Updated | Zwieg bla Divorzju call JPO's foreign divorce comments 'shocking'

Anti-divorce lobby attacks Nationalist MP over ‘individualist’ interests in divorce campaign.

Adds reply by MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to the Moviment Zwieg Bla Divorzju.

Anti-divorce lobby Zwieg Bla Divorzju have accused Nationalist MP and divorce bill promoter Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando of seeking to “turn the institution of marriage into an exercise of individualist convenience” after saying that he would seek a divorce abroad if the divorce is not passed by referendum

Pullicino Orlando’s comments were made in Marsaxlokk at a Moviment Iva public debate, where he illustrated how he could take up domicile in his daughter’s London address, and apply for a divorce six months later via internet.

Zwieg bla Divorzju said his comments “were shocking.”

In a reaction on Monday, Pullicino Orlando said that what was shocking was that Zwieg bla Divorzju had accused him of presenting a private member's bill aimed at stimulating a parliamentary debate about divorce for personal reasons. "I hope that they will now stop attributing improper motives to me. I reserve the right to take legal action if they persist in doing so."

Pointing out to the legal discrepancy in Maltese law were divorces obtained from foreign courts are rubber-stamped in Malta, on Sunday Pullicino Orlando said: “I ask the legislators: is this fair on those who can’t do the same?” 

Moviment Iva chairperson Deborah Schembri said this is what others are doing to obtain a divorce, whilst those who do not have the same opportunity are forced to cohabit: “In a country where democracy is supposed to reign, the state is distinguishing between those who afford to obtain foreign divorce and those who can’t.”

Schembri said if divorce is introduced, no one will be forced to go against his Catholic beliefs. “If one believes that marriage is forever, that it is a sacrament and it is indissoluble, divorce will not affect him. Divorce in fact has nothing to do with the promise made in front of God at the altar and the contract signed at the church. That contract will remain valid.”

Schembri was replying to a 35-year-old man - who has obtained an annulment and is about to get married again – who asked her with what authority was she telling him that state should dissolve what God united. “Divorce will affect the civil marriages – those contracts which are signed in front of the registrar. During the first four months of this year, there were more civil marriages than Catholic marriages. These do not have any religious ties and cannot apply for annulment,” she said.

Asked whether the introduction of divorce will pave way to abortion and euthanasia, Schembri said that when a law is passed, legislators have to look into whether that law breaches fundamental human rights and whether it will create chaos in the country, amongst other things.

“This is a tactic used by those who oppose divorce to create fear. Let me assure you that we have no ‘hidden agendas’ to include abortion or anything else. I, for first, am against every form of abortion.”

Schembri added that whoever argues that divorce and abortion are connected “has ulterior motives.”

She also refuted claims by the No movement that divorce will bring a new wave of poverty. “They are not looking at the real picture. Today, 90% of separations are regulated by the couple themselves and, in the cases were the children are old enough and the woman is working, alimony is given only to the children.”

Schembri said that law will always safeguard children. “Divorce only poses questions on the maintenance of the woman. But, realistically speaking, nowadays women are already refraining from asking alimony, in the case the husbands ask back and because they work.”

Referring to comments made by lawyer Bernard Grech from the ‘No’ movement where he said that last year, 80 men preferred going to jail rather than pay alimony, Schembri said he did not give the whole truth.

“Even though the men went to jail, they are still forced by law to pay the maintenance which they did not give.”

Schembri assured those present that the settlements already agreed upon in the separation cases will not be affected by divorce. She also reminded that one third of the children born today are born out of marriage.

She said that divorce would regulate the children’s situation: “Presently, in the case that a parent dies before a testament has been done, the children born out of the first marriage will receive a third more than the same parent’s children born out of the second relationship.”

She added that even worse than the legal distinction was the social stigma attached to those born out of wedlock.

Schembri said she could not understand why divorce cannot be introduced today, “when Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, former President Eddie Fenech Adami, Fr Rene Camilleri and Fr Peter Serracino Inglott have all acknowledged that divorce will be introduced in Malta one day.”

“Why shouldn't today's people benefit as much as tomorrow's?” she argued.

Present at the debate was also former housing minister Alfred Portelli, who said he will be voting in favour of divorce because – due to his work – he has first-hand experience of the problems and suffering of those who want to get married but cannot.

THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT DIVORCE TO BE INTRODUCED IN MALTA SHOULD GO AND VOTE "NO" ON THE 28th MAY 2011. Those who abstain may be giving a blank cheque to the Pro Divorcists.
Chris Tanthi
@Victor Laiviera: I don't know that these figures depart from reality. If you have any information in that regard, you would do well to publish it or state it clearly, rather than couch your accusations in generic language behind which one can be tempted to hide. Your comment regarding the financing of the NO movement by the Church is very interesting, because it brings to mind the very consistent support the pro-divorce movement is receiving from another important body in Malta, that is the the PL. The PL is constantly pushing the pro-divorce message through its media, despite the fact that it has taken no official position on the matter. How much would you quantify this support in monetary terms? Would you see it as part of the attempt of the liberal ideologues to "(keep) a grip on society's throat by controlling marriage" according to their world-view?
Hemm religjonijiet kristjani li huma hekk Mike, Allura aktar narhom ahjar dawk, milli persuna bhali, jmur ghan qassies Kattoliku ruman li jista jkun midneb mil kbar (bhal ma hemm hafna) U titkellem mieghu jew itik it-tqarbin tieghu. dak tqarbin u konfessjoni ehh .
ghFuq JPO , dan nista nghid u ragel li jahseb ghal haddiehor ukoll. Li rid kien jaqbad u jgib id-divorzju min barra min Malta. Imma kemm iddumu biex tifmhu, Dik Il-Probelam.
Mike, L-appostli ghazilhom, huwa stess kristu. Ghalehkk hafna mil-qassisin huma midinba mil-kbar bhal nies ohra, Ic-cucati huma il-qassisin ta roman catholic li jriduha taparsi flok gesu kristu.
Adrian Busuttil
No surprise that the Anti-divorce lobby took JPO's statement out of context. He was merely trying to illustrate how easy it is for the privileged to obtain a divorce overseas. The whole point of this referendum is that the church needs to butt out of civil matters, such is their grip on things political here in Malta.
@silvio, Issa qed tghid ic-cucatti, u taf. Is-sugget kien il-jpo li qed jghamel bhal tfal, issa ftit iehor jidba jibki. Sewwa kienu qallu tal-pl(Labour insists Pullicino Orlando is not fit to represent the people in parliament" (http://archive.maltatoday.com.mt/2008/05/21/n2.html). Mela Gesu li kien Iben Alla ghandu bzonn il-qasisin imma xorta kien josserva u jitlob fis-sinagoga. Insejt li fl-ahhar cena waqqaf is-sagrament tal-ewkaristija u qall lid-dixxilpi ghamlu dan b' tifkira tieghi. L-ebda qassis ma huwa Alla, izda kien Gesu kien li waqqaf is-sacerdozju. Fuq is-sagrament tar-rikonciljazzjoni taf wkoll li ma qallx ittolbu lil-Missier u dan jahfrilkom imma waqqaf is-sagrament meta qallhom dak li thollu jkun mahlul u dak li torbtu jkun marbut fis-sema. Bl-argument tieghek int qed tghamililha ta' alla
Well Let's begin, your communion will or cannot save NOONE. it is themselves whom must saves themselves, by being good with god. 2nd Even when Jesus prayed he never prayed through a priest, but he prayed directly to god, All you want to do is control. Besides neither you nor any priest is god, you are just a human.Even to confess ppl don't need you, they can pray directly to god, as he knows everything, The ppl needs God ,not priests who pretends they are instead of god himself shame on you all
The Church teachings are clear and anyone is free to believe and anyone is free not to believe; but to be part of the church out of your own free will you have to abide with the official teachings. So Mr Hili for Roman Catholics in favour of divorce is fraudulent and cheating people's rela credes; For the Church to be judge by JESUS yes I agree: bad things such as abusing children and many other human mistakes are bad without any exception; Good things such as dar il-providenza; old people's home; church schools; homes for children and babies etc are good without any exception; About Divorce legislation I believe that we are a free democratic country and since there is a referendum all citizens are FREE to vote NO and YES or DO NOT VOTE and free means that we are to respect each other's opinion even if it is an egoistic opinion. Why Vote No: A An alternative already exists; B The referendum refers to unilateral divorce; C Adding evil to anuulments and separations; D The ideal situation is everlasting one marriage; E Nothing better financially for the couples; what is gained by the second marriage is lost from the first marriage; F The children in a broken marriage still suffer and with second marriage suffers more; G. No limits for extra marriages; there may be second, third and so forth; H. The only solution is better unions and better families; and whatever the case a broken marriage is a failure and with new marriage it is further failure. My only preoccupation is that the labour media - ONE production is practically 100% pro divorce - and I would like to ask if this means that we do not have a place in the PL because we are against this law??? Somebody from PL please state my position!!
