Franco Debono to vote in favour of government in vote of confidence

Updated | Charlò Bonnici reacts to Franco Debono comments: 'We're living in a democracy and we're entitled to an opinion'.

MP Franco Debono said that he will vote in favour of government in the vote of confidence this evening.
MP Franco Debono said that he will vote in favour of government in the vote of confidence this evening.

Additional reporting by Miriam Dalli.

Franco Debono has told MaltaToday he will definitely be voting in favour of the government this evening in a vote of confidence “as long as the essential reforms do take place”.

"It is a positive thing that someone carried the responsibility," Debono said, referring to the recent resignation of minister of Home Affairs Carm Mifsud Bonnici after the MP voted in favour of the Opposition motion of resignation.

But in a reaction to Nationalist MP Charlò Bonnici's comments, who told MaltaToday on Sunday that the "doors should be closed with the keys thrown away into the deep sea" with respect to Debono, the rebel backbencher said that unlike Bonnici he had not been elected through a by-election, and that he had "garnered double Bonnici's vote count on my own steam".

Bonnici told MaltaToday on Sunday that he believed that by "voting with Labour to oust one of our ministers, Debono had crossed a line that should never have been crossed".

Debono also lashed out at Bonnici's "sense of team spirit", claiming that as the personal assistant of PN candidate Louis Galea, he backed out of the electoral campaign only weeks before the election, resulting in "one of the greatest hardships Galea faced during his electoral campaign".

In a reply to Debono's comments, Charlò Bonnici said he would not be threatened into silence. "I won't be threatened into silence by such regurgitated allegations. Aren't we living in a democracy where everyone is entitled to his opinon?"

On Sunday Bonnici echoed comments earlier last week by Beppe Fenech Adami who said Debono had "burnt all bridges" with the PN and "seriously jeopardised his position".

"I believe that by voting with Labour to oust one of our ministers, Franco has crossed a line he should have never crossed," Bonnici told MaltaToday.

Bonnici was adamant that Debono's position within the PN had now "definitely become untenable".

"There is no aim of leaving any doors open. They should just be closed with the keys thrown away into the deep sea... at least this is what I think should happen," he said.

Bonnici and Fenech Adami may be unabashed about their forthright views of Debono. But MPs like Francis Zammit Dimech and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando have taken a more neutral approach, while government whip David Agius and Edwin Vassallo have adopted a more conciliatory stance.

Both Pullicino Orlando and Zammit Dimech told MaltaToday that it wasn't up to them to decide where Debono now stood with the parliamentary group. "He stands as an MP," Zammit Dimech said. "It is not up to me to determine whether his position is untenable or not."

Former minister Zammit Dimech added that it had nothing to do with 'burnt bridges': "Bridges are burnt, bridges are rebuilt. The issue here is that each action has a consequence. We create our own actions and we must face the consequences of our actions."

On the other hand both Vassallo and Agius insisted the PN's door will always remain open for the maverick MP, but it all depended on what Debono wanted to do.

"Whether he's untenable or not will be determined by how he votes tomorrow evening in parliament. However, I can assure you that the door for Franco will always be open from my side," Agius said.

Comparing himself to the proverbial bridge, Agius said that his "had not been burnt".

But Charlò Bonnici's mistrust of Debono is now more than evident. Bonnici had been one of several MPs who during the Mifsud Bonnici motion equated a vote against the minister to a vote against "my colleagues and I".

"My assessment of the feeling within the group after the vote was that everyone felt betrayed by what Franco did," he said, and referred to comments passed by Debono at Mifsud Bonnici right after the vote, in which the MP told the minister: 'That's what you get for badmouthing me with the Chief Justice'.

"It did not make things easier," Charlò Bonnici said.

Whip David Agius conceded that a number of MPs felt betrayed by Debono: "I could feel anger and pain and he did burn some bridges here and there. Some have been hurt by his stand. However, I have always been, and will continue to be, at his disposal for talks for as long as he wants me to."

Agius also confirmed that since Wednesday, the two have remained in contact over tomorrow's vote.

Agius remains optimistic that the party will find a solution to what has been described by Pullicino Orlando as an "irreconcilable difference" between Gonzi and Debono.

But irrespective of whether government will secure its majority tomorrow, MPs have argued it cannot be held hostage any longer by its one-seat majority. One government MP who has been consistent on this is Pullicino Orlando. 

"I believe that when there are irreconcilable differences between a prime minister and one of his MPs, the best way forward is to call early elections," Pullicino Orlando argued. "A threat emanating from a one-seat majority that comes into play every time this difference crops up, is not beneficial for government."

But he stands alone on this one, as other MPs insisted that as long as the confidence motion is approved, the Prime Minister shouldn't call early elections.

