[WATCH] Pullicino Orlando’s impassioned plea for reason against ‘campaign of lies’

Moviment Iva chairperson Deborah Schembri has accused Zwieg Bla Divorzju of being silent on solutions to marital breakdown, at a debate organised by MediaToday at the Palace Hotel, Sliema.

In one of the most impassioned of debates so far, Zwieg Bla Divorzju representative Dr Robert Tufigno was faced by the ire of an audience which included entrepreneur Kevin Decesare, who is separated, who accused Tufigno of insulting his sense of the family.

Decesare said he has been separated for 17 years and that the Moviment Zwieg bla Divorzju is showing no "empathy" for those who are in a similar situation. Decesare said he felt "insulted" by the way Tufigno alluded that separated people do not try hard enough when it came to solving their marital problems.

The discussion drew a harsh reaction from divorce bill promoters Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Evarist Bartolo. Pullicino Orlando reacted strongly to Tufigno’s comment that the private member’s bill had been “pushed forward by someone who might have personal interests in doing so”.

 “I did not propose the bill for personal reasons. I saw the suffering of the people and instead of ignoring the massive pink elephant in the room, as a representative of the public, I did what I had to do,” the Nationalist MP said.

He said the divorce bill was necessary to regularise the position of so many families whose marriages had broken down and were already living with new partners and even bringing up children born out of wedlock.

“When I presented the bill I was telling MPs ‘let’s debate this’ but I never imposed it on anybody,” Pullicino Orlando told Tufigno.

To the applause of his audience, Pullicino Orlando told Tufigno whether he should think that the Prime Minister had his own personal reasons, “because it was him who proposed the referendum.”

Echoing the sentiments of Decesare, and a woman whose marriage had been annulled and was present with her children in the audience, Pullicino Orlando said the ‘no’ movement’s concept of an “ideal family” was not the one Zwieg Bla Divorzju was pushing.

“My personal life is ideal because it is based on love and I respect my children and my partner’s child alike. For me this is family, where there is love and not hypocrisy.”

Without mentioning names, he said a newspaper’s editorial against divorce had been penned by an editor who had “broke apart his own family but still chose to stress the importance of lasting marriage. This is hypocrisy.”

“The fact that I hear MPs talk of the value of a lasting marriage, when they themselves have no idea of what respect of marriage means... I am asking you to be realistic,” Pullicino Orlando said.

He also attacked Tufigno’s claim that remarriage would produce 'serial marriages' and a string of families impossible to maintain. “Right now there are people who have gone from one cohabiting arrangement to another five times in a row... they can do it every week if they want. Do you think that unknown fathers and single mothers are just cropping up like that?”

He also said the scaremongering tactics employed by the no movement were redolent of the 1980s: “They went into parish churches scaring people, brainwashing them... and scaring people about spousal maintenance: no judge is crazy enough to trample upon spousal maintenance of a family.”

Feeling “offended” by Tufigno’s comments, Bartolo reiterated that he had “no personal interest” in promoting the divorce bill.

“I am happily married with my wife and I have no intention of leaving her,” he said passionately. “What’s wrong in not denying others what I have enjoyed?”

He added that divorce will not affect those who believe in the sacrament of marriage. “Those who are tied by Church marriage will remain so. But if there are at least even five persons who need divorce, what right do I have to deny it to them?”

Replying to members of the audience who shared their experience of broken marriages, Tufigno said that whilst he felt for them, “divorce is not the solution”.