Ian George Walker
@ Manuel Mangani. First of all, those are the "official" figures which, as we know, have a habit of departing substantially from reality. Secondly, they tell only part of the story. Perhaps I can express it in a "priceless" way... - Approx cost of each annulment case.... €1200 - Yearly loss in waiving of above in some cases.... €500,000 - Subsidising the referendum "NO" campaign.... €?????? - Keeping a grip on society's throat by controlling marriage.... PRICELESS!
Ian George Walker
@Silent Citizen If you really wish your Maltese compatriots "all the best one could think of" then vote YES and give the most precious of all things - the liberty to live their lives as they wish and seek happiness.
Chris Tanthi
Human Torch, for the millionth time (not that it will have much effect, apparently). 1. Church annulments cost as little as 1200 Euros (excluding expert and lawyer fees which are settled with the experts and lawyers themselves). 2. In most cases fees are waived or reduced 3. The Church loses hundreds of thousands of Euros each year on annulments. If you are concerned with the truth you will take these facts into account from now on
@SILENT CITIZEN...pls do remain silent! You are an egoist and a hypocrite!~ There you go...you're served. The church in Malta is the cause of division, ignorance, brainwashing and lack of rights. The Church has a lot to answer to Jesus. The man they used to create their own selfish religion. Cant you all see the Truth? Wake up and understand you is really playing you here!...The Church does not want a civil right simply becuase it is giving it itself under another name...annulment!!!!!! They will lose money first!...Then they will lose even power slowly because many couple will start making their math in relation to reality in Malta i.e. Marry with the Church? = getting a locked contract!!!! or fork out thousands to obtain their form of divorce (called annulment) i.e. Marry with the state = much better. at least one will have a way out (Just in case) this marriage runs out of love. YES to divorce. Yes to our rights!!!!
Dear jpo supporters a quick reminder what pl had to say about jpo 3years ago 21/05/2008 " Labour insists Pullicino Orlando is not fit to represent the people in parliament" (http://archive.maltatoday.com.mt/2008/05/21/n2.html) . May I ask varist who is the Qabar imbajjad
Well Let's begin, your communion will or cannot save NOONE. it is themselves whom must saves themselves, by being good with god. 2nd Even when Jesus prayed he never prayed through a priest, but he prayed directly to god, All you want to do is control. Besides neither you nor any priest is god, you are just a human.Even to confess ppl don't need you, they can pray directly to god, as he knows everything, The ppl needs God ,not priests who pretends they are instead of god himself shame on you all.
I do not follow JPO, but his actions in favour of divorce merits him a monument for he has shown the Maltese and the rest of the world that we are still under the thumb of the Christian Church. We’re told that Malta is a free country, but this divorce saga has showed that we are still chained and being kept slaves of the church. Get it right all you religious fanatics; my life is mine and no one has the right to interfere in how I live as much as I have no right to interfere in yours! It is my life so DO SHUT UP.
JPO you surely brought up this issue perfectly ,that those who got money can get a divorce from overseas while Joe citizen unless he has money he will have to stay POGGUT Like what MGR Vella said Don`t be afraid of divorce.What is the difference between annulment and divorce?
Donella Agius
Jippretendi JPO, li ilu jghaddi lil maltin biz-zmien, li ikun ufficjalment residenti l-ingilterra u jibqa bhala membru tal-parlament malti?
Chris Tanthi
UK legislation stipulates that one of the parties to the marriage must have resident in the UK for year before may be granted a divorce. One wonders whether the UK courts will take cognizance of the fact that that an a priori declaration that one will pretend to be resident in the UK while (presumably) still being present in Parliament in Malta for several days per week, not to mention the demands place on one's presence in Malta by the need to exercise one's profession .
Donella Agius
Mela ghaliex JPO ma ghamilix cara mill-bidu nett, li l-kampanja tieghu favur id-divorzju hija kampanja ghal gwadan personali tieghu? Aktar bahnan minn waqa fix-xibka tieghu. Veru tghod ghalih: the end justifies the means!