"The PN was elected to govern for five years," Bonnici told MaltaToday. "The Prime Minister is duty-bound to lead the country until the end of the current legislature. It does not mean that the government should remain hostage by one MP. It means that everyone has to shoulder their responsibilities for anything that might happen that goes against what the electorate voted for in 2008."

On his part, Zammit Dimech says government's eligibility is not only determined the electorate's mandate but also by establishing that it enjoys the confidence of the majority of parliament.

"It has been elected by a democratic mandate and has survived more than one confidence motion, as money bills approved also constituted a show of confidence. The Prime Minister has now called for another vote of confidence. If approved, it would be highly irresponsible of the Opposition if it keeps harping on the issue," he said.

Part of this story appeared on page 1 of MaltaToday on Sunday, 2 June 2012.

@ Omega. Qsamtli l-istonku tieghi bid-dahk.Bhal donnu mhux il gvern tilef ministru wara li Franco Debono ivvota kontra il partit tieghu. Imbaghad bil wicc tost kollu trid iddeffes lil Josesp Muscat meta fil verita huwa il Prim Ministru li xeghba jaqla kritika minghand il backbenchers tieghu ewlieni fosthom Franco.
Luke Camilleri
Dr . Franco will definitely be voting in favour of the government this evening in a vote of confidence - OR ELSE GONZI WILL SET dAPHNE CARUANA GALIZJA & THEIR OLIGARCHY ON him,....and his famiy!
Franco Debono irnexxielu jiehu minn idejn Joseph Muscat ir-role ta' Kap ta' l-Oppozizzjoni. U Muscat lanqas biss induna. Ahseb u ara kemm Joseph Muscat se jkun kapaci jmexxi l-Malta bhala Prim Ministru.
Hon Dr Franco Debono kiem qal li ma ghandux fiducja f' GonziPN. Jekk jivvota favur allura ikun veru " An Empty Vessel that makes most sound". Jekk sejjer ikun hekk veru Hion Dr Carmenu Mifsud Bonnici kiem il-Haruf tas-sagrificcju" u Hon Dr Franco Dedono beza minn Wistinu.
Illuminana Sur Vella. Liema huma dawn ir-riformi kbar li qed tirreferi ghalihom?
Zack Depasquale
Ghat-tielet darba f’inqas min sena il-Gvern ta’GonziPN qieghed jiffacja vot iehor ta’fiducja fil-Parlament. Illum imma GonziPN rasu mistrieha ghaliex l-iben protiku irritorna id-dar u sejjer jivvota favur il-Gvern, ghalinqas hekk qal li sejjer jaghmel Franco Debono. Nixtieq inkun naf fuq liema kundizzjoni, jekk hemm kundizzjoni, sejjer jivvota favur Dr Franco Debono. Jidher li l-unika haga li ried Franco Debono kien li jitnehha Dr Carm Mifsud Bonnici, w issa ghax dan tnehha reggha kollox sew. Jekk inhu hekk Dr Mifsud Bonnici sar il-haruf tas-sagrificju ta’GonziPN u l-ebda ecard m’hija ser tnehhielu l-ugiegh. Mill-banda l-ohra qieghda tohrog fic-car kemm hu deboli Dr Gonzi, ghaliex illum ghandna Priministru li biex jibqa mwahhal mal-poter lest li jaghmel kollox , u dan li qieghed jaghti vantagg lill-Franco Debono li qieghed juzgha din l-arma b’kapacita kbira. Il-Priministru irid joqghod ghal dak kollu li jghidlu Franco Debono. Imma umbghad, membri ohra ta’ GonziPN lesti li jaghmlu dan u jbaxxu rashom ghal Debono.Tigi jew ma tigiex l-elezzjoni f’inqas min sena xorta trid isir, imma jista jkollna Gvern, hu ta’liema Partit hu, li jmexxi b’din il-manjiera. Jista jkollna Priministru li flok jitfa il-hidma tieghu favur il-pajjiz jinhela jipprova jsolvi il-problemi interni tal-Partit tieghu. Jista jkollna Priministru umiljat u mghajjar il-hin kollu fil-Parlament min wiehed tal-Partit tieghu stess?
Kieku offendewli lil ommi bhal ma offendewlu lil Franco kieku ilni li hallejt l- ghoqda ma GonziPN: imbaghad biex inpaxxi lil blogger li tghidx kemm qed tghid hdura u bili kontra ommu!
Kieku offendewli lil ommi bhal ma offendewlu lil Franco kieku ilni li hallejt l- ghoqda ma GonziPN: imbaghad biex inpaxxi lil blogger li tghidx kemm qed tghid hdura u bili kontra ommu!
The 'Judy and Punch' show will continue tonight. Never ever in the history of Maltese politics, has any Prime Minister disgraced Parliament this far.European my foot!
