeguarded.
And Briffy, please do us a big favour and shut up. In the Imnarja xalala Eddie wanted us to take a day off fon no other reason than to cripple the island's economy. A lot like me beileved in him and the cause and suffered the consequences for our convictions. Why do we, or you for that matter, want to change what we were always taught to believe in and fight for. Jaqaw qed tpappija kif jghidulek.On the other hand its people like you who in the end will motivate others to say enough is enough. QAZZIZTUNA, specjalment int Briffy!! Jew ma ghadhiex ghasafar tac-comb issa!!!
You got it all wrong Tony Boy. That is exactly what the Government wants. At first it will object, than later, to appear to be considerate will accept to absorb all employees. And who, you may ask will be made redundant? Certainly the labour leaning employees who built airmalta whilst the blue eyed ones will remain, since government will retain the prerogative of doing away with the last in first out system. Il-bluni jiehdu l-lahma u l-homor naghtuhom l-ghadma. If you are convinced you have a good cause lay down your demands that redunduncies will be governed by the last in first out, and those who are out will be absorbed into civil service. You should never accept anything less. If not accepted you have enough material to convert il-pjazza tal-main guard into the maltese version of Tahrir sq. Now is the chance, take it. GWU can wake up from its over-drawn hibernation. Show us you got what it takes or else make way for someone who can!
Hope that the GWU does not really mean to take strike action at Air Malta at this difficult hour. This would be the deathknell of the airline and of Malta's tourism industry. It would mean that far more jobs than the 600 will be lost. Surely GWU knows this and surely it does not in any way want to bring this catastrophe about. It's better for the GWU not to intervene and desist from adopting its traditional heavy-handed style which ahs invariably resulted in throwing the baby with the bath water like what happened in the Phoenicia, Sea Malta cases. Hope better judgement prevails.
@ maron Lil tal-Phoenicia tradihom Fenech Adami meta ntbghatu l-pulizija
Dear Minister, the ones who should respect the people's intelligence and integrity are the ones uttering these insensitive arguments...such as yourself! After all the mismanagements in your portfolio you have the face to place the fault on the opposition, when clearly it was your party's fault to corner Airmalta into its present financial disaster!. To shed 600 jobs from Air Malta is no problem. neither is the weekly rise of €600 for the same minister whose govt. ruined Air Malta eg RJ 70s , Azzur Air, high rise of fuels, etc. This is just crazy. Air Malta pays €21 for every passenger which goes to the foreign Austrian company running MIA while we pay from our taxes €25 for every passenger brought by Ryanair and other LCAs!!!!!!!! Simply DISGUSTING. And now he is going to Shed 600workers! Well done to the GWU for protecting the families of these workers. The majority of the workers are united and no political beliefs will never divide us. May I ask howcome last week KM operated to Libya incuring charges of €80,000 insurance premium per flight.? Why does it pay $ 20 million per year to MIA, when it can use it's own head office and pay a couple of thousands of Euros to AFM for a security gate so that staff go to assigned aprons.? n my opinion the current administration which has been in power for the last twenty years is the only one which is to blame for the sorry state of our national airline. Air Malta has always done and is still doing a very good job for our country but unfortunately vultures appointed by the current administration have been eating the company's resources and now that the ship is sinking they are bailing out and criticizing the GWU of being irresponsible. Shameful and irresponsible. Does this make commercial sense dear Minister.??? Well done to the GWU for taking a stand and protect the families of these workers!
Bravu...xi wahda bhal tal-Phoenicia gejja mela...flok jgherqu ftit jgherreq lil-kulhadd.
ejja Ton mela qum qawma fuq tighek, ghax qazizna gonzi issa.