MaltaToday Survey | Abela trust drops to lowest level as Grech reaches high point
Prime Minister suffers new year blues as trust hits lowest point and Grech makes inroads
MaltaToday Survey | Personal finances take a hammering in COVID-19 year
Only 16.8% said their personal finances were better off in 2020, while 50% saw no difference in their kitty
COVID-19: Maltese say ‘no’ to lockdown despite average 128 daily cases of infections

MaltaToday COVID-19 Survey and Trust Barometer: 53% disagree with a coronavirus lockdown

MaltaToday COVID-19 Survey and Trust Barometer: 53%...

MaltaToday Survey | Abela trust sinks, Labour polls lowest result in three years

FULL DATA • Mid-term blues compounded by the COVID-19 pandemic and Bernard Grech’s election as PN leader appears to have left their impact on...

FULL DATA • Mid-term blues compounded by the COVID-19...

MaltaToday survey | Can the Nationalist Party win with Grech?

Bernard Grech is a more unifying force for the PN and voters may be more...

Bernard Grech is a more unifying force for the PN and...

MaltaToday Survey | Grech could halve Abela’s trust lead, Labour registers three-point drop

Full data • PN leadership candidate Bernard Grech could halve Prime Minister Robert Abela’s trust lead, as Labour polls its worst ever in 2020

Full data • PN leadership candidate Bernard Grech...

Bernard Grech could halve Abela trust lead, MaltaToday Survey shows

A MaltaToday survey shows that Bernard Grech is a more...

A MaltaToday survey shows that...

MaltaToday Survey | PN members flock behind Bernard Grech, party outsider backed by Delia rivals

[FULL DATA] Bernard Grech in pole position with high trust ranking among PN members

[FULL DATA] Bernard Grech in pole position with high trust...

MaltaToday Survey | Migration, the Opposition and COVID-19 are top three concerns

Latest MaltaToday Survey shows concern about the Opposition has gone from 1% in November last year to 13.2% in July.

Latest MaltaToday Survey shows concern about the...

MaltaToday Survey | Robert Abela trounces Delia and Comodini Cachia in equal measure

MaltaToday survey finds Robert Abela has improved trust rating irrespective of whether his opponent is Adrian Delia or Therese Comodini Cachia

MaltaToday survey finds Robert Abela has improved trust...

Abela’s trust rating slips but Delia fails to benefit

MaltaToday survey finds Robert Abela's trust rating has slipped to 54.5%,...

MaltaToday survey finds Robert Abela's trust rating has...

MaltaToday Survey | Labour support continues to increase, PN’s remains static

Gap between major parties is almost 30 points, the latest MaltaToday survey shows

Gap between major parties is almost 30 points, the latest...

MaltaToday Survey  | Working and shopping from home is new reality for Maltese

Surveys shows that a quarter of people in the country are working from home, but 10.2% have lost their job due to the COVID-19 pandemic 

Surveys shows that a quarter of people in the country are...

Chris Fearne’s handling of coronavirus crisis earns him top marks

MaltaToday Survey • Deputy Prime Minister receives high marks from...

MaltaToday Survey • Deputy Prime Minister receives...

MaltaToday Survey | Coronavirus: Malta braced for restrictions to stay until end of summer

73.6% believe restrictions are ‘just right’ 

73.6% believe restrictions are ‘just...

MaltaToday Survey | Pandemic boosts Malta PM trust ratings to unprecedented levels

Trust in Prime Minister Robert Abela now stands at 62.4%, equivalent to the rating he received in February after becoming leader and representing an almost...

Trust in Prime Minister Robert Abela now stands at 62.4%,...

MaltaToday survey | Abela retains high trust rating as he faces first major test

Prime Minister continues to enjoy an unparalleled trust rating despite seven points loss since last month • Opposition leader gains three points but gap...

Prime Minister continues to enjoy an unparalleled trust...

MaltaToday survey | Women more worried, more informed than men on coronavirus

Highest concern is among elderly • Gozitans are most relaxed • 52.4% believe country is moderately prepared • Elderly have highest belief...

Highest concern is among elderly • Gozitans are most...

MaltaToday survey | Coronavirus is disrupting travel plans but most are holding on

A MaltaToday survey showed that 33.2% of people have said that the coronavirus affected their travel plans

A MaltaToday survey showed that 33.2% of people have said...

The education divide: Only 5% of southerners attend independent schools

The National Statistics Office has revealed that only 5% of students from the southern harbour area and south eastern districts attend private independent...

The National Statistics Office has revealed that only 5% of...