He claimed that with divorce, upcoming generations would not see “the strong family Malta has enjoyed so far” and that “in the long run, we will end up a weak family model”.

edyjoyce jekk rajt tx qraw din li smajt u ds qaltlu li l-parliament jista jirranga li jrid u hu qalilha ghax ma tirrangawiex ghar-referendum. Min ser jivvota iva ser jivvota skond kif qed jipproponu jigifieri fejn hemm jinzamm li hemm fejn ma hemmx separazzjoni kull ma ghandek bzonn erba snin separazzjoni (u ma ghandek bzonn l-ebda certifikat imma biss li tfiehem lil qorti li ilek erba snin separat/a). Kif jig accettat u jinghata d-divorzju l-parti l-ohra tkun notifikata....ghal dan iriduk tivvota...
lil Jason : Li qal JPO dwar " terrorizmu spiritwali " hu kollu minnu ! Mela meta qassis jghid lil xi xwejha li jekk tivvota IVA hu mhux se jqarbina aktar, mhux " terrorizmu spiritwali " jkun ghamel fuq dik ix-xwejha, meta dik ix-xwejha tkun taf li ma tantx fadlilha hajja f'din id-dinja ??! Anzi jien nghid li dak li ghamlu certi sacerdoti u l-Isqof t'Ghawdex huma " OxXENITAJIET SPIRITWALI " ! Eddy Privitera
lil " bejn-il-linji" : Minn kif ktibt giegheltni nahseb li jew int m'intix kapaci tuza mohhok. Jew int qed tilghaba tal-innocenti , meta fill-fatt taf sewwa li dak li qed tikteb mhux veru, izda qed taghmel hekk biex tbezza lil min ma jafx jahseb b'mohhu. U joqghod fuq xi haddiehor x'ghandu jaghmel. Jew forsi int wiehed jew wahda mill-OQBRA MBAJJDA li tfaccaw fix-xena f'dawn l-ahhar ftit gimghat !
Proset JPO, Evarist Bartolo ,deborah schembri .Michael Falzon . Nies li tafu tiggieldu ghad drittijiet ta haddiehor, mhux tilghabu bid-diskors. IVA VERA DAN IL-PAJJIZ MIMLI BL-IPOKRITI. MALTA zghira wisq u hafna min nies jafu lin-nies. Jiena wasalt ghal konkluzzjoni wara dak kollu li smajt , li dan tort kolu tal PM, li mar ghal referendum ghax BEZA. BEZA ghax kull ma ghandu fil-parlament siggu wiehed bissa aktar fil-parlament. Il-Mibeghda li gab fuqu il-PM hija kbira u fuq il-partit tieghu.Ma ghandiex ghalfejn nispjega fit-tul, ghax issa wasalna fl-ahhar tar-referendum moqziez. U ta konkluzzjoni wkol li joseph muscat , gjhidu x'jghidu beza mil-knisja ghax jibza li jitlef l-elezzjoni li gejja minhabba li l-knisja ghandha poter kbir hawn fuq l-ipoktiti biss ta.. Mela allura opportunisti biss.Jekk int verament favur dan id-dritt civili , ghamlhu fil-programm elettorali tal-partit li int mexxej, jekk le mela allura int opportunist. Malta2011 qedghda fil- EU tghamel referendum rigward id-divorzju . Tad-dahq.
@Jason Ħeq mela mhux verita qed jgħid?
Isabelle Borg
Milli nerga nizzewweg tistghu c- cahduni, imma milli npoggi le.
Dat-teatrini ta' JPO diġa' rajnihom dwar il-kwistjoni tal-Mistra. Miskin, JPO, lili ma jikkonvinċini xejn. U tat-terroriżmu spiritwali hu l-akbar insult li qatt seta' jagħmel dal-bniedem.
"Pullicino Orlando’s impassioned plea for reason against ‘campaign of lies" - was JPO addressing the Pro Divorce Movement when he said this??
Aqraw kif Alla jaccetta d-divorzju jekk mhemmx mod iehor biex jinhall zwieg. https://mazzun.wordpress.com/2011/05/25/alla-tolleranti-u-jridkom-tivvotaw-iva-fir-referendum-it-tieni-parti/
Bejn il-linji. Sinjura taf li l-Qorti tal-Appell, fit-3 ta' Ottubru 2008, qatghetha li mara m'ghandha l-ebda dritt ghall-manteniment perpetwu minghand ir-ragel u ddecidiet li wara li t-tfal jaghlqu t-12-il sena il-mara trid (must) tmur tfittex xoghol biex tmantni lilha nnifisha ?.. Idhol fil-MALTA TODAY tal-8 ta'Ottubru 2008 u aqra l-artiklu tal-Avukatessa Anna Mallia ntitolat "Women Unite !". Iftah ghajnejk sinjura ghax dawn l-affarijiet izommuhom mistura u meta tigi f'xi bzonn iwahhluhomlok ma wiccek !!. Bniedem avzat....
