Muscat visits ongoing works at Seabank Hotel, calls for more investment at ITS

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat visits ongoing works at the Seabank Hotel extension, lauds work for 'generating more income for the economy.'

During a visit he made this morning at the Seabank Hotel, Labour leader Joseph Muscat praised the company’s decision to expand their business, creating some 150 new jobs.

The extension, highly criticised by environmental NGOs, will be officially inaugurated in May next year. MEPA had granted the permit for the building of the extension on a land that was listed as ODZ (outside development zone).

“Tourism is the future of the Maltese economy and creation and retention of employment. The investment of Seabank Hotel is an example of a Maltese company which obtains results because it believes in its people and generates work,” Muscat said.

He added that the extension is going to attract more tourists to the island: “Our country aspires to produce different products, which are of quality and which result in value for money.”

Muscat also called for more money to be invested in at the Institute for Tourism Studies: “This would help encourage more youths embark on a career in tourism.”

Hotel owner Silvio Debono thanked Muscat for his visit and said he already has positive indicators from tourist operators for next summer.

I have a relative who lecturers there and a friend who is a management student at ITS. I can tell you that the things I am hearing about ITS are not very good. The lecturer keeps complaining of the teaching load which seems to be greater than that expected as per conditions of work and was "imposed" with veiled threats from the management. Even the student says the atmosphere is not the same as last year. There is something wrong, and mentions the situation at the restaurant used by students for lunch where there is no longer a personal service and sometimes there is utter confusion with the new "pay before you get the food" system. There seems to be a new gym but without any apparatus. The students says she is not enjoying herself much.
What ITS needs right now is responsible leadership and genuine vision. The Institute has been relegated to a repeater class and is well set on the road to ruin. Gone are the says when top notch managers and chefs graduated from ITS. Henceforth it's just cafeteria staff, toilet cleaners and Fawlty Towers type waiters. Sic transit gloria mundi.
Ma tantx kien fost il-hbieb Joseph illum. Staqsi lill ta warajh. Insomm xi kultant trid tiehu bl idejn li tixtieq maqtuha, mhux hekk!!
Grzegorz Tomski
Our next Prime Minister