Evarist Bartolo hits out at Fenech Adami over divorce stance: 'his family had three marriage annulments'

Labour MP Evarist Bartolo hits out at former prime minister Eddie Fenech over stance to divorce, citing marriage annulments that allowed his children to remarry.

Labour MP Evarist Bartolo has hit out at former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami, who is gradually assuming a primary role in fronting the anti-divorce campaign.

Bartolo – co-founder of the Yes for divorce campaign – stressed that it is “hypocritical” of Fenech Adami to speak out against divorce, adding that “he should be more compassionate and less self-righteous about the problems faced by many married couples, as not all have the luxury of obtaining three marriage annulments in the same family," he said with reference to Fenech Adami's children's marriage breakups and subsequent annulments from the Catholic Church.

Bartolo was giving comment to MaltaToday in a reaction to Fenech Adami's interview on Radju Malta on Saturday. Eddie Fenech Adami said it was "unacceptable" that Nationalist backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando had presented a private member's bill on divorce without informing the Prime Minister beforehand.

His declaration came by way of criticism of Lawrence Gonzi's "need to rein in his members", and said divorce was an example of how the agenda had been set "behind his back".

"I admire the way the country is being administered... at times [Gonzi] gives the impression that he doesn't hold on to the reins as strongly [as necessary]. People in authority need to be on top of it," Fenech Adami told Radju Malta presenter Andrew Azzopardi.

Asked for an example of Gonzi's lack of control, Fenech Adami did not hesitate to conjure up the divorce issue: "I could never accept something like what Pullicino Orlando did. When you are in a party... you cannot go behind everybody's back, make a fait accompli of everything,and set the agenda. I think it was a big mistake on his part to do this without informing the Prime Minister," Fenech Adami said.

