Gripped by internal dissent, PN did not look outwards - Borg Olivier

Outgoing secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier says it was party's internal problems that made PN lose the plot.

Paul Borg Olivier
Paul Borg Olivier

The Nationalist leadership made a fatal error in looking inwards when it failed to get to grips with its internal dissent, outgoing secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier has admitted.

In an interview to Radju Malta presenter Andrew Azzopardi on his blog, Borg Olivier said the PN's leadership and the government had sent the people a message that it was "too busy... call me later", because of its own problems with backbenchers and party dissent.

"It was unintentional... we didn't want our party problems to have a negative on the country... it was like a father who doesn't see his kids from day to night."

Despite admitting that this was a difficult election to win, Borg Olivier says the seeds were sown in the losses the party endured in the European elections of 2009 and the 2012 local council elections, where the writing was then already on the wall.

But he disagreed with the words chosen by former MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia, who accused the party of being 'hijacked' and Robert Arrigo, who says the party was taken over by the proverbial 'clique' surrounding Lawrence Gonzi.

"Everybody has a right to their opinion, but 'hijack' is a harsh word... I don't feel my leadership was centered around a clique, or that I was part of a 'clique' that excluded other people. I know that I worked within and for the PN. I don't like the word, let alone would I want to be part of a 'clique'.

"I worked all the way with Farrugia and Arrigo and others. I don't think the fact that I was in my role [as secretary-general] and they were MPs, meant we were in some clique or another. What I know is that between 2009 and 2010 the party was passing through difficult times that we did not recover from," Borg Olivier says, again harking back to internal dissent.

But it was also less than a year after Lawrence Gonzi was re-elected on a relative majority that gave him just one seat over the Opposition, that his backbench started making noise about his leadership style.

"The PN underestimated itself," Borg Olivier says in a reference to the government's track record. "There were people from inside the PN who discredited the party. If you have a chorus it can be difficult to control who is singing from different score sheets. The audience starts to get annoyed and leaves. That's what happened in the PN."

The PN drafted in outside help from its former secretary-general Joe Saliba, although Borg Olivier says that it is he who was responsible for the electoral campaign. "When you take responsibility for the [electoral] result, it does not mean that the result is totally attributed to you," Borg Olivier said in a proviso, suggesting that other people inside the PN and government were to blame for its dismal performance.

Borg Olivier said the PN should now still be guided by its same values but change the way it operates. "The Opposition must first look towards the national interest... a secretary-general must put effective dialogue at the centre of the party's work, as a party that is open."

The Nationalist candidate did not rule out politics altogether. "The PN is my natural home. I won't abandon it."

Emmanuel Mallia
Stop bluffing ! You are the same like Simon & Gonzi, very hard to believe and unconvincing, not knowing what you are talking about.!! It is more convincing everyday, that top PN officials are just puppets of those who have and probably still manipulate the party behind everybody's back. The chosen contestant for the leadership have the blessing, and will be the anointed of those two manipulators at the backseat, except, probably, one. Have you heard net news lately ? The same rhetoric, meaningless, issues.
Of course PBO was never part of a clique. The clique did not want him as a member. Let it go PBO, your party's arrogance made a major part of the writing on the wall!
Hallina trid PBO ....issa troppo tardi , blame everyone except yourself , the great lawrence..his key chain RCC and pet dog Tonio the clock collector and Austin Powers who for some reason has completely vanished fom the face of the earth , mind you with all the money he managed to rack up over the years ...ask his son ( microsoft and a restaurant to mention 2 !!! you don't blame him and he must be having a laugh in Gozo or Zurich !! . To conclude .....the whole lot of you screwed up the PN and you are going to be in opposition for much longer than you think . Adieu and good riddance PBO .
Minn naha ta' wara beda' jhares il-PN.... u anki minn hemm harget l'istrategija tieghu!
... looked inwards in there PaNts! That is from where their ideas came from!
Of course the PN in Government was hijacked. There is no other word for it. Jean Pierre Farrugia said it, so did Robert Arrigo, JPO, Mugliett and Franco Debono who described this as a hijack by the Oligarchic arrogant Clique of GonziPN composed of RCC, Austin Gatt, Tonio Fenech, Simon Busuttil, Lou Bondi, Peppi Azzopardi, the unnamed lady, and a very limited few more who not only harmed the PN into oblivion but the whole of the Maltese People as well. At least 5 Government members of Parliament had described this as a hijack and so it was. By the way it is still hijacked and will continue to be hijacked because the present PN members in opposition simply have not learnt their lesson.
Priscilla Darmenia
wara kulhadd bravu. il-poplu kien ilu 'l-fuq minn sena jejdilkom imma inthom webbistu raskom u injorajtu it-twissijiet.
What a load of tripe and trolly bags. So it was everone's fault, except his and the clique he's trying to protect!
The problem is that so many PN members of parliament declared that the top leadership had been taken over that it must have been true. Too many excuses, the problem was one of style of leadership.
I fear that if the same persons are elected as leaders of the party, the same fatal mistakes will keep on happening. PBO's comments reflect a serious fault in the way the PN leadership worked. If the same persons are re-elected, then we will have the same operations - just under a new face!
If PBO is being honest,his arguments expose the total ignorance of why the PN lost the last election. The fact that he is implying that backbencher's dissent was the root cause of the defeat clearly shows that he is in the clouds. At this point in time, with the accumulated experience from the humiliating defeat, he should look back and ask himself why he did not listen to their arguments and act on them. Maybe if he did, the gap between the parties would not have been 36000 and the defeat not so humiliating.
Emmanuel Mallia
Why you and your colleagues remain silent about future involvement of Gatt & RCC ? Are they waiting for the right moment to act and grip again? Is Gatt not responsible for the landslide defeat ?. Strange, but true !!
Dr. Paul Borg Olivier: ghaliex ma taqrax il-blogs li nikteb jien fuq il-frame-up ta' missieri (Karm Grima ILLUM,jew MaltaToday jew Times) biex tara jekk hemmx klikka li trid tahbi bl-OMERTA' u tihhajgaggja lil min imexxi biex jinheba l-passat ikrah ta' Dr. EFA u ta'Dr. de Marco.Jien ridt nirranga b'semplici stqarrija(kellem lil Dr. Chris Said fuq hekk) imma il-klikka (ghalija masonajka) ma hallitux nahseb u beza sa anke dawritu nahseb jien biex ma johrogx ghal leader tal-Patit biex de Marco ikun kwazi uncontested.
Yes - but not only! ... How about not keeping your electoral promises? Some of which were made before every election without even any evidence of trying to fulfill them? ... How about the corruption, some of which is surfacing now - much more to come no doubt! ... You gave thevimpression you did not care about anything or anyone as long as you stayed in government - including your own MPs! ... How can you claim everything was going well when so many of your own debuties turned against you?!? ... One or two one can attribute to their bad selves, but when as PBO says it was an "orchestra" of them then probably it was time for the conductor to stop and reflect if maybe he himself was the problem!
Paul Sammut
Ser idumu jibqaw joholqu l-iskuzi? Ahjar iharsu wahda fil-mera u jhabtu ftit fuq sidirhom.