Spionkop (meta se trabbi l-kuraġġ u tippostja f'ismek?) il-kondizzjonijiet li rrefera għalihom il-Prim Ministru - u li ma kienx se jaċċetta - kienu li xi ħadd jilħaq ministru jew Leader of the House jew li jkun hemm ċensura ta' Daphne Caruana Galizia. Ir-riformi jiġu tibżax; wara kollox, dan huwa Gvern li wettaq riformi kbar fil-pajjiż.
It is mind boggling how PN apologists apparently tend to forget that it was actually Franco Debono that dealt the final blow to Dr. Carm Mifsud Bonnici. The same Franco Debono who will this evening keep afloat this outdated and lethargic government. While they tend to praise the guy that was forced to resign, at the same time they appease the other guy that dealt him this sour destiny. A truly consistent lot indeed, but than they call it democracy right?
Kemm se jdum jikkummidja dan
Jekk Franco Debono veru ser jivvota favur ikun qisu t-tigiega li ghandi gol-gallinar fil-gardina. Dan ser ikun qisu xi General ta' l-armata li kapaci jqajjem gwerra imma mhux kapaci jiggilida sa l-ahhar ghax jibza li jmur. Jien ghalija ahjan immur eroj milli bhat-tigiega.
Now that Franco is going to vote with government, the latter can put its mind at rest. However, does this mean that all is well within the PN? Is it truly a case of two weights two measures wrt the way that the PM defended Dr.Carm Mifsud Bonnici? Cause that is what it seems. The recent unfoldings in this 6 month sage saw Franco getting what he was planning all along and the PM and his entourage apparently going to some length to defend Dr. Mifsud Bonnici. PBO is actually encouraging PN supporters to endorse an e-card to CMB in a feeble attempt to hide what is crystal clear by now. That is that, CMB had to be sacrificed to get some kind of order within Government's ranks. Most probably he is the only one who is still thinking that this was all because of the opportunism from the Opposition.
Mela Gonzi rrefera wkoll ghal Franco debono bhala "DIZGUSTANTI". U Franco il-lejla bil-vot tieghu se jghid li ghandu fiducja f'GonziPN !! PARTIT TAT-TIJATRINI U KUMMIDJANTI !
Anette B Cassar
What is all this BS about being elected for 5 years? A party which is elected into government has a mandate of a maximum of 5 years and apparently there is a three month care taker (roxx il-bzar fl'ghajnejn) period. So the government can theoretically govern for 5 years three months. It does not mean that it cannot lose its mandate as in the case of losing a no confidence vote. 1998 was one such case and it is hypocrisy for the PM to conveniently forget this. As GS of the then PN, he wrote an article about this issue in 1998. Furthermore, putting on himself to the vote and not allowing abstentions is quite undemocratic. And before some PN apologists come on here going on about the 80's what was wrong then cannot justify wrong now.
Dr. FZD, jaqaw qed tippretendi tghid lill-Oppozizzjoni x'ghandha taghmel fil-parlament , meta lanqas m'ghandkhom kapacita tghid lil-shabek x'ghandhom jaghmlu ?
Is - sitwazzjoni xorta ghadha imhawda, Il prim ministru ried vot ta fiducja bla kundizzjonijiet. Imma sa fejn naf jien, Dr Debono se jivvota favur il gvern bil kundizzjoni li jitresqu certu ligijiet inkluz il finanzjament tal partiti politici, riforma fil PBS u ohrajn. Jekk se jkun hemm dawn il kundizzjonijiet, il gvern mhux se jkun komdu, Allura se jsejjah elezzjoni?.Il mozzjoni tghaddi imma xorta se jkolna prim ministru imdendel bl ispaga u x hin irid Dr Debono jigbidielu. Din il mozzjoni hija bla sens u l ahjar haga ghal GONZIPN hi li jmur ghal elezzjoni bikrija. B hekk isolvi l incertezza li hawn fil pajjiz. Ma jistax li poplu Malti ikolli prim ministru imwahhal mas siggu tal poter
Krista Sullivan
Il-Baby boy minn Hal Ghaxaq ha jerga jivvota mal-PN u sahhara tal-bidnija xorta li kella tghid fuq ommu qalitu rega bela ilsienu......U fuq il-olargija etc etc qisu ma'gara xejn hallina dottore issa aktar hareg bic-car illi int kellek kilba ghall Ministeru u miskien ghax hekk trid tghidlu ivotajt kontra CMB ghax ragel kwiet ara kontra Austin Gatt asstjenejt ghax tbul id-demm minnu.....puppet on a string....