Election playbook: Robert Abela out-of-action as Russia and Ukraine head to war

Focus shifts to the Ukraine-Russia conflict on Day 4 of the election campaign 

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Russia and Ukraine head to war: Russian forces launched a major military assault on Ukraine, with reports of troops crossing the border to the North and South. Prime Minister Robert Abela joined EU leaders on Thursday night to discuss the situation on the Ukrainian borders while determining further sanctions and restrictions on all Duma members and high-profile Russian entities.  

Anarchy in the Highway: PN leader Bernard Grech is trying to play down the “anarchy” effect of an election pledge to waive traffic contraventions after a six-month clean record. Some rubbished the proposal for promoting irresponsible driving, but Grech says the party wants people to learn from their mistakes.  

Give us this day, our Malta Daily cringe: The Malta Daily Tiktok is on a roll. Over the past days they featured Ian Borg, Bernard Grech and now Edward Zammit Lewis in amusing Tiktoks that play on iconic political moments with existing viral memes. While providing needed comic relief in tense times, there’s a certain whitewashing at play in these videos as politicians try to soften their image to younger audiences. 

Tunnel vision: The Green Party hit out at Bernard Grech for supporting the Gozo tunnel project and a fixed-wing runway on the sister island. ADPD leader Carmel Cacopardo accused Grech of hiding the real implications of the project by being populist on the issue. 

Fit for a fief: Independent candidate Arnold Cassola likened Transport Malta to an Ian Borg fiefdom after alleging to the Prime Minister that filth, clientelism and sexual harassment runs rampant inside the regulator. Indeed, police appear to have arrested a Transport Malta official over sexual harassment allegations in line with Cassola’s warnings.  

Any new proposals?:  The Nationalist Party approved its electoral programme which would introduce a new yardstick known as Environment, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG). The Labour Party played on its previous pledge to create more green spaces for the public. 

What’s happening on Friday?: The Nationalist Party will be holding events at Ħal Kirkop (5pm), Ħad Dingli (5:45pm) and Mellieħa (6pm). The Labour Party will be holding events at Ħaż-Żebbuġ (6:30pm) and Isla (8pm). This space will be updated with any new or modified events.