READ MORE in MaltaToday on Sunday

eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Annullment means a marriage has NEVER TAKEN PLACE. Should only be used in extreme circumstances: 1) One spouse was drunk 2) Under-age 3)Already married 4) Forced. Otherwise, why not call a spade a spade- the marriage is OVER, in other words divorce. All this annullment crap is sheer hypocrisy
Kif ma TISTHIX tigi titkekellem Dr Eddie Fenech Adami li Int kontra id DIVORZJU meta HLIEF GIDEB min halqek ma johrogx Qatt ma ghittilna li kellek 3 mit tfal tieghek TFARKILHOM iz zwieg u bil BARKA tal KNISJA regaw IZZEWGU Il veru Int bniedem IPOKRITA hlief LIFAT min halqek ma harigtx kemm ghid li taf min qatel lil Raymond Caruana u lil Karen Grech xinti tistenna biex tghid min kienu il QATTIELA taghhom u kemm kont TIZRA MIBEDA kontr Dr Alfred Sant illum KULLHADD jaf li naqra naqra wasalna fi kliem Dr Alfred Sant Ma nafx kif ghandek il WICC TITLA TITQARBEN meta ALLA BISS jaf kemm ghamilt DENI lil certi nies biex ILHAQT PM Ghallhekk kif ghadek TFERFER ahjar TIPPROVA ISSEWWI il HSARA LI GHAMILT FORSI ALLA TIGIH HNIENA MINNEK qabel tghaddi ghal hajja l-ohra
Dan huwa ezempju tal-ikbar ipokrezija ta' EFA. Taghmel x'taghmel dalwaqt trid taghti kont ta' ghemilek u tal-hsara kbira li ghamilt lil Malta u lill-poplu Malti bit-tmexxija tieghek u billi dahhaltna fl-Unjoni Ewropea u erġajt gibtna lsiera u kolonja tal-barrani. Alla diga' qed ihallsek u jkompli jhallsek aktar minn hekk ghax bil-poplu tidhaq u tghaddi z-zmien imma b'Alla ma tidhaqx.
@ minnfommirrih : The children have no guilt in this issue. There's no point in dragging them in just to fan the flames. That said, 3 annulments and he has the face to go against divorce? Also, the picture up there is a typical example of how close the roman cathoic church is to the Maltese government. This picture contains the pope who has closed an eye to so many horrible things happening in his church. 3 annulments for his family simply goes to show how much politics and human interest are involved even in the roman catholic church, and how carefully we should weight what its representatives say, just as we weight carefully (hopefully) whatever out politicians tell us, be they left, right or centre.
Jon Sciberras
Old news, Norman Lowell, the extremist that he is, except for the hate of the church, already told us about the Fenech Adami family and the 3 annulments?. He may be rude, obnoxious and ridiculous, but he says a lot of truth.
duncan abela
Well said Varist. We are a nation of "sincerte" hypocrites. When we unfortunately discover a beam in our eyes ,if we have the means we are willing to excuse all actions we take to remove it. However we are quick to remount our moral high horse to condemn our less powerful neighbours when they try to remedy their unfortunate circumstances in the lesser means available to them.. I ask honest citizens to reflect on these two quotes by Mahatma Ghandi and Andre Gide. “Hypocrisy and distortion are passing currents under the name of religion” “The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity”
Can the Archbishop explain how this family got three annulments in such a short time, whilst others, with no Kurja connections, wait in misery for 10, 12 years or more? These are the scandals that are allienating thousands of young people from the Church. And what happens to the kids of those annulled couples, they get no identity, they get lost in cyber space as if they have never existed, just like those stillborn babies,who used to be buried in non- sacred ground? The Church should stop being the Church of the priveleged hypocritical few and embrace humility and justice for all.
Dear Dr Fenech Adami, What have you done for the family in your long years as PM? In 1986 marriages were 2619 or 7.6 per 1000 of population. By 2004 the last year of your premiership the figure had gone down to 2402 marriages for a crude rate of 6.0 per 1000. In 1985 civil marriages were 105 or 4 percent while in 2004 these climbed to 756 or 31.5 percent. Separations in 1985 separated persons were 2825 while in 2005 these climbed to 13354. Similarly the number of out of wedlock births climbed from virtually nil to 25 percent of all births during your premiership. Are you proud of this record? What did you do to stop this decline? All this happened without divorce in Malta. It would seem to say that without divorce, marriages suffer. I believe that is not your fault and that there are forces in society which lead to this and which are stronger than any person or organisation. With you in powerthe family deteriorated rapidly. You presided over the biggest decline in the Maltese family in history. Your ideas got us knowhere so please let the Maltese think afresh and provide a few ways to alleviate their marital problems.
Min hu bhal Eddie..............fil-privileggi? Ghidt u nerga' nghid li EFA ghex hajtu fil-politika f'gidba wahda. Bniedem opportunist u li jpoggi lilu nnifsu 'l fuq mill-ligi. Prosit Evarist talli kxift dan il-kaz ghax aktar sahhahtni fil-fehma tieghi!! Mela ghalhekk Eddie ma' jaqbilx mad-divorzju ghax meta xi wild jghatas...................jakkwista annullament. Prosit Ediie hej!! MA' TITGHALLEM QATT.....BHAL IPOKRITI!!
I ask archbishop Cremona: Is the Catholic Church peddling in annulments? What happens to the children, your greatness? Does not the same fate await them as the children of those who are divorced. Your Church's annulments are divorce pure and simple. If the children of a very Catholic president who were brought up in a Christian family can get their marriage wrong enough to justify an annulment, what fate awaits the rest of us mortals? Dear Cremona, you do not run a divine institution. You run a business.
Joe Tanti
Ara ma jigiex xi hadd u jghid li dawn huma affarijiet personali.EFA il veru wiccu u sormu listess.Bil flus taghmel triq fil bahar jew triq lejn il-kurja u l-vatikan.Nahseb li dan rekord f Malta.Divorzju taht isem iehor.L-annulament hu sors ta qlieh ghal knisja, bi d-divorzju dan il-qliegh jispiccala l-knisja.Ghallhekk dejjem EFA kien jghid "Ghalina u ghall uliedna", ghal uliedu tajjeb l-annulament/divorzju imma ghal popolin le! IPOKRITA. Eddie oqghod kwiet u ghalaq halqekk u kompli gawdi l-penzjoniet li dan il-poplu cuc ipprovdilekk.Il-veru sitwazzjoni ta I AM ALLRIGHT F--K YOU JACK.
EFA: Do as I say not as I do.
Jeffrey Vella
Allura annullament hu accettabli filwaqt li divorzju le ? X'ipokrezija !
Haha, the Adams family!
Nice one if you can get it. Retain your respectability and get an annulment instead of divorce. Money can buy anything from the one holdy catholic apostolic church. Even a place in heaven. The penny drops and up go your indulgences. It is time governments around the world stop recognising the Holy Shit as a nation and the annulments that it grants.
Luke Camilleri
Kollow bil-qaddisin Dward, anki biex tiehu annulament, taf kif tahdem is-sitema ... Kif tista ma tiehux annulament jekk kunjomok ikun Fenech Adami? Laqas bzonn ikollok thallas xi Lm800 minn taht dirett f'xi kont tal;-bank biex tigi aggevolat, sempliciment tkun kunjomok Fenech Adami.... u tkun tista terga tizzewweg bil-knisja u bil barka, ta' ippokrita li tkun! Dward, hadd wara hadd jasal ta' kullhadd u jekk minn ghalik seraht il-kuxxjenza b'annulament, lill poplu tad-dinja tista titnejjek bnih ghal darba , darbtejn tlient imma Dak li suppost temmen bih int mhux sejjer tingannah- Dak jaf il-kullhadd min barra u min gewwa, kif jaf veru minn gewwa u minn barra lillek u l-tieghek !
Possibli li hadd ghadu ma induna li Fenech Adami qieghed jipprapara ghall meta ikollu jaghti kont ta' x'ghamel f'hajtu. Tinsewx ghandu registru shieh biex jaghmel bilanc ghax il hazin huwa wisq tqil kontra s- sewwa Issa min ghalih sejjer inissi lill poplu tafux. Miskien kontra id divorce. Wara l'irrovina lill Malta qieghed jaqbes ghall divorzju. Dawn in nies jafu jisthu min ALLA.
Albert Zammit
Not just the number of annulments but also the speed and the ease with which these annulments were given! Iva, EFA taghna, jaf x'inhu jaghmel, tibzax! Ara tahsbu! Prosit, Varist, jien qatt ma qbilt mieghek politikament, imma fuq din, haqqek capcipa!
Raymond Falzon
Dan il bniedem veru ma jafx jisthi.
Michael Gauci
Three marriage annulments?,Perhaps Fenech Adami should shut the f up then.