* galadarba JIDHOL id-divorzju, skuzani
@ observer: "lacking consideration for those who are happily married"... Can you explain HOW the divorce legislation will affect families who are HAPPILY MARRIED? Is this supposed to be a consistent argument? @ bejn il-linji: jiddispjacini nghidlek li ma tantx ghandek zwieg sod u felici jekk int verament qed tibza li r-ragel jitilqek galadarba tiehu d-divorzju. Fl-opinjoni tieghi zwieg bhal dak huwa zwieg fazull u ipokrita. Jikkonferma dak li qal JPO dwar l-ipokrezija.
Belinda Huckson
It is misleading to plead a yes on grounds of empathy because in marriage breakdown some are victims and some are perpetrators. How can a no fault divorce legislation after four years of separation sort this out? The health service is not even equipped to offer medical help and support because divorce is a far more traumatizing issue than separation full of other problems not similar to separation. JPO has recognized the trauma of a marriage breakdown himself he said ,but does that justify his change of heart because of his trauma? He knew the No divorce reasoning well. A person who is traumatized needs treatment before making his own decision making, let alone dragging a country through a private member's Bill. The whole issue is a manufactured one ,not sensible and lacking consideration for those who are happily married. How is that for empathy? Empathy should be in all directions. I am sorry for the plight of JPO . I am full of empathy for him especially for the burden of what he calls historic change. He must have had some delusions about his weight and greatness.How would future generations recall his name after years of divorce laws if these are passed? Doing like others do is not a sensible way of carrying out politics for politicians carry the responsibility of a nation. When such burden is too heavy for them they should resign if they are genuine.
U ha nerga inzid l-ohra li smajt...li ma hemm bzonn xejn ufficjali biex jibdew l-erba snin bizzejjed li jitlaq...
Ha nerga nghid ghax jidher li hawn hafna fehmu imdawwar...Jekk ghandi ftehim u fejn hemm ftehim dan ser jibqa' imma fejn ma hemmx ftehim dan ma hux ser ikun rikjest ghax kull ma ghandek bzonn ,,erba snin separazzjoni...
@ bejn il-linji Informa ruhek sew qabel titkellem u informa ruhek ahjar qabel tmur tivvota nhar is-Sibt. Il-manteniment ta' separazzjoni mhux ha jintmess mid-divorzju!! Qabel ma tidhol il-qorti ghal divorzju, ha tkun ilek separata ghal 4 snin u l-garanziji li hadt mill-qorti ghas-separazzjoni, mhumiex ser jintmessu malli tiehdu d-divorzju.
@ vcas1 JPO and Jesmond Mugliette both claimed that in case that the No wins, they will abstain from the Parliamentary vote. On the contrary, some of those against, like Beppe Fenech Adami, already claimed that the people's will has no value for them and they will still vote against in Parliament. That's the kind of people the No camp is made of - people with their heads stuck in their own behinds and enjoying the smell of their own gases!
A question to JPO: What will your political position be if the Referendum fails to pass?
