Carina Camilleri: ‘When I’m drunk I’m fun, dance a lot, I become even more outspoken – trouble!’
Julia Balzan: ‘I’m absolutely obsessed with Billie Ellish. I can watch her interviews for hours’
Immanuel Mifsud: If there’s something you don’t want the whole world to know, tell it to no one
James Vella Bardon: ‘I’d have dinner with the late Fernand Braudel, the world’s greatest historian’
Ruth Portelli: ‘Time waits for no one. I wish I had invested more in childhood adventures’
Clara Farrugia: ‘Overwhelmed with happiness and positive emotions, sometimes I even end up crying’
Rebecca Camilleri: ‘So much stuff seems so important when you’re younger… it stops when you get older’
Louis Briffa: ‘For me, writing poems is a calvary of sincerity’
Vladyslava Kravchenko: ‘Time travel? 19th century, to experience an era without technology’
Maxine Aquilina: ‘I would go right back to the dinosaur days. Just to see them’
Brad James: ‘Seeing the Northern Lights has always been on my bucket list’
Thomas Camilleri: ‘My most treasured possession? My health’
Jo Caruana: ‘I’d take great pleasure using a huge stun gun, protecting wild animals from poachers’
Davinia Hamilton: ‘My guiltiest pleasure? I never feel guilty about pleasure’
John Montanaro: ‘I have so many interests and hobbies, the biggest challenge is to find time for all of it’
Scott Dixon: ‘I am very emotional. Inside this rough, tough exterior is a real man’
Chiara Hyzler: 'Everything has its time and happens for a reason'
Jerome Gabarretta: ‘You can’t control the outcome, but you can control your effort’
Louiselle Vassallo: ‘Kindness is key. Pay it forward, I say’
Philippa Cassar | 'It’s okay not to fit into a pre-existing box'
Kris Spiteri: 'Diligent, sarcastic and I guess, krispi'
Chiara Siracusa: ‘Never judge a book by its cover, most times people have reasons for their actions’
Antonio Flores: 'I want to create a legacy – I want to challenge the status quo in Malta'
Erika Galea: 'Never wish anything upon others that you do not wish upon yourself'
Wayne Flask: ‘I don’t dig influencers. I’m not swayed by keyboard wisdom’
Alan Paris: ‘After this show… a mime artist. We’ve laughed so much in rehearsal’
Tezara Saliba: ‘Never mould yourself into another version of yourself to please others’
Ryan Falzon: ‘Life ain’t fair, and nothing sharpens you up like hate’