Archbishop silent over accusations of abuse by clergyman

Archbishop refuses to comment on accusations that prominent clergyman abused of emotionally and psychologically vulnerable person

Weekly newspaper Illum reports that Archbishop Paul Cremona has refused to react to allegations that a prominent member of the Maltese clergy has abused of an emotionally and psychologically vulnerable person for sexual purposes.

Illum reports that over the past few days, two police reports were filed against a particular member of the local clergy by two different people.  While separate, both reports tie in as they deal with the same case.

According to Illum's report, the most serious of the two police reports deals with accusations by a person who alleges that she was abused by a member of the clergy for sexual purposes despite being vulnerable both emotionally and physically.

She alleges that the abuse took place over a number of months, and that it involved sexual acts which he either persuaded her to perform on him, or her performed on her.

She also alleges that the abuse began shortly after she was released from Mount Carmel after a brief stay there for treatment of psychological and emotional issues stemming from a collapsed marriage.

The person is also alleging that Archbishop Paul Cremona not only knew of the case, but also had personally intervened to persuade her to forgive the clergyman when she had first tried to take steps against him within Church structures, as well as the Police.

However in comments to Illum, the Archbishop's office would only say that "The Archbishop does not make public that which goes on between him and other persons, be they priests, as well as faithful and laypeople."

The statement went on to say "people who feel aggrieved by any actions of a priest may present their case in front of civil authorities, as well as before the Church's 'Response Team'."

The statement however failed to address questions regarding whether the Archbishop was aware or informed of the case, or whether he confirms or denies the allegations that he attempted to influence the clergyman's accuser to forgive him and halt proceedings.

Read more in Sunday's issue of the Illum.

Here we go again another coverup by our Archbishop who is prepared to bury the story of this priest just in case it goes public and tge police get involved. May i suggest you go directly to the police and report these crimes then go straight to a lawyer and sue him for compensation. He will get his forgiveness and have plenty of time to repent in prison for five years.
Just goes to show how closed and isolated the church in Malta still is. The archbisop isn't talking even to exculpate himself from this accusation.Unless and until the archbishop talks the public will keep on suspecting that what was said was true.
Ma nistax nifhem kif nippretendu minghand l-arcisqof; meta l-ligi taghna ma taghti cans lil ebd awtorita li taghgixxi jekk mhux bil kunsens tal-vittma. Nahseb li kemm il-media u kemm il-vittma taf dan; u jekk hemm dawn l-affarijiet ahjar imorru ghand il-pulizija u ghand avukat jekk iridu ifittxu civilment. Niehu l-okkazzjoni biex nitlob li l-ligi tinbidel u l-pulizija tista tipprocedi anke minghajr il-kunsens tal-vittma.
Bishops and priests who preach about right and wrong every Sunday should know the difference between right and wrong when vulnerable people are sexually abused. They choose to ignore the lifelong devastating consequences for the victims. Bishops claim to be God's handpicked spokesmen on earth. In their enthusiasm to protect the façade of holiness they lose sight of simple human decency.
Bishops and priests who preach about right and wrong every Sunday should know the difference between right and wrong when vulnerable people are sexually abused. They choose to ignore the lifelong devastating consequences for the victims. Bishops claim to be God's handpicked spokesmen on earth. In their enthusiasm to protect the façade of holiness they lose sight of simple human decency.
Here we go again, the clergy covering up the misdeeds of it's own kind. May the R.C. church rot in hell.