While I agree that the State should introduce divorce as a legal mechanism, I disagree with those stating that divorce should be left in the hands of the individuals' choices. The State should provide assistance and support and also decide whether to grant divorce or not as the legal representative of this mechanism. Take a hypothetical case: Imagine an island with 100 couples. 25% separate; there is a small chance that these may influence the remaining 75% as some members of the separated 25% may want divorce because they got into a relationship with the others (possibly) who are married. This is an extreme case but not an impossibility. Hence the State should act responsibly in the way it allows divorce to take place.
I take my hat off for Mr Decesare. Be it 17 yrs or 17 hrs of separation NO ONE has any right to question that couple who goes through hell & back in their silence humiliated & suffering mentally & emotionaly doing their best to keep stable of what's left of their relationship for themselves and their children. It's about time we DIVORCE our State from the catholic church once and for all. A yes vote means the minority in Malta is given a choice to decide their own destiny wether they want to remain in their present condition or choose to remarry. Everyone is entitled to find his/her fulfilment in life. It's a pity but no excuses of any type in the near future can erase what the maltese roman catholic bishops has done in the past weeks. Any which way you look at it the church will be the looser in the long run. This divorce legislation is for civil marrage only.
@ Bejn il-Linji Jekk tghaddi l-ligi tad-divorzju r-ragel ma jkunx jista' jitilqek bi tliet itfal minghajr ma jtik manteniment. Bil-ligi tad-divorzju proposta jkollok manteniment GARANTIT. Waqqfu l-gideb. Bil-ligi tad-divorzju proposta, l-EBDA MARA MA TITLEF IL-MANTENIMENT. Nisa separati li llum ghandhom manteniment izommuh ghax bil-ligi kull FTEHIM LI SAR WAQT IS-SEPARAZZJONI JIBQA' JGHODD. Ovvjament, jekk qieghda tahseb li ghax tghaddi l-ligi tad-divorzju ir-ragel se jithajjar ghandkom problema kbira u ahjar ticcekjaw ftit. Ghax ma jghamilx sens li xi hadd li suppost ihobbok u jirrispettak illum ma jibqax ihobbok u jirrispettak il-Hadd li gej ghax tkun ghaddiet il-ligi tad-divorzju.
Jekk tghaddi l-ligi, r-ragel jista' jitlaqni bi tlett t-itfal jghaddu erba snin u kull ma nircevi nota li r-ragel ha d-divorzju u allura jien iddivorzjata bi tlett t-itfal u la hallejt kollox jghaddi spiccajt lampa stampa...li fis-separazzjoni illum nista niggieled ghal manteniment qabel johrog. Jekk imur ghal annulament, jien nigi mghajjta u jinaghata biss jekk ikun hemm raguni. Nistaqsi kif tal-LE ma humiex jishqu fuqha din il-mohrija gdida li jridu jgibu min ipprezenta dan id-divorzju. Ma jisthux jghidulu divorzju responsabbli??? Nispera li ma jghaddix ghax iktar inwegga rasi u noqghod attenta li ma jsibx xi ohra!!!!
Nothing will make me not to believe that the church may be funding, below the counter, with the ZWIEG BLA DIVORZJU campaigner. this is a 2nd 1960's policy.
Well done Jeffrey and Evarist. Keep it up. Anke jekk jghaddi LE ibqghu ikkumbattu flimkien ghal separazzjoni ta' stat minn knisja. Gie rrapurtat li nhar il-Gimgha, jum ta' riflessjoni, il-knejjes f'Ghawdex (f'Malta ma nafx) ser jibqghu miftuhin bil-lejl ukoll. Ara xi krucjata moqzieza din. Ma nixbax insejjah PULCINELL lil Isqof t'Ghawdex u tant iehor lil ta' Malta li hallew issir din il-krucjata kollha kontra xi haga ta' bzonn civili u talli wkoll hallew qassisin jabbuzaw mill-posizzjoni taghhom bi priedki, kitbiet u ohrajn. Anke dawn it-teologi, l-ewwel igibuhom fuq it-TV jghidu mod dwar id-divorzju u wara jghidu li mhux hekk kienu qalu. IPOKRITI. Ghad tridu taghtu kont lil poplu fuq il-qzizijiet li ghamiltu f'dawn l-ahhar gimghat. L-isqfijiet ahjar raw x'qed isir dwar l-abbuzi fuq it-tfal minn sorijiet u membri tal-kleru milli jcahhdu dritt lil min ghandu bzonnu. L-Ahwa biex naghtu lezzjoni lil dawn in-nies ipokriti u anke lil membri parlamentari li bilfors akkost ta' kollox iridu jcahhdu dan id-dritt ukoll, nhar is-Sibt ghandna nohorgu bi hgarna nivvutaw IVA.
