Motorcyclist grievously injured in Coast Road crash
Man grievously injured in Mdina accident
Court & Police
Staff Reporter
Two youths injured in crash, one in danger of dying
Right of reply: Police carried out proper court prosecution
Court hears policewoman’s tearful account of attack by traffic warden
Almost 80% of last year’s hold-ups remain unsolved
Almost 80% of last year’s hold-ups remain unsolved
Almost 80% of last year’s hold-ups remain unsolved
Police warn of ‘necessary action’ as officers remain unpaid for CHOGM overtime
Syrian family and Maltese landlord arraigned over Tarxien fracas
Call for applications for police constables opens
Updated | Police officer attacked during road checks
Frenchman, Briton charged with assaulting police officers
Independent schools urge police to manage their traffic
[WATCH] PN’s Siggiewi party club debt 'question of disagreements in valuation of works'
French sailor admits to drunken assault on police
Two arrested after Ta' Xbiex hold-up
Court & Police
Staff Reporter
Sliema pedestrian, 84, grievously injured by car
Court & Police
Staff Reporter
Updated | Magistrate's instinct is proved correct by bomb hoax arrest
Police deny claims it refused to investigate illegal trapping
Party tiff over police HQ suicide
Dependants of police officers killed in line of duty to receive pensionable emoluments
New border control technology for Malta's police force
Police to pay less tax on extra duty
Gabriel Schembri
Hero police who saved family from fire wins officer of the year award
Updated|Body of a man found in reservoir in Gozo
’12-year-old boy spotted driving BMW for third time’
30-year-old flees apartment by jumping off the balcony
€1,750 fine for motorist who ignored traffic lights, insulted police
€1,750 fine for motorist who ignored traffic lights, insulted police
Gaming shop operators vent frustration over hold ups
Welshman fined, handed suspended sentence after punching police officer
Update 5 | Glass banister at Paceville club breaks: 74 hospitalized, teen in critical condition
Suspended sentence for Swede who assaulted three police officers
Eritrean charged with injuring, threatening police officer
Nigerian who injured Sergeant Major 'sorry' for actions
Sergeant Major sustains injuries to his face in attack
New budgetary measures to strengthen Police work
The word ‘custody’ has a meaning
Raphael Vassallo
Updated | Man in drug arrest commits suicide at Police depot