On my part I will be voting NO as I wish all my Maltese compatriots all the best one could think of. MY APPEAL IS THAT ALL THOSE AGAINST DIVORCE SHOULD GO AND VOTE "NO" ON THE 28th MAY.
Luke Camilleri
It will be one way of showing that not all maltese enjoy the same rights of fellow Maltese , like JPO and other Maltese citizens who can just hop on a plane and get an overseas divorce! When will Cikku Poplu wake up and realise that not all Maltese citizens are enjoying the same and EQUAL RIGHTS between themselves and their E.U. Member States Citizens abroad!
@John Azzopard.. you are so right! we look so backward and foolish and ignorant debating the divorce issue when as you said it exist here just the same under another name and in another form. The Maltese people are being denied a civil right . What a joke we must look to the rest of the world !!
duncan abela
Contrary to JPO I have no intention of ever filing for divorce whether through a local court or a foreign court. However I shall be voting wholeheartedly YES in the current referendum because my ethical and moral beliefs not only convince me but compel me to fight for what I rationally see ,as a secularist and liberal, to be one of many fundamental civil rights whichl Maltese citizens are being deprived of and also in consonance with European established values which I thought we subscribed to when we joined the EU..
Irridu nahdmu iktar hafna biex jghaddi u nfehmu lin nies dwar is Santi qarrieqa li qeghdin jicirkolaw u nkomplu nwasslu lmessagg Illum m'ghandniex divorzju u xorta ghandna zwiegijiet imkissrin. Biex persuni jistghu japplikaw ghad divorzju responsabbli, iz zwieg irid ikun diga mkisser ghal kollox, falla kull sforz li koppja tirranga u l-koppja tkun ilha seperata ghal aktar min 4snin! Il Poplu ha jkun tolleranti fit 28ta Mejju u jivvota IVA ghax certa min din sabiex jidhol dan id dritt civili u mhux thallas ghalih!
THAT SAYS IT ALL - JPO WANTS THE INTRODUCTION OF DIVORCE IN MALTA TO SAVE HIMSELF HAVING TO APPLY FOR IT IN THE UK. If he does not afford it, the NO to divorce movement should collect him the necessary amount of money.
I don't think people realize how backward we are looking in the eyes of the world. In 2011, everyone country in the world has divorce, except the Philippines. WE look like a bunch of fools debating divorce. But divorce is among us in a different form. Just not on a legal piece of paper. This to me is hypocrasy.
Nothing existed..not even your gifts at the wedding. The whole day wiped out through God's almighty hand.
if i had attended his marriage i would ask him to return my marriage gift..after all, if his marriage never existed, what did i give him a gift for ????
@-Kelinu; The marriage of that 35-year old guy never failed nor existed. It was declared null, i.e. he was never married in the first place...we all should know that by now; Anullament iva, divorziju le
Schembri was replying to a 35-year-old man - who has obtained an annulment and is about to get married again – who asked her with what authority was she telling him that state should dissolve what God united. I have a few questions for this 35 year old man. Why did his marriage fail? When the marriage failed why did he apply for an annulment? Why did he not remain single after the failure of the marriage? Why shouldn't someone else like him who has been abandoned by his wife not have the same right to remarry just because he does not get an annulment? It is hypocritical of him to get another chance to remarry while others are denied such an oppportunity.
You had me in stitches with your statement JPO (not for the first time though)... is he aware that he comes across like a spoiled brat throwing a tantrum if he doesnt get what he wants? Whats next? Pulling out another tissue?... Common, Jeff, you are not doing the pro-divorce movement a big favour...but then again i had a good laugh, thank you.
Some advice to JPO. He does not need six months for a divorce with one from the Domincan Republic. If he and his ex-wife they can get one quickly. All it takes is for either JPO or his ex-wife to go to the Dominican Republic for one day. Requirements for a Divorce in the Dominican Republic. To file for a fast divorce by mutual consent in the Dominican Republic, both parties must: • agree in writing to the division of assets, property, debts, child custody, child support, alimony and tax considerations; • agree to waive the right to appeal, seek a new trial and restrain from contesting or challenging the divorce in future; • sign a Marital Separation Agreement and a Special Power of Attorney; and • at least one of the spouses, must fly to the Dominican Republic to appear before the Judge at the divorce hearing.