Dan Ganado: 'Being there for my loved ones when they needed it most'
​Maria Daniela Camilleri: 'If you put your mind to it, everything can be achieved'
Lisa Baldacchino: 'Nothing is impossible'
Henry Falzon: 'Life is intrinsically unfair, learn to live with that and make the best of it'
Victor Jacono: 'Never take important decisions when emotions are high, especially when angry'
Dorian Mallia: 'Practice makes permanent, not perfect!'
Nicole Sciberras: 'Keep persevering and working hard to achieve what you want'
Trevor Diacono: 'The best advice I’ve received is to stay true to my artistic vision and not be swayed by external expectations'
Kelly Peplow: 'Who’s my inspiration? Anyone brave enough to go after their dreams'
Jason Scerri: 'I never leave the house without perfume – I would feel naked without it!'
Daniel Borg: 'Complex things are made from simple ones'
Mark Camilleri: 'Nobody can make you happy until you are happy with yourself'
Cathy Lawlor: 'To proactively take control of the things you can and let go of the things outside of your control'
Justine Bezzina: 'Always be humble and happy with what you have'
Karl Schembri: ‘Do your utmost to be the best version of yourself, any time and everyday’
Matt Thompson: 'Seize the day as things can change in an instant'
Denise Mulholland: 'Best advice I've ever received? You make your own sandwiches'
Sarah Maria Scicluna: 'Everything is temporary, everything passes'
Martine Cutajar: 'My biggest challenge has definitely been building my confidence and believing that I am not inferior to others'
Colin Attard: 'Who's my inspiration? Artistically speaking, it is my uncle, the late Mro Joseph Vella'
Stelios Pittas: 'My biggest challenge? Combining my professional work as an accountant with my music career'
Nikki Cassar: 'Live in the present – the future is not guaranteed'
Thea Gauci: 'My favourite food? There is no doubt that my preferred food is pasta, prepared with any variety of sauce
Sasha Vella: 'That life is meant to be lived, not survived. And that it is in itself worth living'
Clare Ghigo: 'Who’s your inspiration? Nature and peace.'
Tiziana Calleja: 'Who would you most like to meet? Beyoncé. She does inspire me'
Graham Pellegrini: 'Everything happens for a reason, and you should always trust in the process'
Kelsey Bellante: Best advice? Love yourself first as you have yourself for the rest of your life