Mario Micallef: ‘I would have loved to be a professional footballer or a piano player’
Nicole Azzopardi: ‘I like to sleep in a lot. Don’t try to get me early out of bed on a day off!’
Joseph Debrincat: ‘Unfortunately, it’s common in the artistic field for people to discourage others’
Ian Moore: ‘Don’t wait for your boat to come in, swim out to it’
Johanna Barthet: ‘Best advice I’ve ever received? Don’t sweat the small stuff’
Francesco Nicodeme: 'Most expensive thing I've ever bought? Shoes... that I wore only twice!'
Anna Grima: ‘Live while you have life to live. Love while you have love to give’
Philip Leone-Ganado: ‘Tried walking to Santiago de Compostela. Got injured a week in. Reaching it is going to be an obsession until I get there.’
Michela Farrugia: ‘Guilty pleasure? True Crime and ABBA’
Peter Galea: ‘Life’s a journey and we choose a perspective lens to look at it. It’s never what you think’
Ryan Hili: ‘My biggest inspiration are the people who push me to be the best version of myself’
Ricky Bugeja: ‘I wish I knew how to speak up more. I was a very shy kid and it never helped’
Anna Nightingale: ‘Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it’
Ray Calleja: ‘Time-travel? I’d go to Ancient Egypt. Ideally when things were calm. No drama please!’
Francesca Lauri: ‘I watched the new West Side Story and I cried. Bernstein’s music is just incredible’
Tyrone Grima: ‘I believe that there is a living source that generates love’
Antoine Farrugia: ‘Everyone has experiences to share. I can learn something from everyone I meet’
Bettina Paris: ‘Endings come just as fast as beginnings’
Sean Buhagiar: ‘Time flies. Fast. So, love’
Sarah Demicoli: ‘My worst habit is falling asleep halfway through a movie’
Gabriel Buttigieg: ‘I can describe myself as being happy so far. I’m fulfilling my life’s purpose’
Jayne Giordanella: ‘Becoming an actor in my 40s has been a long road but not giving up is a life lesson’
Katel Delia: ‘I like knitting! Even if doesn’t sound fashionable’
Paul Borg: ‘We should always be kind to one another, we’ve no idea what people are going through’
Cher Camilleri: ‘Fake Ophelia’s debut album is on repeat. An impressive local album’
Anton Saliba: ‘I think the last time I cried was at the end of Paddington 2’
Lucienne Camilleri: ‘I’m a resilient perfectionist... and an addictive theatre-goer!’
Dmitry Ishkhanov: ‘Opening new pieces is like following the journey of a protagonist’