Judge throws out ‘vexatious’ constitutional reference by Degiorgio brothers
Court to decide on request to vary freezing order on former Progress Press chairman
Degiorgio phone taps not illegal, says Security Service chief
Afghan asylum seeker arrested at airport with fake papers, handed suspended sentence
Bank of Valletta cash freeze challenged in court
No bail for fake charity collector who targeted elderly
Suspended sentence for keying inspector's BMW
Court & Police
Matthew Agius
Prison guards charged with involuntary homicide of Kim Borg Virtu
Court denies Jamie Vella bail request
Court & Police
Matthew Agius
Court confirms garnishee on man convicted of circulating pornographic video of minor
Yorgen Fenech accuses police of 'destroying exculpatory evidence' in Caruana Galizia murder case
Boss threatened migrant worker not to call ambulance ‘unless he wanted to go to prison’
Pitbulls who savaged elderly woman to death had fighting scars, court told
Homeowner detained would-be burglar until police's arrival, court told
Cleaner who robbed clients' homes, jailed for three years
‘Strange’ that dementia patient had not testified in her rape case, court says, as accused granted bail
Court orders retrial of company director jailed for scaffolding collapse that paralysed teenager
Bastjan Dalli claims rights’ breach over 12-year asset freeze
Company director denies ex-girlfriend's rape charge
Judge declares prosecutions by the Principal Immigration Officer to be illegal
Court declares Degiorgios’ pre-trial detention is in ‘public interest’
Constitutional Court confirms Keith Schembri freezing order breached his rights
More witnesses testify in Adrian Hillman case
Court & Police
Matthew Agius
Maksar brothers claim Vince Muscat Presidential pardon breached their human rights
Russian denied golden passport gets €4,000 over court delays
Thief who stole pouch containing €350 jailed
Court & Police
Matthew Agius
Landmark ruling on Degiorgio taps reins in MSS but puts in doubt murder evidence
George Degiorgio asks court to declare Security Services Act unconstitutional
University of Malta stands fast on postgraduate law admission requirements
Court to see CCTV and mobile phone data relating to injured worker dumped on roadside
Mellieħa hotel CEO, contractor charged over asbestos exposure
Court press room gets facelift as part of wider refurbishment works
Customs seize €11,000 worth of contraband cigarettes in first nine months
Migrant caught with nine grams marijuana to be deported
George Degiorgio awarded €10,000 over unauthorised phone taps
Yorgen Fenech money laundering: BOV request to testify behind closed doors refused
Hunter's prison conviction for shooting protected eagle overturned
Cannabis grower's case to be decided by magistrate, not judge
Men cleared of causing €3,200 damage to rental boat
Man cleared of receiving stolen TVs after court rules he could not have known they were stolen