​Martina Darmanin: 'I cannot stand people who are not invigorated by life'
Joanne Camilleri: 'Stay focused and be true to yourself'
Matthew Attard: 'That it is ok to make mistakes, or rather, that it is impossible not to make them'
​Jo Dounis: 'Accept life’s ups and downs and don’t give up'
Ruben Formosa: 'Best advice I’ve ever received? Still waiting for it'
Matthew Joseph Casha: ‘Work hard at what you can change, avoid worrying about what you can’t control’
Natassja Chapman: 'Focus your energy on the things you can control. Let go of anything else'
Neville Refalo: 'To always try to do your best in whatever you do. Whatever the result, you will never regret what you have done'
Sara Gauci: 'My greatest achievement? Being able to work with so many people that I look up to'
Dorothy Bezzina: 'We either make ourselves miserable, or we make ourselves strong'
Louis Andrew Cassar: 'Never say never. Life can surprise you in the most unexpected ways'
Aldo Zammit: 'I’m never guilty about things that give me pleasure, irrelevant of what they are'
Luisa Fenech Conti: 'Live. Say yes. Think differently'
​Andrea Pace: 'Balance – I think life may still be trying to teach me that one, in fact!'
Andrew E. Zarb: 'Do what you love not what other people think'
​TroffaĦamra: 'Live with few expectations, to enjoy life’s good surprises and deal with the bad ones'
Rosabelle Bianchi: 'Live your life to the full like there’s no tomorrow'
Ann-Marie Buckle: 'Keep on trying, dreaming big, work hard and don’t give up'
Kurt Gabriel Meli: 'Another person’s success is not your failure'
Natascha Chircop: 'Be humble, there is always something new to learn. Don’t criticise, look at yourself first'
Antoine Paul Camilleri: 'To succeed in art one must always experiment and create new methods and designs'
Monique Dimech Genuis: 'Life is too short; do anything you want to do and don’t have any regrets'
Peter Seychell: 'It’s useless worrying over stuff you have no control over'
​Marceline Galea: 'People may or may not remember what you were wearing, but they will definitely remember how you treated them'
Jayne Giordanella: 'Best advice I've ever received? Don’t be complacent'
Toni Attard: 'Be kind to yourself. You’re doing your best and that’s enough'
Christian Bartolo Burlo: 'One thing I wished I knew when I was younger? That everything will be okay in the end'
Joyce Camilleri: 'Everyone is replaceable in the workplace; quality is another story'