Majority of people believe rising rents are a problem for the country
A majority of respondents in MaltaToday’s latest survey said they believed rents to a be a problem for the country, despite not being a problem they face personally
MEP rankings: Gains for Sant and Frank Psaila, Dalli and Metsola lead parties
Find out who the top MEP candidates are in the second MaltaToday survey mapping out voter choices for the European elections
MaltaToday’s first survey of 2019 shows Adrian Delia has been seriously harmed

Joseph Muscat enjoys the trust of an absolute majority with Opposition Leader Adrian Delia experiencing a dip following separation from his wife and...

Joseph Muscat enjoys the trust of an absolute majority with...

Will Joseph go or will he stay? Majority say no

A majority of people polled by MaltaToday said they did not believe Joseph...

A majority of people polled by MaltaToday said they did not...

Majority feel 2018 was a good year, survey finds

We polled the nation on whether they had had a good year, whether their...

We polled the nation on whether they had had a good year,...

MaltaToday Survey | Nationalists warm up to Adrian Delia

In the last trust barometer of the year, Joseph Muscat enjoys a 27-point lead...

In the last trust barometer of the year, Joseph Muscat...

Overwhelming support for Gozo-Malta tunnel, racetrack

We polled the nation on whether they agree with the proposed link between...

We polled the nation on whether they agree with the...

Almost five traffic casualties a day registered since start of the year

There were 10,866 traffic accidents registered between January and September, 687 fewer than the same period last year

There were 10,866 traffic accidents registered between...

MaltaToday Survey | How was Budget 2019 for you, and did you follow the speeches?

How was the Budget for you? We polled Malta and asked them about their reaction to the budget speeches by the Opposition leader and the Prime Minister

How was the Budget for you? We polled Malta and asked them...

MaltaToday Survey | All-time high for Muscat as Delia falters

In a survey held right before the 17 Black revelations, Joseph Muscat’s...

In a survey held right before the 17 Black revelations,...

See which Maltese towns had the highest growth in foreign residents over the last decade

Foreigners made up 14% of Malta’s population by the end of 2017: we broke down the National Statistics Office data

Foreigners made up 14% of Malta’s population by the...

MaltaToday Survey | Young people most trustful of EU, but least knowledgeable

From awareness about the EU’s basic stats to its effectiveness, the latest MaltaToday survey asked people about Europe

From awareness about the EU’s basic stats to its...

MaltaToday Survey | PN halts downward trend

Joseph Muscat gets small dent in his impregnable trust lead, while PN gains...

Joseph Muscat gets small dent in his impregnable trust...

MaltaToday survey | How often are you affected by noise from…

The results for all activities show a majority indicating a low frequency of...

The results for all activities show a majority indicating a...

MaltaToday Survey | Muscat’s trust rating undented as Labour sheds some support

Labour sheds support but retains 93,000 vote lead, the latest MaltaToday survey has found

Labour sheds support but retains 93,000 vote lead, the...

MaltaToday Survey | PN voters divided over Delia-Busuttil showdown

The numbers paint a complex picture of a deeply divided PN that has yet to find...

The numbers paint a complex picture of a deeply divided PN...

Maltatoday Survey | Bumped up by Nationalists, trust in Muscat runs at all-time high

Running at 14.8%, Delia’s trust rating plummeted to its second lowest result since he became leader of the Nationalist Party in September 2017

Running at 14.8%, Delia’s trust rating plummeted to...

MaltaToday Survey | Egrant: The PN gamble that went wrong

Simon Busuttil may have seen in Egrant the silver bullet to down his political...

Simon Busuttil may have seen in Egrant the silver bullet to...

MaltaToday Survey | How Egrant turned into the mother of all miscalculations

MaltaToday polls now show Labour with a margin of 94,000 votes over the PN, with Joseph Muscat standing 39 points clear of his political rival, Adrian...

MaltaToday polls now show Labour with a margin of 94,000...

Increase in number of people with income below 'at risk of poverty' threshold

There was a 0.3% increasing in the number of people living at risk of poverty in 2017, while those living in conditions of severe material depravation fell by...

There was a 0.3% increasing in the number of people living...