Robert Abela keeping cards to his chest as Labour co-options rest solely with him
MaltaToday Survey | Abela trust sinks, Labour polls lowest result in three years
Budget will be proof of Labour's commitment to social justice, Abela says
Robert Abela lashes out at new PN leader in first ‘cordial’ meeting
[WATCH] Robert Abela is not amused after Bernard Grech invites himself to Castille
New Qawra primary school finally sees light of day
Rule of law concerns PM must act upon
Abela invites new PN leader to join him in ‘full-up’ message on migration
American defence secretary expected in Malta for SOFA talks as Moneyval test looms
Robert Abela and outrage over that ice cream in Ragusa: ‘I understood the reaction’
COVID-19 wage supplement to be extended beyond October, Prime Minister says
After Schembri’s asset freeze and arrest, is Robert Abela tightening the noose around Muscat?
[WATCH] PM reacts to Schembri asset freeze, questions on Muscat administration’s projects
[WATCH] PM insists students must return to school
Council of Europe rapporteur accuses Abela of political interference after berating Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Repubblika insists public inquiry into journalist's murder must retain full independence
Robert Abela tells European Council president, Malta needs 'concrete action' on migration
[WATCH] Robert Abela hints at changes to divorce law
[WATCH] Asked about Electrogas, Abela reveals reservations on Caruana Galizia public inquiry
Gozo Channel pleads for government cash injection as Cabinet meets in Gozo
As Macron urges EU restrictions on Turkish influence, Abela says: ‘Malta is neutral’
Not only weekend-breaks: OPM says Abela ‘working relentlessly’ in COVID-19
PN: Abela must take steps on Cabinet members who chatted with 17 Black owner
MaltaToday survey | Can the Nationalist Party win with Grech?
MaltaToday Survey | Grech could halve Abela’s trust lead, Labour registers three-point drop
[WATCH] General election date will not be determined by future PN leader, PM says
Abela risks being dragged down by Muscat’s legacy
Bernard Grech could halve Abela trust lead, MaltaToday Survey shows
Council of Europe rapporteur voices ‘serious concern’ if Prime Minister imposes deadline on Caruana Galizia inquiry
COVID-19 wage subsidy extended, but MHRA wants €800 support till March 2021
PN leadership contenders have no vision for civil rights, environment, Abela hits back at rivals
'Channel your anger' Delia tells Malta
PM’s inaction on Joseph Muscat’s alleged knowledge on Caruana Galizia murder unacceptable, Delia says
Why axing Joe…I mean, Peppi, was wrong
[WATCH] COVID-19 situation still under control, PM says
[ANALYSIS] Robert Abela’s five COVID-19 blunders
Abela returns to Ragusa holiday, but Fearne refuses to be drawn into PM’s trip
Migrants to be excluded from Malta’s COVID-19 numbers, Robert Abela says
Abela holidays in Sicily. But in Ireland, COVID-19 trip costs tourism chief his job
[WATCH] Abela warns of educational catastrophe if schools do not reopen, safety protocols being drafted