The Church has always lied to the ignorant. But in this day and age Human should know better . Most young people will vote YES, because they have brains in their mind and not cobwebs.
Luke Camilleri
I think like any marriage, especially when you've had divorced parents like myself; you want to try even harder to make it work. Princess Diana
Rayman Jumbo
Well Done for Kevin Decesare for joining the debate and making his point known publicly. It is sick to see and hear the NO campaigners talking bullcrap about the matter. The more I hear them, the more I get convinced to vote YES with a vengance!
LilDr. Tufigno nghidlu li jien ippruvajt kemm il-darba ghar-rikonciljazzjoni izda kien kllu ghalxejn ! Jidher car li dawn tal-LE fil-fond ta' qalbhom jafu li tal-IVA ghandhom ragun, izda riedu jghamlu pjacir lill-Kurja u qeghdin jidhru fuq quddiem flok il-Monsinjuri tal-Kurja . tant hu hekk li kemm Anna Vella issa nafu li kienet qalet li ma kienitx kontra d-divorzju tliet snin ilu, u kemm Joyce Cassar spiss qalet illi kieku l-ligi kienet " bit-tort" ma kienitx tkun fuq in-naha tal-LE !!! Kif jistghu min kien indeciz sal-bierah, jibqa indeciz illum ! CARA, ILLUM KULLHADD QED JAQBEL MAD-DIVORZJU HLIEF IL-KURJA. GHALHEKK GHAMLU DMIRKOM U NHAR IS-IBT MORRU IVVUTAW IVA - SPECJALMENT INTHOM LI TANT SOFREJTU FIS-SNIN SITTIN KULL FORMA TA' ZEBLIH MILL-KURJA MALTIJA U L-FORZI TAD-DLAM.
The 'Babaw Brigades', the Trojan horses of obscurantism strike again! Imkien fid-dinja hlief f'Malta! Issa favur id-divorzju imma mhux favur il-mistoqsija!!!!! Issa iridu jistudjaw; ilhom mill-1995 itertqu qalb in-nies. Il-Knisja uried li mhix kapaci taghti soluzzjoni ghal min hu imgarrab, u qed tuza lil brigati tal-babaw biex iwerwru in-nies! Il-Knisja IVA jew LE se titlef il-krettu ma hafna nies, imma il-politika ghamja partiggjana tal-poter materjali u socjali se jiekolha minn gewwa; its a shame...but too late now.
Mr.Tufigno, Jekk int qed tghid li d-divorzju mhux soluzzjoni, dik ghidha ghalik innifsek. Int meta ghidt li ma l-koppji separati ma pruvawx bizzejjed, huwa insult . inti tkellimt fuq kazi ta koppji li int kont avukat taghha jew tieghu, taf xi tfisser dik? Li int dawk il-persuni li dehert ghalihom bhala avukat, int qed tghid ghal dawk, ara ma tghidx li mhux veru issa. ghax int ta dawk kont avukat, u taf x'kien hemm fin-nofs. u int qed tghid li ma pruvawx bizzejjed, u int ma tajxt numri 1 jew 2 , izda ghidt il-koppji separati. Li kieku tkun avukat tieghi u naf li ghidt dan id-diskors nigi u nitolbok il-file tal-kaz, ghax ma nkunx iridek bhala avukat tieghi, ghax ghaliha mintiex avukat tajjeb int.
"Decesare said he has been separated for 17 years and that the Moviment Zwieg bla Divorzju is showing no "empathy" for those who are in a similar situation. Decesare said he felt "insulted" by the way Tufigno alluded that separated people do not try hard enough when it came to solving their marital problems." Couldn't have said it better Mr Decesare. Prosit. As if people just separate and go through all the trouble, heartbreak and expenses... for what? For the heck of the adventure??
