PN says news of possible second interconnector vindicates party's energy strategy
[WATCH] PN gears up for election with document that will pave way for manifesto
PN marks May 1st with pledge to workers
Hackers want €5,000 for hacked PN data before Thursday deadline
PN calls for free IVF medication
Matthew Agius
PN proposes 7% VAT for bars and restaurants in tourism recovery proposals
Cyber criminals give PN ultimatum to 'communicate and cooperate' • Magisterial inquiry underway
PN says information database targeted in cyber-attack
Grech’s party: a political appendix needs surgery
PN candidates call for Carmelo Abela’s resignation but avoid questions on Toni Bezzina
[ANALYSIS] Why is Labour’s lead so unassailable?
PN calls for wider consultation on Air Malta before 'substantial' changes take place
Roselyn Borg Knight and the PN's broken record: 'I expected better survey results'
PN says Labour Party must apologise for wrongdoing
PN reiterates stand in favour of decriminalising cannabis possession
PN calls for psychosocial support for healthcare workers
Updated | Egrant inquiry should be revisited after arraignment of Nexia BT partners - PN
[WATCH] PN MPs want urgent parliamentary debate after criminal charges against Keith Schembri
Testimony shows Robert Abela lied when he said no politician implicated in journalist’s murder, PN says
PN warns changes to Interpretation Act are unconstitutional, asks minister to withdraw Bill
Police union declares industrial dispute after government refuses quarantine leave for officers
PN proposes gender audit of parliamentary structures on International Women's Day
Repubblika, PN call for Johann Buttigieg resignation following Yorgen Fenech revelations
[WATCH] Gender corrective mechanism will remove obstacles faced by women in their political journey – Bernard Grech
PN demands immediate and uncensored publication of Schembri-Hillman money laundering inquiry
[WATCH] Bernard Grech calls for independent inquiry into COVID vaccination programme
[ANALYSIS] ‘Bring it on’: why PN leader Bernard Grech has gone into election mode
‘Bad governance piling pressure on public health’, PN says over COVID handling
'Uphold EU directives on nature and bird protection,' BirdLife tells Bernard Grech
PN COVID action team insists government must implement more efficient vaccine roll out
PN accuses government of holding up discussion on Castille journalist lock-up report
Inside the PN’s 30-year plan for electricity generation
‘We want to exit pandemic so that we can go for an election,’ Bernard Grech says
PN formally abandons disciplinary action against Simon Busuttil in symbolic gesture
Prime Minister's inaction on Rosianne Cutajar leading to impunity, PN says
PN says Edward Scicluna’s appointment as CBM governor raises reputational concerns
[WATCH] Make use of pharmacy infrastructure for better vaccine roll out, Grech tells government
[WATCH] Bernard Grech denies PN is purging Delia loyalists despite turmoil in local committees
Bernard Grech: where’s the alternative on environmental protection? Mark Sultana
Bernard Grech: where’s the alternative on environmental protection? Mark Sultana