Abela says Bulebel local plan will be modified to protect agricultural land
Grech warns Abela of coalition forming against him, as Abela calls on voters to retain their power
Employers' lobbies note 'serious concern' over Abela's statements on Vitals inquiry
The lion that can’t roar too loudly
Ewropej 2024
James Debono
The Prime Minister’s dangerous game
Abela avoids Muscat charges, Grech urges people to vote PN at party events
NGOs condemn Malta prime minister’s hostile speech on Vitals inquiry magistrate
Bernard Grech blasts Abela for fanning the flames and attacking journalists
[WATCH] PM says Fearne remains Malta nominee for EU commissioner despite charges
Opposition walks out of parliament after Speaker rules against urgent debate on hospitals inquiry
Student organisations condemn attacks on judiciary
Apocalypse now!
Saviour Balzan
Abela says June's elections will reflect what kind of country the electorate wants
Cartoon: 05 May 2024
Grech says Abela threw previous Labour cabinet under the bus
[WATCH] Abela 'will not take inquiry’s verdict’ on whether to accept Fearne resignation
Abela downplays Vitals inquiry comments: ‘The timing is what undermines the judiciary’
Abela tells supporters to avoid provocation at Workers’ Day rally
Muscat: From Abela’s millstone to trump card?
Election Playbook: Protecting your Vitals
Ewropej 2024
Nicole Meilak
Why is the Prime Minister unleashing a dangerous dog?
[WATCH] Abela claims ‘the establishment’ is using the Vitals inquiry to disrupt elections
Abela wants the record of the Vitals inquiry available to the public
Chamber tells PM to weigh his words: ‘You’re not just leader of the Labour Party’
[WATCH] Abela doubles down on ‘political terrorism’ remarks: Magistrate purposely chose start of election campaign to conclude inquiry
Abela warns judiciary not to engage in ‘political terrorism’
'Strength to the Maltese' – PL launches MEP campaign
[WATCH] Abela unsatisfied with resources for entities policing construction sector
EV registrations up 7%, more charging points planned - Abela
Abela reiterates importance of Gaza ceasefire as Israel mulls Iran retaliation
Prime Minister inaugurates local pharmaceutical company's expansion
Abela urges electorate to recognise significance of upcoming MEP, local council elections
Prime Minister discusses strategic priorities with EC President during Vienna visit
Around 1,000 FSWS workers to benefit from new collective agreement
[WATCH] Abela: Politicians should take a step back in discussions on abortion
Abela: Cross-party convergence on President shows Labour can lead the way on national unity
[ANALYSIS] Underdog no more: Labour’s strong but tenuous lead
[WATCH] ABBA leader pelts eggs at Robert Abela during Freedom Day speech
Robert Abela tells Labour supporters: ‘We are the movement of love and peace’
Saying sorry is not easy
Michael Falzon