Bernard Grech defends opening Mosta square to cars on weekends, calls for consultation
Updated | Opposition leader requests urgent parliamentary discussion on Edward Scicluna
Malta needs 'a clean leadership', Bernard Grech states
MAM, PN say government ‘misled’ the public in announcing opening of new Mater Dei Hospital ward
‘Fires do not start on their own’: PN wants Dalli to explain what led to Gozo power outage
PN blames government incompetence for power outages, promises investment in grid
Workplace health and safety Bill approved unanimously
[WATCH] Judge dismisses PN’s request for court to force State Advocate to recover Vitals money
Bernard Grech slams government's reckless squandering of taxpayer funds
[WATCH] Alex Borg: ‘The PN won back Gozo because the PL failed Gozitans’
PN to file parliamentary motion on police commissioner appointment in coming days
Cabinet reiterates faith in Chris Fearne, blasts PN for partisan stance
PN to propose amendments to legal notice that establishes Xjenza Malta
PN blasts government for ignoring the crisis it created in MCAST
PN calls on Byron Camilleri to clarify allegations regarding prison official on forced leave
[WATCH] Michael Piccinino: ‘We have sown the seed of hope’
'Angelo Gafa's appointment as Police Commissioner must not be renewed' - PN
PN says Enemalta failed to carry out maintenance with minimal effect
Bernard Grech: 'We're on the right path and nothing will stop us'
Local councils elections: Grech urges 'unity and respect' as PN reduces Labour's lead by 27,000
Hobson’s choice or waiting for Godot?
PN condemns Abela’s ‘intimidation’ of public sector workers over election result
‘Abela is allergic to the truth’: Bernard Grech
'Now everyone knows who the people's traitors are' - Bernard Grech
Robert Abela gets out the vote, shrugs off Vitals inquiry as 'PN's only manifesto'
[WATCH] Abela blames PN for 'persecuting' residents of Siġġiewi social housing
A vote for any non-PN candidate is a vote for Labour – Bernard Grech
Disillusioned youth: Young people and our lack of political choices
Bernard Grech claims Muscat and Abela have the Vitals inquiry, calls for its publication
Prime Minister, State Advocate clash over Vitals inquiry in PN civil damages case
An intrepid juggler
Michael Falzon
PN convenes social partners meeting to discuss 'delicate' state of affairs in Malta
PM Abela has isolated himself in a corner he walked into - Bernard Grech
'Our country is calling us, let us answer that call' - Bernard Grech urges electorate to vote on June 8
PN calls on BOV to clarify position on €36 million loan to Steward
Bernard Grech blasts Abela for fanning the flames and attacking journalists
Bernard Grech slams 'the real establishment', calls for publication of hospitals inquiry
Former PN councillor says he was sidelined after refusing to join splinter faction
PN threatens legal action should AG fail to publish Vitals inquiry
Bernard Grech: ‘PN is the only shield workers have’