"fil-principju m'humiex kontra d-divorzju, izda kontra l-mistoqsija tar-referendum". This couldn't be more idiotic. So this "LE" movement are in favour of divorce but they're insisting on the "divorce yes or no" question a' la Las Vegas? Come on, at least this way we're safeguarding that couples would NOT in the future marry knowing that they could get a divorce the next day! Was that the type of divorce the "LE" movement wanted?? "LE" movement indeed...........
"Deborah Schembri has accused Zwieg Bla Divorzju of being silent on solutions to marital breakdown" Precisely. All the arguments brought forth by the "No" movement aren't even relevant to divorce. They're relevant only to the heartbreak and trauma which is brought on to the suffering spouse and his or her kids when everyone realises that the couple/parents have no choice except to split up. Their arguments are relevant to argue against separation, who will get custody of the children, who will get maintenance and how the property and community of acquests would be divided. I would vote for the "No" sayers, but only if they were campaigning for strengthening couples, for strengthening our marriages. Because after marriage breaks up irretrievably and the couple separate - what importance is there as to whether, after going their separate ways, they get a divorce? Or get an annullment? Or pay a hefty sum and obtain a divorce from abroad? Or do the same thing had they been divorced but minus the rubber-stamp confirming a marriage and start cohabiting with a partner and start a family? 28% of children born last year are "outside marriage". What do you think is happening?
Wara li smajt lil Dr. Robert Tufigno " jghazaq fl-ilma " -kif nghidu bil-Malti, fid-dibattitu ma Dr. Deborah Schembri, gejt id-dar u smajt fl-ahbarijiet, li Dr. Galea Salomone qal li l-moviment tal-LE " fil-principju m'humiex kontra d-divorzju, izda kontra l-mistoqsija tar-referendum " !!! Mela issa anke tal-LE fil- principju jaqblu mad-divorzju. Mur ara x'qalu l-Isqfijiet meta semghu dan, specjalment l-isqof t'Ghawdex ! Imbaghad kitbu dawk il-hmerijiet kollha fuq il-Bilboards biex ibezzghu lin-nies dwar id-divorzju, META HUMA STESS ISSA QED JGHIDU LI FIL-PRINCIPJU JAQBLU MAD-DIVORZJU !! hEMM BZONN AKTAR PROVI BIEX WIEHED IMUR JIVVOTA IVA ? l-anqas haqq li gennintu hafna nies kontra d-divorzju,meta inthom stess TAQBLU. Wara kollox anke l-prim ministru ammetta li d-divorzju se jkollna bzonnu, " izda mhux ghal issa " !
hudu hsieb il kunventijiet ta sorrijiet ax diga bdew jipjanaw bix johorgu lanzjani li huma kontra, u dawk li huma favur igibu li skuzi u gideb li ma jifilhux johorgu u li huma morda u li andom id dimensja bix ma jhalluwomx jivuttaw!!!!! korruzzjoni kbira se jkun awn min dawn id djar tal anzjani ta sorijiet
Jien most u smajt id-dibattitu. Qatt ma kont nemmen li se nisma argumenti daqstant stpidi bhal ma smajt minn Dr. Robert Tufigno tal-LE ! Tant kien debboli fl-argumentar tieghu, li diversi nies li kienu kontra d-divorzju, wara xi hin bdew jitilqu l-barra. nahseb li hassewhom iddizappuntati bil-kbir. U nahseb li xi whud jergghu jahsbuha jivvutawx 'Le' wara li raw kif Dr. Deborah Schembri, tal-moviment 'IVA' ghamlitu zugraga bl-argumenti cari u sodi taghha. Kieku dak id-dibattitu kellu jigi mxandar fuq TVM maggoranza kbira jivvutaw IVA ghax deher car li tal-LE ibezzghu biss jafu zida argumenti sodi m'ghandhom xejn ! Eddy Privitera
Mr Tufignio is only pulling the rope of government. Pay back time.
If Malta has such strong families, why is it that there are thousands of broken marriages?   And if "divorce is not the solution", then, what is?   Dr. Tufigno ought to consider coming down to earth ... he sounds like a raving maniac, out on the far side of the universe.   Pathetic!