Domestic violence segment stopped abruptly on TVM midday show

Family issues were not to be discussed on TVM's 12:05.

Sources have told MaltaToday that TVM's 12:05 midday show, hosted by Ray Calleja, was stopped abruptly after PBS managment flagged a possible breach of electoral law.

Calleja was hosting a panel talking on domestic violence, which also featured Malta Confederation of Women's Organisations president Renee Laiviera, who is leading a roadshow to create awareness on domestic violence.

The panel was made up of a police inspector, a social worker, lawyer Roberta Leprè, opinionist Manuel Micallef and Laiviera.

MaltaToday could not confirm whether the panel was stopped because the theme of domestic violence cropped up in the divorce referendum and could have been in breach of electoral law on the day of reflection before tomorrow's vote.

Sources also said the production house notified the whole panel beforehand to be careful and not to mention divorce during the discussion. Subjects such as the perpetrator, the law and the police and their role were discussed. Suddenly the camera crew told the panel to stop because the programme was off air.

TV presenter Ray Calleja was unavailable for comment. The cancelled segment led to TVM airing teleshopping adverts.

Somehow, for the “NO” people, speaking about domestic violence is making propaganda in favor of the “YES” people. This should really make us all think. Would I be right if I say then that the “NO” people want to hide domestic violence because it might give then a disadvantage in the polls? This is really a shame, people who prefer to close their eyes when their neighbor’s wife is beaten up because they are afraid to make a sin and let this poor woman become free of this terror and maybe find a new love. Which is the SIN? Hawwdni ha nifhem………..
to rcasha: that is what the presenter told the panel before the start of the programme. And no one mentioned anything about divorce or the referendum. It was obvious that the presence of Manwel Micallef, a very able presenter in his own right, was enough to make Natalino Fenech - a PN appointee as head of news - take what looks as a very biased decision to take the programme off the air ! Still that is chicken-feed to what we are witnessing today coming from the 'No' campaign, mostly NET TV and Angelik Caruana and his loony " desciples " !!
Personally I think this "day of reflection" rule is antiquated and should be done away with. In any case, couldn't they simply have asked the panel not to mention or allude to the D word?
@ mario farrugia - you are spot on, mate. They point to Mintoff for putting the PN elite back into their place but they forget what they did before he was elected, they in communion with the corrupt Maltese Church. Can you just imagine the number of abused children who never spoke up! Some six months ago I heard of a story of one boy who was made to kneel in the corner of a class room for not wanting to have sex with a Roman Catholic priest. We have now hit the trifecta - Gonzi, a fanatical Catholic, Abela, another strange one (no wonder Gonzi chose him for President) and their almighties Cremona and Grech. All we need now is for MLCP to become Malta's goddess!
I see, so you cannot talk about domestic violence in Malta on certain days because it has to do with marriage? What about domestic violence between those cohabiting or even same-sex couples? Why do not they stop RTK from talking about the Sacred Family also? What a joke. It's time for a change and return this stupid Gonzi PN government to the annals of history. Whatever the result, the great loser today will be the Church.
Someone also censored this today on the Mazzun blog:
Chasbay, 70s and 80s ? No ....... that was when we start to speak !! we are back to the 50s and 60s. Now you see what Mintoff (and us) went through........ and all in the name of God !
The more the time passes the more the Le group show their true identity - the same identity the gozitan grechistan called the certain groups - Lupu liebes ta' naghga. This is playing dirty and they are really excelling at it.
The NO side are cynically taking advantage of the Day of Reflection. - Joe Inguanez allowed to attack Mark Montebello for favouring YES side - Program on TVM stopped. Don't let them decide for you - go out and VOTE!
This smacks of desperation. Looks like they are realising that people are seeing divorce as a remedy for domestic problems. The people are wiser than many give them credit for.
So are we not at liberty to discuss what we want on TVM nowadays. Are back to those dreadful days of the lates seventies and early eighties were censorship ruled supreme. The panel, has never mentioned the the divorce/seperation issue, so why all this. Why wasn't the programme on Campus FM featuring Father Inguanez not stopped as he reportedly breached the silence law??? Two ways two measures?